Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Great job Brooks, let's sit both Durant and Westbrook at the same time and watch them comeback before making a change. That worked out so well in the finals
Wizards win
why didnt spoelstra call timeout and adv with 2 sec left. i know they down 4, but crazier things have happened. it's the wiz
I think Miami likes to let scrub teams have the lead just so they can practice making comebacks. been doing it the past 2+ seasons

glad the refs haven't been giving Harden those BS foul calls when he drives to the rack
Sergeballu LaMu Sayonga Loom Walahas Jonas Hugo Ibaka!

That sounds like something that would be said after a dunk in NBA Jam.
:lol: That's his real name. Those XX8s don't look so terrible on Russ except for when they zoom in and you can see how tall they are. Thunder could have also been more uniform with are we wearing navy shoes, white shoes, or black shoes.

And are players drinking Red Bull on the bench of it's just sponsored by them so they make the cups? I would assume the latter but I know people who like to hype up on energy drinks. :lol: Russ always cussin


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Miami's defense has been non-existent all year. 21st in the league coming into tonight and they just let the worst offensive team in the league put 105 on them.
Good call. Ironic the ability to even review this call was based on a Thunder game, against Portland IIRC
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