Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Probably will have to take Hedo instead and give the Cavs J-Rich. Damn if only he wouldn't have smashed Nash's ex-wife. He'd be a great addition.
Smashed = bumping uglies, intercouse

or maybe he doesn't remember
didn't terry play point guard earlier in his career with the hawks? I think he can run the point here and there for the celtics

and am i the only one who can't see any emoticons? i'm using google chrome btw
Eastern Conference playoffs have potential to be epic

Celtics are doing well this off season as is Miami and Brooklyn.
My god the Celtics are stacked.

Nice to see Courtney Lee on a winning team again...haven't been able to see the guy on national tv it seems since he missed that layup for the Magic in the playoffs.
The thing is...Is Bynum willing to sign the extension with Cleveland if yes the trade will go through

Yeah that's the thing. In Woj's article the Lakers want a deal agreed upon in principle and then make the trade. Cleveland wants to talk to Bynum now, and if he promises to resign, they'll go through with it. It's no secret now that Bynum is on the block. You have the chance to get Dwight. Let Cleveland talk to his agent.

I'm glad the Celtics are loading up.

If not for them, it'd be a cake walk for the Heat next season.

Julius F. Wrek
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