Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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why so much hate on lin? his run came to a halt when melo got back. the only knock is I don't think he's a pg...not just the turnovers but at times he just makes really bad decisions. he's a solid scorer tho
I wish Mitch was "stupid" enough to trade for Dwight, no way in hell Bynum leads ANY team as a #1.

Why not sell out for a year i.e. Mavs, as one last hurrah to get Kobe 6?

....and in the back pocket you trade for his best friend Josh Smith in hopes that he might resign after a yr.

just sayin'

At this point the Lakers don't have the players to beat the THUNDER let alone the championship.
More teams, especially those currently under the cap, should be trying to use the reverse poison pill contract. You can front load it as much as your cap situation will allow, then guys aren't destroying your cap as their contract progress while they get older and skills decline, especially when you're signing 30 yr olds.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

More teams, especially those currently under the cap, should be trying to use the reverse poison pill contract. You can front load it as much as your cap situation will allow, then guys aren't destroying your cap as their contract progress while they get older and skills decline, especially when you're signing 30 yr olds.

According to Larry #%%! you can't. You can have a contract decrease over years but not a Huge jump like a poison pill contract. But if you could I agree it would be a good idea
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

More teams, especially those currently under the cap, should be trying to use the reverse poison pill contract. You can front load it as much as your cap situation will allow, then guys aren't destroying your cap as their contract progress while they get older and skills decline, especially when you're signing 30 yr olds.

while this makes sense, in this day and age what would you rather take on for players your trying to move in trade?

a 31 year old player with a 4 Milli expiring

or a 31 year old player with a 8 - 12 milli expiring?

thats why those poison pill contracts work so well
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

I wish Mitch was "stupid" enough to trade for Dwight, no way in hell Bynum leads ANY team as a #1.

Why not sell out for a year i.e. Mavs, as one last hurrah to get Kobe 6?

....and in the back pocket you trade for his best friend Josh Smith in hopes that he might resign after a yr.

just sayin'

At this point the Lakers don't have the players to beat the THUNDER let alone the championship.

I've BEEN tryna say this
. There's no moves that we can make to improve this team enough to challenge for the title next year
If I was OKC I'd still make a play for Dwight and call his bluff. Of course my job and reputation isn't on the line if he walks. *Shrug*
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

More teams, especially those currently under the cap, should be trying to use the reverse poison pill contract. You can front load it as much as your cap situation will allow, then guys aren't destroying your cap as their contract progress while they get older and skills decline, especially when you're signing 30 yr olds.

According to Larry #@%* you can't. You can have a contract decrease over years but not a Huge jump like a poison pill contract. But if you could I agree it would be a good idea

The Thunder did it with both Collison and Perkins. I guess the ability to do it was a casualty of the new CBA
[h1]Source: Claiming Fake Scoops Makes You Look Like A Tool[/h1]
by Matt Watson • Jul 3, 2012 11:40 PM EDT

Several minutes after Deron Williams tweeted to the world his decision to remain with the Nets, ESPN's Chris Broussard chimed in with an amusingly oblivious tweet of his own:

Was he trying to mislead his 483K followers into thinking he had a genuine scoop? Or did he legitimately fail to realize that D-Will already announced as much? Only Broussard knows for sure, but it's hard to give him the benefit of the doubt after he did the exact same thing with the Eric Gordon news just hours later.

Rest of Article in Link
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Originally Posted by Essential1

Nets would STILL need to have a good enough offer to take Dwight... That is yet to be seen

From the teams involved (Mavs, Rockets, Lakers, & Nets) I think the Nets are in the lead to land Howard. With the Rockets, he's been quoted saying he wouldn't resign with them (as with every other team besides Brooklyn). The Lakers deal has not only concerns about Dwight resigning, but Bynum as well... Plus LA doesn't want to take on other contracts such as Hedo who Orlando is trying to get rid of. I don't see Dallas putting together a good enough deal for Orlando & again, I don't see Dwight resigning there without DWill. As of now the Nets offering picks, a center who has a bright future, a future star with Brooks, & us taking on some of the players Orlando is trying to get rid of, I think we're in a good position. Not only that, but the thing to remember is that it's very rare that a franchise sends off a superstar player & gets equal value in return.

remember what Lakers for Shaq?

In a risky deal, the Los Angeles Lakers and Heat completed the trade Wednesday that sent O'Neal to Miami for Lamar Odom, Caron Butler, Brian Grant and a first-round draft pick. (Related item: How he stacks up)
Originally Posted by thachosen123

Originally Posted by JDiddy

Nash going to LA.

How credible is that Gambadoro guy

Most credible person as far any news with Phoenix. He dropped the Shaq trade to Phoenix before anyone. I'm happy for Nash.
I really hate Chris Broussard, and it sucks because he'll never acknowledge these accusations
at the Broussard article.

The tweet that he said DWill texted him (after he already announced his decision) had me dying.
Stein confirmed it, so now im convinced

[Kendrick Lamar] W-W-Welcome to LA [/Kendrick Lamar]
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