Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Damn you guys make me sad
If it makes you feel any better, you're one of the few Heat fans on this board who don't act like they have ***** shoved far up their *****. Much more tolerable than the rest of your brethren.
Gilbert was awful in Orlando and Memphis, plus with the baggage he brings to the table it's easy to see why no one wanted to take a chance on him.
If it makes you feel any better, you're one of the few Heat fans on this board who don't act like they have ***** shoved far up their *****. Much more tolerable than the rest of your brethren.

This is true

Dont lose that quality about yourself, its your meal ticket..

:lol: J/k idk where that even came from..
This is true

Dont lose that quality about yourself, its your meal ticket..

:lol: J/k idk where that even came from..


And damn man. Thanks guys. Just a little nervous about it all. Huge game and with the way the rest of the team besides LeBron has been playing it's not making me feel any better. I hope the crowd plays a factor in the game. As you all know we don't have the BEST crowd in the league lol. Roy and West will get theirs but I think if they can find a way to slow PG down just a little bit it'll help a lot.
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Ill say it again every lebron team will be the cavs because he plays everybodys role. Hes the pg, sg, sf, pf, and center.

Rock hand clap


And this is also why lebron should pick a role and stick to it. He needs to be a scorer like mike and kobe. **** this tryna make everyone happy ****, if you get yours everyone else will know what to do. He is the heats best scoring option....... Why not score?
*2011* man, if cp3 went to the clippers... They'd be filthy!................,..
The Clippers where never as successful without CP3 as the Pacers are now. The Pacers can take the Heat to an ecf game 7 with an average point guard. With a superstar pg (CP3, Westbrook, Rose, Rondo, DWilliams) they would excel like 
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And damn man. Thanks guys. Just a little nervous about it all. Huge game and with the way the rest of the team besides LeBron has been playing it's not making me feel any better. I hope the crowd plays a factor in the game. As you all know we don't have the BEST crowd in the league lol. Roy and West will get theirs but I think if they can find a way to slow PG down just a little bit it'll help a lot.

How old are u Drew? Just wondering btw :nerd:
The Clippers where never as successful without CP3 as the Pacers are now. The Pacers can take the Heat to an ecf game 7 with an average point guard. With a superstar pg (CP3, Westbrook, Rose, Rondo, DWilliams) they would excel like 
And who'd they give up for that?
Yup. All about the love of the game man!

But speaking of CP3.. what's this whole thing about him and Dwight trying to go to Dallas?
Damn I might have to take off Monday to watch the game smh lol....

Cant believe the pacers took us to game 7...
Looks like Hollins will be out as the Grizz coach. I knew it was coming. Next up, Zach Randolph.

During the Grizzlies' playoff run, tensions turned to a confrontation when Hollins exploded during a practice session upon finding Hollinger had walked onto the practice court and engaged forward Austin Daye during a shooting drill, multiple sources told Yahoo! Sports.
With the team watching – and with a motive to show his players that he was completely in charge on the floor, sources said – Hollins loudly questioned Hollinger about what he was doing, and why he believed it was appropriate for a management official to intrude on what's considered sacred territory for a coach and team, sources said.

Welcome aboard to the head coaching spot Joerger :pimp:
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