OFFICIAL NBA 2K17 Thread | Available Now

Again, you missed the point.

If you want actual change, instead of just COMPLAINING about something, it takes nothing to record 3 or 4 games and provide EVIDENCE as to what you think the issue is.

EYE am not dismissing your claim.

I am simply saying if you want it to be "fixed" show proof of it actually being a problem. That is how you get change to happen.

Not simply complaining over and over about it on NT.

The devs make themselves available on OS and Tweet. You can contact them DIRECTLY.

Make a sound argument and they WILL listen.

That is all I am saying.

Otherwise, your complaints will never get fixed

I think the cape just has you ready to bring up this argument at every turn.

I don't complain over and over on NT. I said I hope the release meter helps solve this problem and suggested how I thought the mechanics could work. IMO it's a problem. The devs are really smart guys - I'm SURE they know it's a problem. They can handle the research and solutions. This isn't some outrageous concept I'm discussing where I need to post proof. Wouldn't be surprised if OS has something anyway.
It is an issue for some. It isn't an issue for others.

It isn't a clear cut issue like the weak audio from the fans.

That was the point of my perception comment
Wouldn't be surprised if OS has something anyway.
Plenty of 50/50 threads on OS on the topic of of missed layups.

People that don't agree, offer suggestions to it.

People that think it is an issue either don't want to hear it or try what is suggested.

Again, perception Is key depending on your gripe.

This is one of those, " It depends on what YOUR definition of realistic" is.

Again, nobody is saying it ISN'T an issue to you. I simply don't agree and thst should be ok.

Nobody is right or wrong
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Missed layups in traffic is SUCH a non-issue for me that my slider for layups is at 42 for myself and the cpu.

You keep dismissing charting for the sake of evidence as if the devs are just supposed to take people's word for it.

What if they don't think it is an issue? Clearly they don't because they released the game in thst manner.

So to get them to change it, it needs more than some keystrokes.
Missed contested layups only bother me when no foul is called and Stevie Wonder coulda seen me get fouled.

Virtual refs are not supposed to miss foul calls. That's one realistic aspect I don't need in my sports games
Jesus Christ dude u are unbelievable wen it comes to this damn game :lol:

You police this thread like u have stake in the damn game. That's his opinion he don't need 3 posts in a row of u trying to say it's BS
Missed contested layups only bother me when no foul is called and Stevie Wonder coulda seen me get fouled.
Virtual refs are not supposed to miss foul calls. That's one realistic aspect I don't need in my sports games
Another instance of 2K giving in to people crying. Remember when the game first shipped and there were fouls online, then people cried and they reduced the fouls.

They kill me when they give in man
Jesus Christ dude u are unbelievable wen it comes to this damn game :lol:

You police this thread like u have stake in the damn game. That's his opinion he don't need 3 posts in a row of u trying to say it's BS
Play me for some money.

Real or fake basketball
Missed layups in traffic is SUCH a non-issue for me that my slider for layups is at 42 for myself and the cpu.

You keep dismissing charting for the sake of evidence as if the devs are just supposed to take people's word for it.

What if they don't think it is an issue? Clearly they don't because they released the game in thst manner.

So to get them to change it, it needs more than some keystrokes.

So using this logic - the devs think the 2K game is perfect and will be making no improvements unless some nerds track data and blow up their Twitter :lol: You know they release the game in whatever manner is ready at the time of launch. They do their best to fix problems and constantly patch the game but there's 1000 reasons why sometbing can be in the game that the devs aren't happy with. You know that of course.

If the devs don't think it's an issue, I'll survive.
The devs haven't gotten enough blown layup complaints to change it. That doesn't mean they think it is perfect, as a professional I doubt you ever feel your work is perfect.

But remember they are trying to make the game Sim, without alienating the #ArcadeNation, so they probably won't give in to the blown layup issue unless it messes with the bottom line
How about this, how about we play, and I record the game, and we can see the blown layup issue.

I can record the game and we can discuss.

Ball is in your court
:lol: so if they fix the issue so smaller guards can finish in traffic, they're giving into arcade nation. Got it.

I have PS4. Pretty sure you have Xbox or else I'd be down.
so if they fix the issue so smaller guards can finish in traffic, they're giving into arcade nation. Got it.

I have PS4. Pretty sure you have Xbox or else I'd be down.
Increasing the layup in traffic % would reward reckless drivers. That is the reason why it was dropped since 2K13, because a large amount of contested layups went through.

Decreasing it was their way of making the game less cheesy.
Shot % Tweaks needed? - Operation Sports Forums

Devs seeking the input from the community. They actually dropped layup % back in OCT because people felt it was too high. 

Mike Wang, Beluba, speaks on it in his posts from that thread.
I remember that time...........that little tweak made a ton of people in the community start whining that shot-blocking became OP, when shot-blocking was literally in the most perfect form that it has ever been for the last 2-3 NBA 2K games.

Then a December/January patch later, shot-blocking got nerfed and freaking layup %s skyrocketed outta nowhere. 
Yea but remember there was some fluke shot blocking stuff going on until they patched it. 
Shot-blocking is good now.........they set it close to release day levels while removing that "shot block with your fore arm cheese" that we saw in the early days of the game.

Hopefully 2K17 maintains that course.......although with the new "layup release timing," we're gonna have casual-arcade-style gamers whining about shot blocking being OP again.
Yea, you are right. Blocks are nice man. I occasionally see the Kenyon Martin block every once in a while. Probably played close to 200 games total and have seen it like 3 times. Loving the rarity of it. And weak-side blocks are so rewarding, when YOU do it and your CPU teammates do it. Saw quite a few from Ibaka in my franchise.

wonder why 2k doesnt just plain a simply use real NBA data to tune layup % and contested layup %. get it right the first time. (they prob do use data) but not sure why it needs so much tweaking after release?

i know this new "deep range deadeye" badge is gonna be totally out of hand. even though he shot a very high percentage from way out...he didnt shoot alot of shots from that distance over the course of the season. i think the amount of shots taken from that distance from game to game and over the course of the season should factor heavily into that equation as well.
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wonder why 2k doesnt just plain a simply use real NBA data to tune layup % and contested layup %. get it right the first time. (they prob do use data) but not sure why it needs so much tweaking after release?

i know this new "deep range deadeye" badge is gonna be totally out of hand. even though he shot a very high percentage from way out...he didnt shoot alot of shots from that distance over the course of the season. i think the amount of shots taken from that distance from game to game and over the course of the season should factor heavily into that equation as well.

It's already bad on 16. People pulling up from between 3 and half court.
Yea, all of those badges are basically for Steph. Hope it isn't overdone.

I would have just been better about it if they had just given him hidden abilities like that than create whole badges for it.

But we will see how it goes.
wonder why 2k doesnt just plain a simply use real NBA data to tune layup % and contested layup %. get it right the first time. (they prob do use data) but not sure why it needs so much tweaking after release?
They will use it up until the point where it messes with a players overall rating.

They already know the ratings/rankings they want most folks to have and if giving them the correct ratings causes that to happen, fine.

If not, thst is where you see artificial boosts to specific attributes so certain players reach a certain overall rating

Like them giving John Starks an 88 3pt rating when he wasn't that great of a shooter percentage wise, but if they didn't he wouldn't have been the 2nd best player on those old Knicks teams they gave us.

So in short, they use data conditionally. Which is a big problem
They will use it up until the point where it messes with a players overall rating.

They already know the ratings/rankings they want most folks to have and if giving them the correct ratings causes that to happen, fine.

If not, thst is where you see artificial boosts to specific attributes so certain players reach a certain overall rating

Like them giving John Starks an 88 3pt rating when he wasn't that great of a shooter percentage wise, but if they didn't he wouldn't have been the 2nd best player on those old Knicks teams they gave us.

So in short, they use data conditionally. Which is a big problem

Agreed. i think stats and tendencies need to be more dynamic and less static

i get it, the game can't be all percentages based or we would basically know the outcome of every situation

starks is a great example because an 88 rating isn't a good reflection of how streaky he really was as a shooter. when he was cold, he was frigid and when he was hot, he was smoking. that rating should be solid but able to be as low as maybe a 68 and as high as a 92 or 94.


i don't like how hot streaks aren't sustainable with good decisions. if i hit 3-4 shots in a row with jj redick and i continue to run good plays for him and take shots that are green or close to it, the hot streak just isn't least not from the outside.

2k is an excellent game and it will continue to get better. my biggest issues with them are the in game atmosphere and the fact that they continuously introduce engines, only to scrap that engine a year or 2 later, then tell the public that they need to be patient and that there is only so much time to improve a game in a calendar year etc addition to the fact that they spend valuable man hours on useless features in the game. (cheerleading routines and such) years and years have passed where they have seen what EA can do with the in game atmosphere and they have ignored it totally. if I'm not mistaken, they even sold us on it being better this year and its exactly the same. who's in charge of that part of the game? they need to be fired. the coach ai being adaptable is a joke. it changes from quarter to quarter, but it is not adaptable
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Well there have been numerous articles debunking the "Hot Hand" myth so sustaining a hot streak is something we attribute to, "On Fire" (Nba Jam) and lose reality of what it really is.

NBA Miners has hot streak stats if you want to look at how often/long they actually last IRL
.in addition to the fact that they spend valuable man hours on useless features in the game. (cheerleading routines and such) years and years have passed where they have seen what EA can do with the in game atmosphere and they have ignored it totally.
I hear you but the department that works on Cheerleaders wouldn't be the same thst works on atmosphere. I know this was an example but comments like this get casually thrown around by people.

Atmosphere is the audio team and the engineers that would have to sync up plays with audio.

Cheerleaders are mo capped and simply placed into the game, not much man hours are spent into thst. Plus the cheerleaders have their own choreographer.

Sometimes it isnt, "They should do this instead of wasting time to do that." Thst would be like telling an entire restaurant to stop spending so much time cleaning and focus more on making new recipies. Well those two departments don't take resources from eachother.

Hope thst makes sense
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