Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Nice move for the Rockets. Now they can trade their entire draft for Bynum or Howard. :smh:
Courtney Lee to Boston for F JaJuan Johnson. Morey hooking up his former employer.
Just curious, does the C's backcourt look like this? 

PG - Rondo

SG - Bradley

Backup SG - Terry 

Backup SG - Lee

Backup PG - Bradley

Not sure how this works out. Unless Terry or Lee can sub in to play point.. or will they just shift Bradley over?
:lol: at the Knicks farewell card

:wow: at the thought of Dwight, Kobe, & Nash.

:wow: at the future for Cleveland if Bynum wanted to play there with Kyrie.

I like the Courtney Lee pickup for Boston :nerd:
Just curious, does the C's backcourt look like this? 

PG - Rondo
SG - Bradley

Backup SG - Terry 
Backup SG - Lee
Backup PG - Bradley

Not sure how this works out. Unless Terry or Lee can sub in to play point.. or will they just shift Bradley over?
I assume:

SG - Lee/Terry
PG - Rondo/Bradley

They'll have instances where they play Rondo with Bradley too though, all situational circumstances.
They still gotta play the game but a core of D12, Kobe, Pau, Nash, w/ Tawn off the bench...on paper that is a nightmare for opposing teams. They could use a few shooters on the bench though.
Great pickup for the Celtics, they are going to be nice next year. They're finally going to have some shooters and more than just Mickael Pietrus coming off the bench. Getting Jeff Green back as well will be huge.
deal with it u salty haters ( looking at u heat stans ), we're going to get dwight and win it all this season.

u mad? yea ya'll mad....
Damn lost 20 posts, w.e not like I had a lot anyway lol...Good pickup for the C's getting courtney lee
I like that 4 guard rotation the Celtics have. You figure Rondo will be playing around 37 MPG, you can get a solid 11 MPG of PG play from Bradley or Terry.
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I heard Avery Bradley was out until at least January because he's having another shoulder operation so Terry and Lee will have a ton of playing time early on.
I really hope the Lakers get Dwight, maybe he can stop all the laughing and giggling and get serious about his craft by learning from Kobe. Never seen somebody down 3 -0 in the playoffs laughing on the bench and always playing around. Or in the finals when he fouled Kobe and he was laughing and hugging him and Kobe told him to get the F off of me. The look on Howard's face was priceless.

You sure about that one? Find a vid.
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