Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Injuries are freak accidents, but April he played the most mpg of his entire career, obviously at age 34. And when you are playing through other injuries, the body tends to overcompensate somewhere else so while you can never really predict injuries, it's certainly not an ideal set of circumstances.

Well said. Part of the responsibility of the head coach is to manage your players. What player actually wants to come out of a game. It's not an easy decision, but that separates good from great coaching. You gotta protect the players, sometimes from themselves. Obviously Kobe pushed and pushed until his body called it quits. So there's blame to be had all around, even with management...if Mike truly felt he couldn't sit Kobe because he had bums, why not grab Delonte? Why not Kenyon? 10 day contracts? It's not just one person's fault IMO.
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Man, I'm in NYC and am already sick of this Kobe coverage. They talking like he died on the court or something. Bringing all his teammates to analyze the situation, I mean damn, c'mon.

Who are you again?!?...
xBuddha Blessx

What makes it so craptactular and annoying is they have nothing new to report. Just sensationalizing the situation to gain viewers I guess or completely over blow a situation. Probably will be dealing with this all next week unfortunately.
Man, I'm in NYC and I am already sick of this Kobe coverage. They talking like he died on the court or something. Bringing all his former teammates to analyze the situation, I mean damn, c'mon.

im avoiding espn and nba tv til the playoffs :lol:
I was getting ready for this Memphis game and I did not think we'd get a half hr of Kobe before the pregame :lol: :smh:
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That's what you are on here for? LOL! For likes?

Bruh posts a whole wall of texts of nonsense almost shutting my phone down trying to scroll plus it's a thread on it already, smh! But nobody likes me, *tickled*

Aight Man. Gladly about to use this ignore feature.Never done it before, but whatever. 100.
Phil Jackson [emoji]10004[/emoji] @PhilJackson11

Kobe wasn’t going to let the Lakers miss the playoffs. We watched him go thru 3 anguishing plays-the last one devastating…
Phil Jackson [emoji]10004[/emoji] @PhilJackson11

if he had gone to the bench after the 2nd mishap? Like Rose of The Bulls one can guess, but what’s done is done. Reality not maybe is zen
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