Official NBA 2k15 Thread

Cop mines about an hour ago, glad I won't have to be at any midnight release this year
how long has everyone's download times been?

I started this download around 12.... 3 hours later its at 32% 
mine took about 15 or 20 minutes i think... i just hit download and started doing stuff and when i looked at it, it was done

if ya'll stream on twitch drop the link so i can see how trash i really am by watching ya'll play.. 
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going digital for the first time. no tax and no need to go to the store.

my timer shows that i can play at 9pm (pacific), hopefully that's true, if so :pimp:
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Do they have the limited sneaker contest again this year (LebronXIs last year)? I remember the crazy threads last year.
Got my copy.

Things I noticed.

-Your not gonna run in the lame and dunk on everyone(BYE BYE LEBRON DUNK CHEESE)

-If you time your shot on the shot clock... your gonna make it 99 percent of the time(and thats with anybody........cheese coming)

-Xbox verison plays just like 2k14. EXACTLY THE SAME.

-Barely any and 1s(SO HAPPY)

-1 3 1 zone is GONE!!!!!!!!!

-The ratings are so off. Defensive players having super low defensive ratings.....and for some reason... Center's on ball defense is high as hell this year

So for the most part your paying for new sigs and roster.

I liked 2k14 so since 15 plays the same, I'm happy.
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Got the camera on deck but the cord is too short so I can't set it where it looks clean with how I set up my system and tv. Going back for sure after face scanning. 2 and a half hours to go!
I think I'll regret buying it digitally on PS4...

I'm just going to finish watching MNF and then head to the midnight release
Smh playing first try out game for my career mode and it's literally no way to change camera
hey, it's something 

i've been anxious to download a game digitally so i just said what ever and did this one
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I sold 2k14 on ebay for $23 last month. Kinda regret it because I had nothing to play so digitally I can keep it until 2K16 releases. Going back to physical disc.
Just scooped that pre-order an hour ago. I forgot about it. Gotta get all the free VC I can get so I dont have to spend so much Real Life dough again
One would be an idiot to buy a game for $30 if there's one looming lol .. Question is what to do with digital games when the madden 16 or 2k16 come out
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