Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Catching some action at the drew league right now and I'm baffles as to how gilbert arenas wasn't on someone's team this past season.

Dude still has it. Granted there are only a few pros on the floor but the competition is very high level, full of mid and high major D1 guys and he's frying them man.

I miss GA :lol:

i hate when people bring Gil up :frown:

makes me so sad
i hate when people bring Gil up :frown:
makes me so sad
I remember the good old dayz when Gil Gil used to shoot threes and turn around not even look and see if it went in and throw his arms up, verizon center used to go crazy for that ****
Besides Popovich...

Who would you guys say are the Top 3 Coaches in the NBA with the most Job Security right now?
Coaches that we know ain't gonna be fired anytime soon...

I would say:

1) Thibs
2) Vogel
3) Mark Jackson
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I think Doc is a pretty good coach.

Mark, as of right now, seems to be more of like a motivational guy than a coach IMO. Thibbs is great. I give Vogel credit even though right now I totally hate his guts lmao.
Wait...I've gone through the past couple pgs and I've noticed there's been more talk about BRON for some reason I'm I lost?!? I get he's the MVP but damnnnn where's the other big 2...that big 3 name needs to be buried in the desert in Nazareth. Wade 10pts Bosh 5pts yesterday I mean c'mon that's crazy at this point of the playoffs....what's even scary is they went 7gms with Indy I can't even imagine the Spurs like whose checking Parker n Duncan haha let alone Coach Pop....with wade being 50% I hate to say it that repeat ain't happening.
Wasn't meant to be who is the BEST coach...
Just meant who has the least chance of leaving their current team anytime soon.

I would bring up Lionel, but he looks like he might be out the door.
Doc as well...thus why i didnt bring him up.
if the heat would get eliminated in the playoffs at all this year why would there be any Lebron slander/hate??

Hes doing his damn thing and hasnt had a bad game yet besides 2 turnovers in game 2 vs pacers...

IM confused?

Wouldnt the hate go towards the guys who are not stepping up or the coach for not adjusting?

Or is NT like twitter? Younger generation just picks apart the most popular/best person in every sport or music and makes memes and trashes them for the heck of it?
@ralphcif: some notes for dwyane wade:
@ralphcif: scottie pippen closing out knicks in '91 - 21/11/5/4/3
@ralphcif: scottie closing out sixers in '91 - 28/8/6 (72% shooting). closing out pistons in '91 - 23/6/10/3. closing out lakers in '91 - 32/13/7/5
@ralphcif: scottie closing out heat in '92 - 31/8/5. closing out knicks in '92 - 17/11/11/3 (game 7). closing out cavs in 92 - 29/15/5/4/4
@ralphcif: scottie closing out blazers in '92 - 26/5/4
@ralphcif: scottie closing out miami in '96 - 22/18/10. closing out knicks in '96 - 15/11/2/5. closing out seattle in '96 - 17/8/5/4
Kd got blamed, the blame, bron would get the blame. We never pick apart jr regular season smith for ny losing we bash melo for chucking and even giving them a chance.
They really fined Roy Hibbert 75? Thats overboard
well he did call all the reporters mf'ers
he did his best kg impersonation, lol
dude did drop no homo and tweeted jason collins for some reason afterwards to explain himself :lol:
Catching some action at the drew league right now and I'm baffles as to how gilbert arenas wasn't on someone's team this past season.

Dude still has it. Granted there are only a few pros on the floor but the competition is very high level, full of mid and high major D1 guys and he's frying them man.

I miss GA :lol:

Who were to pros there? Any news on any pros showing up this year? Hopefully hoopmixtape or ballislife will have some good footage/highlights.
Wait...I've gone through the past couple pgs and I've noticed there's been more talk about BRON for some reason I'm I lost?!? I get he's the MVP but damnnnn where's the other big 2...that big 3 name needs to be buried in the desert in Nazareth. Wade 10pts Bosh 5pts yesterday I mean c'mon that's crazy at this point of the playoffs....what's even scary is they went 7gms with Indy I can't even imagine the Spurs like whose checking Parker n Duncan haha let alone Coach Pop....with wade being 50% I hate to say it that repeat ain't happening.

Yup... no arguing with that. Unless all of a sudden Wade and Bosh have a good game and have a great series against SA. And I mean a GREAT series. Like Wade having 22-26 5 5 and Bosh have 16-19 and 8 lol. BUT... as much as a fan I am for Miami, for them to be able to turn around from such a terrible series and level of play from them to producing like their All-Star levels in such stark night and day levels is probably unlikely to happen. Especially with Wade's knees. But who knows, maybe the basketball gods will bless them lol.

And JD what's with those Scottie references? Basically showing Wade that he needs to play good in closeout games huh?
Wade doesn't know his role. I expect more of the same from him and I expect bosh to step up

So you expect more garbage from Wade? ):
And his role all season was to basically cut/get himself open and in good, efficient spots. Lol. Now he's taking contested stepback jumpers.
That Indiana defense man. He has to figure out a way to make himself more effective and productive. He has the capabilities to but last few games it's like he's mentally deferred to their defense and thrown in the towel and making LeBron carry his dead weight.
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