Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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It's a good move if he's available but I don't see this as LAL trying at a championship again. This seems more like making sure they haven't done anything during FA. LAL definitely needed a pg but they also needed to improve in other areas as well like their bench.

Hey at least Knicks get to keep Shump.
Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by mosk33toe

I'm thinking this is a ploy to get Dwight to come here and resign. Imagine Dwight being the recipient of Nash's beautiful dimes, might make him want to sign an extension in LA....

Kobe, Pau, Nash, and Dwight?! That's a team right there....

reads sig......

[Kevin Hart] oh, oh ok [Kevin Hart]

Originally Posted by DubA169

Rivalries don't mean squat in the nba. What's next Bruce Bowen to the suns? I'm sure many Knicks fans are happy. I'm not. Dont even know if shump comes back correct and don't have anyone to fix offense

I'm with you bro, we had a better chance of winning a championship or getting to the ECF with Nash than we did with Shump. He would have been good to blend our stars together.
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

I'm thinking this is a ploy to get Dwight to come here and resign. Imagine Dwight being the recipient of Nash's beautiful dimes, might make him want to sign an extension in LA....

Kobe, Pau, Nash, and Dwight?! That's a team right there....

Still need a bench, and get rid of steve blake, and the other garbage we have.
We got rid of fisher because he couldnt guard a chair and now we got Nash who cant guard his own shadow... dont get it.

We are not younger, more athletic, or better...

Teams will kill the Lakers with the P&R even more SMH
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by DubA169

Rivalries don't mean squat in the nba. What's next Bruce Bowen to the suns? I'm sure many Knicks fans are happy. I'm not. Dont even know if shump comes back correct and don't have anyone to fix offense

I'm with you bro, we had a better chance of winning a championship or getting to the ECF with Nash than we did with Shump. He would have been good to blend our stars together.


Gonna be a frustrating season 

Hey at least we'll have Shump back for 2013 to guard a 32 year old Wade 
We didn't wanna give shumpert I assume. But maybe he was told the cold weather would adversely affect him in Toronto and NYC?
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

CP having to root for Nash.


Guess all that talk about not going to rival was BS.
I think it was more about the Suns being reluctant to S+T Nash to a rival...
CP is just gonna say he's always liked Nash just not the Suns
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by DubA169

Rivalries don't mean squat in the nba. What's next Bruce Bowen to the suns? I'm sure many Knicks fans are happy. I'm not. Dont even know if shump comes back correct and don't have anyone to fix offense

I'm with you bro, we had a better chance of winning a championship or getting to the ECF with Nash than we did with Shump. He would have been good to blend our stars together.

I will say this, Steve Nash standing in a corner while Kobe pump fakes 50 times, is not going to be great either. Nor is watching Bynum moving his feet quick enough to execute a pick and roll.

The raptors at this point should be contracted.
If Nash wanted a ring that bad / warm weather shouldve taken his *%! to miami
Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

no one wants to play for the knicks anymore?
I don't see where a player said they didn't want to do that or passed for another team. Everybody we've been pursuing either wants more money, has been traded by their teams, or hasn't made a decision yet.
If the Nets deal for D12 doesn't go through I see Bynum for Dwight, and Gasol for Iggy trades for the Lakers in the near future.
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