Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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What a stupid shot from Delfino. Absolutely zero basketball IQ shown on that play. C'mon son
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Perk is a terrible rebounder. He is still in because Brooks isn't a great coach and doesn't pay enough attention to detail. Perk is typically reliable from the line in these situations though.

Our subs tried to lose this game for us and KD had to come through and save the day as always and mask all the ails of the team and the coach

Aside from the bench, what other weaknesses does OKC have?
You saw in the finals we overhelp and give up a ****ton of open 3s, especially out the corner. Westbrook gambles defensively and gets silly/disinterested at times although he's mostly been locked in the last 6 games and is all NBA when he pays attention to it, ditto KD. As chronicled the bench sucks and almost always plays a negative, they can't stop anybody (especially the backcourt) and if Maynor doesn't play better soon (29%fg and 2 assists per isn't gonna cut it) he'll have to be addressed, as in benched and/or traded. Kevin Martin still isn't consistently a factor against good teams (only had 7 tonight), we give up offensive rebounds, ball still tends to stick at times, lead the league in turnovers or close (although we jumped from dead last to 7th in assists) and Scott Brooks's rotations and lack of timeouts at time always leave one scratching their head. Our strength of schedule has to deflate the value in our record somewhat. Scheduling Gods made it easy to start. But it seems funny listing all these "problems" that like 25 teams would kill to be in our position

That's why there's so much talk on the blogosphere about Varajeo. I would give Cleveland Perk, the Toronto pick (top 3 protected), the Charlotte pick (2nd rd, probably gonna be like 31), either of Jeremy Lamb and Perry Jones, and hell you can even have one of Maynor or Jackson for Varajeo and like Boobie Gibson. They might try to force Walton's ending contract into the deal. I probably still do it and just tell him go home.
Great play by James Harden. He got the ball poked away the previous possession so this time he long dribbles as he steps passed Artest which also draws the help and dishes to Greg Smith.
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This Greg Smith dude from the Rockets looks like a super sized Sebastian Telfair.
So true. 
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