Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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EDIT: WTF happened to my gif?!
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this is going to take some getting used to. I HATED the original change to Yuku and got used to that, so..
My only problem is I have to start my ignore list over again. It was perfect the way it was.
Not sure if this was posted/lost in the shuffle when we switched platforms....however, this proves to me that Scumbag James and his slander-mobile on Lin was in full effect... :smh:

At 11 p.m. EST on Tuesday night, one hour before the New York Knicks needed to decide whether to match the Houston Rockets' three-year, $25.1 million contract offer to keep Jeremy Lin, the point guard's cellphone rang at his parents' home in Palo Alto, Calif. The call was from New York general manager Glen Grunwald and the conversation lasted no more than 30 seconds. Grunwald's message, Lin told, was simple and direct: "We wanted to keep you, but it couldn't work out. Tell your family I say hello, and good luck the rest of the way."

That was it. One of the more intriguing and publicly debated personnel decisions in NBA history ended in half a minute. No questions were asked, no pointed comments were uttered and no animated feelings were expressed. Lin, the undrafted 23 year old who rose to global stardom in his first 25 starts after being cut twice, politely told Grunwald, "I just want to thank you. Best of luck in the future."

Late Tuesday night, in his inaugural hour as a Rocket, Lin opened up to about how the most popular basketball player in New York City ended up in Houston, where he'll have his official team physical on Wednesday. He spoke about how Knicks management -- which had spoken to him and his representatives only once this month before that call from Grunwald -- finally let him go.
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I see some of the inmates have been let out of the asylum with the move to huddler. :lol:
Huddler is basically the scene in Dark Knight Rises where Bane gives all the inmates AK-47s and theyre firing in the air

yuku are some douche bags deleting method mans threads and trying to steal niketalks identity. had to do searching to find this place
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