Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Rashidi ‏@Real2KInsider
How can ANYBODY say J.R. Smith or Jamal Crawford deserve to make the all-star team when JAMES HARDEN didn't even make it last year?
Billy Hunter, the executive director of the NBPA, may be dealing with the biggest threat to his job since he took over in 1996.

According to a report from Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports, Hunter never actually got the approval of the NBPA's player representatives for his latest contract extension, a five-year deal worth $15 million that he signed in 2010.

If the report is correct, Hunter would have violated the NBPA constitution, seriously jeopardizing his status as one of the most powerful men in the sport.

There has been widespread dissatisfaction throughout the union with the manner in which Hunter handled negotiations with David Stern and the NBA's owners during the last lockout, while his business practices with union finances, particularly in connection to members of his immediate family, have been under the microscope as well.

Hunter has so far been able to resist any attempts at his ouster, but it remains to be seen what the NBA rank and file will make of this latest development.

Report: Even after Hunter was warned by outside counsel that his contract was not proper, he still failed to raise matter with player reps.
4m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report recommends that player reps and executive committee decide at February 2013 All-Star meetings whether Hunter should continue in job.
6m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report states that "no serious question exists" that Hunter's contract was not properly approved. Hunter admitted this to investigators.
9m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report also blames president Derek Fisher, who signed off on Hunter's employment contract without the constitutionally required vote.
10m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Hall described in report as Hunter's "best friend" for 30 years. Union's player reps were not given opportunity to approve contract.
12m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report: The only lawyer involved in negotiation/approval of Hunter's employment contract was the late Gary Hall, former union counsel.
15m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report: Union funds also used to pay $28,000 in personal legal fees for Charles Smith, former exec. dir. of retired players association.
16m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Among the most jarring findings against Hunter: Report says he used union funds to give president Derek Fisher a $22,000 watch in June 2010.
18m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

In addition to failing to get proper approval for his 2010 employment contract, report cites several other areas of misconduct.
25m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report cites Hunter's failure to uphold union duties imposed by federal law and the state of Delaware, where the NBPA is incorporated.
27m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Report, online at , sites lack of "important systemic controls" at union and blames Hunter for their absence.
34m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

But report concludes Hunter "displayed poor judgment" and "paid little attention to the appearance of impropriety."
35m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

NBPA probe concludes "the evidence does not show that Mr. Hunter embezzled or stole money from the NBPA."
37m Ken Berger Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS

Backed by an avalanche of evidence, the firm concludes union "should consider whether Mr. Hunter should remain" as executive director."
Crawford and JR are not gonna be All-star I can guarantee it. I'm kinda surprised most of the TNT dudes voted Jennings over Irving though. I really think Irving has played a lot better than Jennings this yr.
Anyone think Duncan should of been all star starter instead of Blake?
This has been a terrific year for him.
Yea I know it's voted by fans...
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