Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Dat struggle for the Celtic's offense.

Series looking more and more like a Knicks swept with each game.
Now you swinging too far the other way.

Don't be so sensitive, we just messin...I think.

And aint a damn Knick fan mad right now....look at the Celtics.

LOOK at them.


If we lose, it's open season on you, doe.
 I don't care how the Knicks do.

The Celtics are a damn joke. Feel bad for them, borderline Lakers status with how hard they scrapped to get to the post season only to get worked
You guys stop quoting this guy iamjusayin. Dude Says the dumbest stuff ever. Kobe bryant paid the guy on rockets to injure westbrook? Seriously?
Is melo still not a superstar smh
No he is not. Lets not become prisoners of the moment here.

I wanted to see them win one for the city but I loathe the Celtics, and I have a separate hate for KG and PP so I'm enjoying this greatly. Hopefully they both retire and go out as being losers.
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