Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I thought about that too but then I got to this part.

Antidope hit the nail on the head.

Yeah.. so he's basically saying he needs/wants the team to help him get shots.
C'mon Wade. If you were actually making any (or even getting to the line consistently off your touches) then this wouldn't be happening. He keeps settling for contested stepback jumpers.

That must be your definition of creative..

U just tried to do the same thing someone else did earlier..

Dont rearrange my words to try to get your point across my dude..

Not a good look..

If youre gonna disagree, pull your britches up about it..


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^^^ That must be your definition of creative..

U just tried to do the same thing someone else did earlier..

Dont rearrange my words to try to get your point across my dude..

Not a good look..

If youre gonna disagree, pull your britches up about it..

With the things you say, you make sure you're never in a position to be proven wrong.
Yeah.. so he's basically saying he needs/wants the team to help him get shots.
C'mon Wade. If you were actually making any (or even getting to the line consistently off your touches) then this wouldn't be happening. He keeps settling for contested stepback jumpers.
Don't let this dudes turn you against your favorite player Drew. Don't you do that man. He's playing hurt. He's giving the team what he can. They can get him easier baskets if they made it a point of emphasis. Spo sucks as a coach though so imo that's not happening. See Chris Bosh camped out at the 3 point line for further details 
Oh, he's winning but they're losing? Okie dokie..

Could of sworn that he's losing the same games as his struggling teammates are..

Thusfore, if they're struggling and losing games, so is Debron..As a team. Theyre struggling..
Ive already elaborated on the "Debron" thing..

And Creative ways to hate the guy? FOH

Dont hate anyone, u dont get into heaven that way.

U cant be serious right? But as far as hating on him/them losing, you sir are correct..I love it..Im not a fan of the Heat. So why would I symphathize with him/them? I dont feel sorry for them losing lol..

Them Miami Vice stunt doubles are paper champs. Getting exposed..Get into a lil hot water and now Mr untouchable needs help..


Dnt worry, his ace boons Stern and Crawford got his back tho..Ive already said they'll win, and described how..So all thats left now to do is watch how it all unfolds..
well if nobody else on the team can put up 20 a night,you obviously need help right? you see how the knicks and okc got exposed with no reliable 2nd option, but its lebron james playing hes suppose to hit shots for them
With the things you say, you make sure you're never in a position to be proven wrong.

Kinda hard to be proven wrong when I speak the cold hard truth there bucko..

Whether u and/or whoever likes it or not, its the truth..

Why cant I speak on the truth? Bcuz u dont wanna hear it? Or bcuz u know its the truth AND u dont wanna hear it?

I dont come in this bball thread and troll my dude..Im being genuine about the things I say. Or I wouldnt say the things I say.

And I dont regret what I say. We're allowed to have opinions and speak on them, am I correct?

Dont like what Im saying, do what I do to u when u post, ignore me home boy..I'll be ok..

Thanks, youre the best.. :wink:
Everyone has to help me get easy buckets, I dont want to work for my baskets. All he had to say
Why must you keep it real man? Lol.
It has to suck seeing your favorite player going out like this man.Not just the way hes playing, but the way hes acting. I kinda feel bad for him too, he thought that he and LeBron would be equal partners throughout this whole thing, and yeah they were for the first two years then LeBron took the city from him. It was all good too when they were winning and he was playing subpar because it went largely unnoticed but now that hes playing like trash and the spotlight is on him he doesnt know how to act. Hes never had to deal with this before and instead of owning up to it, hes acting like a baby
Kinda hard to be proven wrong when I speak the cold hard truth there bucko..

Whether u and/or whoever likes it or not, its the truth..

Why cant I speak on the truth? Bcuz u dont wanna hear it? Or bcuz u know its the truth AND u dont wanna hear it?

I dont come in this bball thread and troll my dude..Im being genuine about the things I say. Or I wouldnt say the things I say.

And I dont regret what I say. We're allowed to have opinions and speak on them, am I correct?

Dont like what Im saying, do what I do to u when u post, ignore me home boy..I'll be ok..

Thanks, youre the best.. :wink:

Claiming that the NBA is rigged is not "Cold Hard Truth". You don't have legitimate proof.

If Miami gets any sort of 50/50 call in crunch time, stern was the reason.

If bosh and wade show up, you'll say Lebron doesn't need help, even though they've been bad almost the entire playoffs.

Heat lose, Lebron should've done more.

You'll have a dumb answer for any scenario
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Don't let this dudes turn you against your favorite player Drew. Don't you do that man. He's playing hurt. He's giving the team what he can. They can get him easier baskets if they made it a point of emphasis. Spo sucks as a coach though so imo that's not happening. See Chris Bosh camped out at the 3 point line for further details 
Haha you have a point. But man.. Until he starts looking like even 1/10 of the player I know he can be I won't be giving him any kind of pass. Hurt or not he's out there and has just got to play smarter and with just more effort.

And Antidope, it sure does suck to see him playing like this. He needs to get it together. He doesnt have to average 30 to make winning plays
Don't let this dudes turn you against your favorite player Drew. Don't you do that man. He's playing hurt. He's giving the team what he can. They can get him easier baskets if they made it a point of emphasis. Spo sucks as a coach though so imo that's not happening. See Chris Bosh camped out at the 3 point line for further details 


well if nobody else on the team can put up 20 a night,you obviously need help right? you see how the knicks and okc got exposed with no reliable 2nd option, but its lebron james playing hes suppose to hit shots for them

Black Migo, I preciate your grown man reply..

I get what you're saying, but for months now, #6 has been put on such a high pedestal, that when he's not doing what the Stans expect of him, all of a sudden he's looking human again and needing help..

I still dont agree with it..This is sposed to be the 5, 6, 7, ring champs right? They got all the pieces of the puzzle right? Well thats what the word was all over the tv screen and sports channels and bball threads etc during the streak and all these records breaking and the mvp title and etc hoopla..

When #6 threw those 2 TOs a few games ago in crunchtime, believe it or not, that was the real Debron..

The same Magic Johnson mentality having, pass in crunchtime etc Debron James. He hits a few game winners in the middle of the season and oh, he's done completed his all around game, he hit a game winner or 3...And a game winning layup in the PO's..Larry Bird Face to that..

As for injuries, still dont agree..Scottie played thru terrible back problems..Back problems to me are worse than knee problems, as Im down on my back as we speak..NO FUN..Spinal manipualtion and acupuncture etc and Im still in pain..So nah, doesnt apply..Dwade if youre hurt, sit down.
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Claiming that the NBA is rigged is not "Cold Hard Truth". You don't have legitimate proof.

If Miami gets any sort of 50/50 call in crunch time, stern was the reason.

If bosh and wade show up, you'll say Lebron doesn't need help, even though they've been bad almost the entire playoffs.

Heat lose, Lebron should've done more.

You'll have a dumb answer for any scenario

Claiming? Alegando?

FOH...Why do I have to have dumb answers my guy?

Ive already described the scenario..Check back a couple pages if u need to and come back to me.. :wink:
I mean if you want to say the league is rigged it would make the most sense for indy to get to the finals. the whole cba and lockout was about parity and figuring out a way for small market teams to compete to please the owners. nothing screams parity like indy vs san antone. Nba will make it's money from the ridiculous luxury tax so ratings aren't that important.

Miami trying to get to it's 3rd finals in as many years...not as easy as some teams make it look. 4 is even tougher so if the heat don't make significant changes it's curtains for them
Heat by 12. Close until some point in the second half. Bron scores 36. Chalmers has a huge game. They hit 3's. It's a whistle fest
Only way I see it being close if the heat come out tight bricking everything and looking shook, I expect that life or death frantic Miami defense and I don't see the pacers backcourt handling that at all.

Heat by 8, it's almost hard to lose a game 7 at home and Wade will have 20+ because of Indy turnovers.....Bron won't need more than 35 if that.
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