Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Haha okay okay.
I do see where you're coming from especially with that whole Tim Donaghy thing.


Blue or Red, Neo??
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At least im telling yall now. If the heat somehow lose and indiana magically pulls this out I will be apart of that 50+ page lebron/miami slander. I kinda wish they would lose in the finals it would feel better but hey ill take what I can get with these dudes
I don't buy that Bosh is bothered by the physical play. He was playing the 5 when big men were still a high commodity in the league and was an automatic 20 and 10 when he was in TOR.

Bosh is fine at C but going up against Hibbert and West for 7 games is different than facing a random assortment of centers throughout the league. I'm not saying he can't deal with it but keeping those stronger guys off the boards is a problem for Bosh. Clearly. He's also not getting the chance to use his speed to his advantage. They aren't calling PnRs for him because Hibbert normally shuts down the paint when he's guarding the screener.
Lebrons cavs supporting cast is awesome in the regular season,

No, they were awful any time of the year. Miami's is legitimately good, frequently great, having a terrible series at a bad time.

I don't have the stats, but i would be beyond shocked if those Cavs teams were sub-.500 when LeBron was out.
Those Cav teams were built completely around Lebron. Spot up shooters, defenders, finishers. They were good with him, terrible without him. He had to do all the playmaking and shotcreating but you don't have an elite regular season record with a terrible supporting cast. :smh:
Lebrons cavs supporting cast is awesome in the regular season,
No, they were awful any time of the year. Miami's is legitimately good, frequently great, having a terrible series at a bad time.
I don't have the stats, but i would be beyond shocked if those Cavs teams were sub-.500 when LeBron was out.
From '07-'08 through '09-'10 they were 1-13 without LeBron. Nowhere close to .500.
I don't have the stats, but i would be beyond shocked if those Cavs teams were sub-.500 when LeBron was out.

What years? When they had their best groups (2007-2010) the Cavs were 1-12 (or is it 13?) when LeBron sat.

From 82games: In 2008, 2009 and 2010 the Cavs were outscored by 417 points when LeBron was off the floor (2,832 minutes). With him on, they outscored other teams by 1,655 points (9,055 minutes). Miami has had really, really good teams - be it from Wade still being elite in 2011 and parts of the last 2 or added pieces the past 2 years + Spoelstra is very good - But Cleveland? Just nothing there.

He had to do all the playmaking and shotcreating but you don't have an elite regular season record with a terrible supporting cast.

That's fair. But I'd classify them as mediocre before good.
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Ill say it again every lebron team will be the cavs because he plays everybodys role. Hes the pg, sg, sf, pf, and center.
Man I get misty eyed just thinking bout the heat going fishing, but those pacer guards be looking shaky sometimes :x

If Hill and Lance play just an average game they've got a shot but they're so up and down that seems like asking a lot from them.
Man I get misty eyed just thinking bout the heat going fishing, but those pacer guards be looking shaky sometimes

If Hill and Lance play just an average game they've got a shot but they're so up and down that seems like asking a lot from them.
Pacers would be 
 with CP3
Catching some action at the drew league right now and I'm baffles as to how gilbert arenas wasn't on someone's team this past season.

Dude still has it. Granted there are only a few pros on the floor but the competition is very high level, full of mid and high major D1 guys and he's frying them man.

I miss GA :lol:
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