Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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^^^Wasn't the investigation dropped on the child porn thing? IDC either way, because he's still a POS to me, but I thought I heard that.
yea and the sex ring was alledged....the only thing which is true is coke and meth...and him skipping out/leaving mandatory rehab violation of parole etc....So overall most said he was a good teammate, a hardworker and give 110%. If you hate his erradic behavior and drug use... man lol im taking you dislike a TON of professional athletes.
Damn didn't realize we get Houston and OKC after this game too 
Jennings is balling for real. And Chalmers is a real good defensive player but he's getting killed right now.

C'mon TNT with the Shaq video :x :smh:
So that's how the league's gonna deal with it?

We're just gonna pretend like Birdman isn't a pos human being that has no right to be on a professional team again?
Heroin, PCP, sex rings and child porn. He was banned from the league. And now they're sweeping it under the rug, since I guess this is America's team now.

Any other team and he would be the biggest story.
The child porn thing was washed out because he wasnt doing it. The drugs, eh every other league lets it go on, what makes the NBA any different. 
Nothing wrong with someone who has dealt with and recovered from substance abuse. The other thing, yeah.... That's bad but why isn't be in jail for it ( honest question)?
^^^Wasn't the investigation dropped on the child porn thing? IDC either way, because he's still a POS to me, but I thought I heard that.
yea and the sex ring was alledged....the only thing which is true is coke and meth...and him skipping out/leaving mandatory rehab violation of parole etc....So overall most said he was a good teammate, a hardworker and give 110%. If you hate his erradic behavior and drug use... man lol im taking you dislike a TON of professional athletes.
I don't hate him. Do all the heroin you want. The sexual allegations are all your own legal business. But to swing all the way the other way to where not a word has been said about any of it, by anyone and they're giving puff pieces on him... Let him go to NY or LA and see how quick it's all common knowledge.

I thought he already had his last strike is all.
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