OFFICIAL NBA 2K17 Thread | Available Now

I hear you but the department that works on Cheerleaders wouldn't be the same thst works on atmosphere. I know this was an example but comments like this get casually thrown around by people.

Atmosphere is the audio team and the engineers that would have to sync up plays with audio.

Cheerleaders are mo capped and simply placed into the game, not much man hours are spent into thst. Plus the cheerleaders have their own choreographer.

Sometimes it isnt, "They should do this instead of wasting time to do that." Thst would be like telling an entire restaurant to stop spending so much time cleaning and focus more on making new recipies. Well those two departments don't take resources from eachother.

Hope thst makes sense

bad example. agreed

but for years, there has been zero progress in that department IMO. so, with that being said, where is the time being spent?

and as far as cheerleading etc etc...i am def speaking more of budget money and resources. even though thats a different team, you still have to spend time and pay them.
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I wouldn't say zero progress, it used to be worse. But like others, I don't understand why it isn't where it needs to be. If something doesn't get fixed after a number of years, I question if the person/team even has the ability to fix it.

Re: I don't think mo capping cheerleading eats at their budget to the point where it is stealing resources from them not fixing the audio.

They can mo cap cheerleaders and have them in and out in 3 hours. Non issue there
Anybody preordering the Legend edition?

I did.. :nthat:
Nice thinking of ordering the gold edition as some of the last of Kobe memorabilia from this year. Still have the BB GCU so it'll only be 79.99.

I really hope they haven't completely neglected online leagues again this year. Used to be a NT staple.
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Looks like there will be an advantage to using the shot stick as opposed to button only

How ‘NBA 2K17’ Showcases The Importance Of Your Joystick Skills
I'll be interesting to see how they perfected that shot stick since it was first introduced in 2K12............I remember when 2K12 was about to come out, they was saying the same talk about "adding control to your shot" and such.

Granted, 2K12 is when they began nerfing shot-blocking (primarily weak-side shot blocking.........jeez, weak side shot contesting was terrible in 2K12).
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Shot stick has been around since like 2K6
Really?  LOL

You know what now that you mentioned it........I never played 2K6 on the "current gen" console at that time, I was playing 2K6 on the PS2. 

I barely noticed there was a shot-stick when I bought 2K10 for the first time on the Xbox 360, and I didn't notice how much the "shot stick" affected me until 2K12.
Apparently he edited the stats to what he thinks they should be for the Timberwolves. Or so I've heard.

KAT deserves an 88
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KP deserves an 80 at the most ..u can make the argument that KAT is already the best center in the game ..that rating is deserved
2k is not a person. It's a large company with several moving parts, made up of many individuals who make up several teams. The people who make the game care very much about everyone who plays it. They spend long days and longer nights fighting battles of coding, resource management, scheduling and politics that never see the light of day. Won or lost, these battles go largely unnoticed and they do it because they care. They don't come around here asking for praise. They don't do a victory lap. Even those that are making a good living doing this are spending the greater majority of their time working.

The fact that you think the way you do is the failure of 2k marketing. I'm not cheerleading for them, I'm stating facts that you would know if you got the opportunity to see how the machine works. They're trying to make 2k17 a whole month early without sacrificing anything, while putting out a bugless, polished Prelude well ahead of release. 

For those that don't know, the gameplay of the Prelude has to be finished in time for the aesthetics and sound to be laid on top, polished, reviewed and then put through to Sony and Microsoft's online systems. Then it has to be sent off to editors to cut a trailer, have that trailer approved and finally distributed.

Just think about the strain that the Prelude alone puts on top of an 8 month schedule 

For those that don't know me, you may think that I'm a 2k stan or fanboy or apologist. Couldn't be further from the truth. I am a professional who works in mainstream entertainment and has been a part of teams and processes similar to a large production like 2k. Related, I do a show with 2k developers DaCzar, Scott O'Gallagher and formerly Leftos and Stauffer. At a glance, one might suspect me of bias, but if you've seen the show, you've seen me mercilessly call out 2k for its flaws(I have been very unkind to 2k15 and 2k12 in particular). If 2k17 is booty buttcheeks, I will show up every Friday to offer DaCzar as sacrifice every week, picking apart its failures for course correction in 2k18. 

On that same show I've taken topics and Q&As from this board onto the show and asked DaCzar to answer for these issues on the air. Know what? He wanted me to. Know why? OTHER people at 2k wanted that information. They care. They care about what's important to you. 

2k is a bunch of creators. They have a vision for that game and they want to do right by that while listening to the experience you guys are having and doing right by what they learn from you. Gaming is a give and take in that way. 

This is the hardcore community. You cannot afford to either operate in complete ignorance of the process, or let newcomers to this board operate in that ignorance and take over. 

2k is not a person that can care for you or not care for you. Call out marketing for the many mistakes they make, but we're all too grown for fairy tale beliefs about game companies. I say all of this because this community is an extremely valuable resource for the progress of the game. SEVERAL members are working at 2k. Others are community day type folks. But developers get fatigued real quick when they come here and read fairy tales.

Those fairy tales and completely ignorant opinions are doing nothing but massaging your feelings in the moment. Focus on the clarity of the criticism of gameplay, design and communication coming from 2k. We can drop all this stuff about whether Johnny Twokay, CEO and president of 2k cares about you.

That's silly.
2k does NOT CARE about its core FANS - Operation Sports Forums
2K really has Minny as the 5th best team in the game
Always remember that Team Overall ratings are based on the Starting 5 and the rotation players. It isn't like Madden where an overall can be "given" to the teams. Just a heads up
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