Official NBA OFF-SEASON Thread - 2011: Free Agency Dec. 9th

Originally Posted by you big dummy

what I've seen with this Selby kid has been very impressive.
at the hot sauce sighting
going at justin beiber of all people.
what I've seen with this Selby kid has been very impressive.
at the hot sauce sighting
going at justin beiber of all people.
I dont think I could take no season. Especially because now im working in the city and have to pass MSG everyday to and from work
I dont think I could take no season. Especially because now im working in the city and have to pass MSG everyday to and from work
[h1]Smith nears deal to play in China[/h1]By Adrian Wojnarowski, Yahoo! Sports
2 hours, 48 minutes ago

Denver Nuggets free-agent guard J.R. Smith is nearing an agreement on the richest contract in China Basketball Association history, sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Under terms of the deal, Smith would make more than $3 million to play the 2011-12 season with Shanxi, but lose his chance at unrestricted free agency prior to the start of the NBA season. Smith, who turns 26 Friday, has averaged 12.5 points per game in his seven-year NBA career.

Under league rules, the China Basketball Association is no longer signing NBA players who want opt-out clauses to return to the NBA prior to the end of the China season. China’s season runs through March.

Smith, an enigmatic but talented scorer, would risk a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract by signing to play in China. If Smith signs with Shanxi, he will be the second free agent the Nuggets have lost to China. Forward Wilson Chandler has already signed to play in China, which could hurt the Nuggets if the NBA and players union reach a labor agreement that salvages all, or part, of the 2011-12 season.

Neither player will be free to sign with NBA teams until they return from China.
[h1]Smith nears deal to play in China[/h1]By Adrian Wojnarowski, Yahoo! Sports
2 hours, 48 minutes ago

Denver Nuggets free-agent guard J.R. Smith is nearing an agreement on the richest contract in China Basketball Association history, sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Under terms of the deal, Smith would make more than $3 million to play the 2011-12 season with Shanxi, but lose his chance at unrestricted free agency prior to the start of the NBA season. Smith, who turns 26 Friday, has averaged 12.5 points per game in his seven-year NBA career.

Under league rules, the China Basketball Association is no longer signing NBA players who want opt-out clauses to return to the NBA prior to the end of the China season. China’s season runs through March.

Smith, an enigmatic but talented scorer, would risk a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract by signing to play in China. If Smith signs with Shanxi, he will be the second free agent the Nuggets have lost to China. Forward Wilson Chandler has already signed to play in China, which could hurt the Nuggets if the NBA and players union reach a labor agreement that salvages all, or part, of the 2011-12 season.

Neither player will be free to sign with NBA teams until they return from China.
JR Smith is crazy, he is going to make BIG money whenever this thing is over why are him and Chandler being so quick to sign in China?

They can get much better contracts over here or sign with a European team and then just come back and get their contracts....makes no sense to me man.
JR Smith is crazy, he is going to make BIG money whenever this thing is over why are him and Chandler being so quick to sign in China?

They can get much better contracts over here or sign with a European team and then just come back and get their contracts....makes no sense to me man.
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

JR Smith is crazy, he is going to make BIG money whenever this thing is over why are him and Chandler being so quick to sign in China?

They can get much better contracts over here or sign with a European team and then just come back and get their contracts....makes no sense to me man.
Chinese teams are willing to pay more.

Also, their season ends in March, so theoretically Smith-Chandler can return home and sign a team if the NBA season is saved.
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

JR Smith is crazy, he is going to make BIG money whenever this thing is over why are him and Chandler being so quick to sign in China?

They can get much better contracts over here or sign with a European team and then just come back and get their contracts....makes no sense to me man.
Chinese teams are willing to pay more.

Also, their season ends in March, so theoretically Smith-Chandler can return home and sign a team if the NBA season is saved.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

JR Smith is crazy, he is going to make BIG money whenever this thing is over why are him and Chandler being so quick to sign in China?

They can get much better contracts over here or sign with a European team and then just come back and get their contracts....makes no sense to me man.
Chinese teams are willing to pay more.

Also, their season ends in March, so theoretically Smith-Chandler can return home and sign a team if the NBA season is saved.
What day in March? Cause you have to be a FA by the first of the month in order to be playoff eligible.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

JR Smith is crazy, he is going to make BIG money whenever this thing is over why are him and Chandler being so quick to sign in China?

They can get much better contracts over here or sign with a European team and then just come back and get their contracts....makes no sense to me man.
Chinese teams are willing to pay more.

Also, their season ends in March, so theoretically Smith-Chandler can return home and sign a team if the NBA season is saved.
What day in March? Cause you have to be a FA by the first of the month in order to be playoff eligible.
Ill steelo - There certain rules around that. That March 1st rule is for players who have played even just 1 minute in the NBA season to be on a playoff roster. Chandler and Smith could be signed and play if the Chinese Season ended say March 16th cause neither one of them played in the NBA at any point that season. So they can be on a playoff roster.

The Nets did that years ago with John Thomas when Cliff Robinson got suspended and they signed him for the rest of the year after he recieved a ten day contract with like a week left in the season. He never played up until the Nets signed him making him eligible for the playoffs.
Ill steelo - There certain rules around that. That March 1st rule is for players who have played even just 1 minute in the NBA season to be on a playoff roster. Chandler and Smith could be signed and play if the Chinese Season ended say March 16th cause neither one of them played in the NBA at any point that season. So they can be on a playoff roster.

The Nets did that years ago with John Thomas when Cliff Robinson got suspended and they signed him for the rest of the year after he recieved a ten day contract with like a week left in the season. He never played up until the Nets signed him making him eligible for the playoffs.
The way I see it that is the smartest move a non-superstar player can make. Trust me the players know clearly about what should happen. They know even IF there is a season it won't be until like end of Jan or beginning of Feb anyway.

So a player like J.R. will go get his money in China and come back for the ret of the season as a FA in great BASKETBALL shape, without missing a step. Cause we all know there is a difference between being in shape and being in basketball shape, while other players that didn't go overseas I'm sure they will be working out and playing pick up games, but it'll be totally different when the real action starts.
The way I see it that is the smartest move a non-superstar player can make. Trust me the players know clearly about what should happen. They know even IF there is a season it won't be until like end of Jan or beginning of Feb anyway.

So a player like J.R. will go get his money in China and come back for the ret of the season as a FA in great BASKETBALL shape, without missing a step. Cause we all know there is a difference between being in shape and being in basketball shape, while other players that didn't go overseas I'm sure they will be working out and playing pick up games, but it'll be totally different when the real action starts.

Shaquille O'Neal's Miami Beach Police Personnel File Is Full of Hilarity, Lies

When he was traded from the LA Lakers to the Miami Heat in 2004, Shaquille O'Neal became a reserve officer on the Miami Beach police force. Like any cop in Florida, O'Neal had a personnel file that is subject to a public records request.
We've embedded the file below. As in everything Shaq does, his application to be a South Beach cop-- specifically, to "work special crimes unit"-- is goofy as hell. And a bit disconcerting.

"He would have been instantly disqualified" if he was a normal applicant, says Miami Beach Police union vice president Gustavo Sanchez. "The first thing we tell all young guys applying for a job as an officer is: Tell the truth."
Parts of the application, such as Shaq's substance abuse history, are redacted. We've been assured by the department that this is standard procedure for any officer.

A few of the high/lowlights:

- Asked about "special skills" or "equipment", Shaq simply wrote: "Laptop computer, binnochulars [sic], master of surveillance"

- He listed the Los Angeles Lakers as a previous employer from 1996 to 2004. Job title: "NBA center". Description of duties: "Everything" (Take that, Kobe!)

- Shaq's character references are three neighbors from Star Island, including Gloria Estefan. The queen of Latin pop gave him a spotless reference, although indicated that she only knew him "somewhat".

- Another neighbor snitched on Shaq speeding through the island. The name is redacted, but the process of elimination tells us it was one of the owners of 31 Star Island, noted rich people Sam or Roni Jacobson.

- The Miami Beach file also includes his previous application to be a member of the Los Angeles Port Police. In this application, Shaq cited his personal chef and his lawyer as his two references.

- Shaq got deep when interviewed for the job. Asked about the best memory of his life, he responded: "All dreams have come true."

- The worst? "Messing up so much that he thought parents didn't love him."

- His weakest quality? [sic] "Don't express myself when he feels he should. His father was a drill sgt. who taught him to keep everything in."

- Asked if he knew the definition of deadly force, Shaq replied: "Yes; red, yellow, green" which -- does anybody out there know what that means?

- Could he use deadly force against another person? "Yes"

- Then we get into Shaq's distinctly Reagan-esque political beliefs. He said he doesn't believe the justice system is fair, elaborating, "against p.o.s stricter", which we take to mean that the justice system is too strict on cops. He believes in capital punishment, and doesn't think executions in Florida should be made more humane. Cops should use manpower to try to stop prostitution, but not gambling. And he wouldn't strike with the police union.

- His only question was about "legal insurance".

- His police training appeared to have been penciled in around his existing schedule on a calendar, including games, his mother Lucille's birthday, and shooting an ad for Starter.

Shaq played fast and loose with the facts as he rushed through the MBPD application:

- He responded "no" when asked if he had ever been the subject of a police investigation. That's debatable. In 1998, Shaq was accused of choking a woman at Disneyworld. No charges were filed, but here's a line from the Orlando Sentinel at the time:
Kim Grant, 23, showed up Friday morning at the Orange County Sheriff's Office after failing to return investigators' telephone calls for weeks.

Call us crazy, but we have an old adage: When there are investigators, there's an investigation.

- Shaq claimed that neither he nor his spouse had ever sued anyone or been sued-- which would be a miraculous feat for a celebrity of his stature. According to a quick public records search, Shaq had been named as a defendant in two suits in his resident Orange County, Florida, alone.

- He also claimed that he didn't have savings or checking accounts, any investments, or an automobile.

According to Basketball Reference, Shaq made $27.7 million in playing salary that year.

You could say there's something almost ironic about Shaq's mistruths in the application. You know like: Hey, he's Shaq -- of course he had a checking account.

Or you could say that Shaq clearly fibbed on his application to be a cop, and the MBPD didn't bother to correct him.

His tenure with the department is now under new scrutiny, thanks to a lawsuit claiming he used police connections there to attempt to frame a former employee with a crime.

Shaq's reps declined to comment on the discrepancies in his police application.


Shaquille O'Neal's Miami Beach Police Personnel File Is Full of Hilarity, Lies

When he was traded from the LA Lakers to the Miami Heat in 2004, Shaquille O'Neal became a reserve officer on the Miami Beach police force. Like any cop in Florida, O'Neal had a personnel file that is subject to a public records request.
We've embedded the file below. As in everything Shaq does, his application to be a South Beach cop-- specifically, to "work special crimes unit"-- is goofy as hell. And a bit disconcerting.

"He would have been instantly disqualified" if he was a normal applicant, says Miami Beach Police union vice president Gustavo Sanchez. "The first thing we tell all young guys applying for a job as an officer is: Tell the truth."
Parts of the application, such as Shaq's substance abuse history, are redacted. We've been assured by the department that this is standard procedure for any officer.

A few of the high/lowlights:

- Asked about "special skills" or "equipment", Shaq simply wrote: "Laptop computer, binnochulars [sic], master of surveillance"

- He listed the Los Angeles Lakers as a previous employer from 1996 to 2004. Job title: "NBA center". Description of duties: "Everything" (Take that, Kobe!)

- Shaq's character references are three neighbors from Star Island, including Gloria Estefan. The queen of Latin pop gave him a spotless reference, although indicated that she only knew him "somewhat".

- Another neighbor snitched on Shaq speeding through the island. The name is redacted, but the process of elimination tells us it was one of the owners of 31 Star Island, noted rich people Sam or Roni Jacobson.

- The Miami Beach file also includes his previous application to be a member of the Los Angeles Port Police. In this application, Shaq cited his personal chef and his lawyer as his two references.

- Shaq got deep when interviewed for the job. Asked about the best memory of his life, he responded: "All dreams have come true."

- The worst? "Messing up so much that he thought parents didn't love him."

- His weakest quality? [sic] "Don't express myself when he feels he should. His father was a drill sgt. who taught him to keep everything in."

- Asked if he knew the definition of deadly force, Shaq replied: "Yes; red, yellow, green" which -- does anybody out there know what that means?

- Could he use deadly force against another person? "Yes"

- Then we get into Shaq's distinctly Reagan-esque political beliefs. He said he doesn't believe the justice system is fair, elaborating, "against p.o.s stricter", which we take to mean that the justice system is too strict on cops. He believes in capital punishment, and doesn't think executions in Florida should be made more humane. Cops should use manpower to try to stop prostitution, but not gambling. And he wouldn't strike with the police union.

- His only question was about "legal insurance".

- His police training appeared to have been penciled in around his existing schedule on a calendar, including games, his mother Lucille's birthday, and shooting an ad for Starter.

Shaq played fast and loose with the facts as he rushed through the MBPD application:

- He responded "no" when asked if he had ever been the subject of a police investigation. That's debatable. In 1998, Shaq was accused of choking a woman at Disneyworld. No charges were filed, but here's a line from the Orlando Sentinel at the time:
Kim Grant, 23, showed up Friday morning at the Orange County Sheriff's Office after failing to return investigators' telephone calls for weeks.

Call us crazy, but we have an old adage: When there are investigators, there's an investigation.

- Shaq claimed that neither he nor his spouse had ever sued anyone or been sued-- which would be a miraculous feat for a celebrity of his stature. According to a quick public records search, Shaq had been named as a defendant in two suits in his resident Orange County, Florida, alone.

- He also claimed that he didn't have savings or checking accounts, any investments, or an automobile.

According to Basketball Reference, Shaq made $27.7 million in playing salary that year.

You could say there's something almost ironic about Shaq's mistruths in the application. You know like: Hey, he's Shaq -- of course he had a checking account.

Or you could say that Shaq clearly fibbed on his application to be a cop, and the MBPD didn't bother to correct him.

His tenure with the department is now under new scrutiny, thanks to a lawsuit claiming he used police connections there to attempt to frame a former employee with a crime.

Shaq's reps declined to comment on the discrepancies in his police application.

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