Official New Balance Thread *sizing info for different models on first page*

Size 9s for sale lots of 997, 998
I'm done with NB
I'm sad for my US family
I'm glad I'm Canadian

If you're in Canada, hit me up for whatever you're selling for a local deal.

That being said, I think NB is not support Trump as a person so much as opposing to reducing tariffs on shoes from Asia.
If you're in Canada, hit me up for whatever you're selling for a local deal.

That being said, I think NB is not support Trump as a person so much as opposing to reducing tariffs on shoes from Asia.
I'm saying...too many heads(no beef familia) just see what is in front of them and not the big picture. They might love Trump, they might be luke warm on the man. What is a certain is that they have to do work in his America. The game is the game
I just think it's interesting that people hate this company for this now, but they will buy Mike's who has children making their shoes.....

To stay on topic, if you have size 11 don't just throw them out.....I've been wanting to try New Balance hahaha


New balance has American employees making their products.

If you should back any company it should be them.

At least money paying to new balance goes back to American employees making a product which helps our economy.

But hey, what do I know

New balance has American employees making their products.

If you should back any company it should be them.

At least money paying to new balance goes back to American employees making a product which helps our economy.

But hey,what do I know
This is what I'm saying. My phone changed it from Nike to Mike for some reason. I agree with what you are saying.
The owner of NB is an old conservative worth billions who has given millions of dollars (from our purchases) to horrible Super Pacs in the past. His name is Jim Davis. NB isn't just conservative, they are way past that with their agenda. Their ultra right wing views have gotten them unwanted scrutiny in the past and now, Apparently, the present. I thought  most people knew this about NB's owner.  We are all wearing Trump shoes now. 

It's 2016 and time to end the hate.

Repped. They are kinda tainted now for me, I can't lie. I understand if Phil Knight donates to the GOP in his private life, but we're talking about a corporate entity publicly giving their support for Trump, and then back-tracking. That's pretty suss to me, but to each their own I suppose.
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Repped. They are kinda tainted now for me, I can't lie. I understand if Phil Knight donates to the GOP in his private life, but we're talking about a corporate entity publicly giving their support for Trump, and then back-tracking. That's pretty suss to me, but to each their own I suppose.
This is the last time I'll comment on this because I agree this is a shoe forum! And then I'm going on a buying rampage before I cease purchasing in 2016 like @VidiViciUn  (my man!).

That stupid Sole Collector article was total click-bait and the quote was taken completely out of context, in my humble opinion. The TPP trade policy was a real threat to New Balance not being able to produce shoes in the U.S. That really is a direct threat to what everything NB stands for and what a lot of us here in this thread love about NB. 

I completely understand why they came out in support of Trump's stance on trade policies. That wall street journalist took a sound bite, ran with it for the sake of tweets and popularity, Sole Collector picked up on it and bam. 

I still understand why some of us are having such visceral reactions, though. For me, as a minority in this country and as someone who has deep friendships with those in the African-American community as well as other marginalized populations (I'm a Christian pastor of a church, FYI, in inner-city Boston- surprise), I can't stand Trump and the fact that the shoe company I love would in any way be associated positively with Trump- it bothers the hell out of me.

Even so, once you start peeling away at the layers, you realize that TPP was a real threat to NB's commitment to making shoes in America. Furthermore, even Democrats within the party including Bernie Sanders and Hilary weren't necessarily fans when it comes to Obama's international trade policies. The whole thing is super messy and grey, honestly. I'm still shocked that Trump won, but the more and more I read about the voters of Trump it just seems to me that this whole thing is a mess and Trump tapped into the psyche of tons of Americans who have been largely ignored and suffering: rural white Americans in poverty. 

All this to say that even if higher ups at New Balance came out in full support of Trump's presidency and stance on pretty much everything (other than his trade policies), I'm not sure that the right thing to do would be pull out support completely. As others have rightly pointed out, everyone is jacked up. I'm sure higher-ups at Adidas and Nike have skeletons in their closet- they've certainly proved with moving everything overseas that they are interested solely in profit and economic growth. But their views don't necessarily represent the views of everyone else in the company either. I was speaking with an employee who works for New Balance in San Franciso this morning and he told me that all of his colleagues were dumbfounded when the Sole Collector article came out, only to realize that quote was taken out of context.

It's the same reaction that liberals and liberal media had towards Chick-Fil-A when it came out the owner was a conservative Christian who held to a traditional view of marriage. All of a sudden, Chick-Fil-A was the devil- in reality they believe what they believe and we as fellow citiznes need to give everyone the right to believe without necessarily pigeon-holing them entirely. What this ends up doing is we view their work and the products they produce in a negative light as well. It's wrong to hate on a pair of shoes and a chicken sandwich and to boycott it because you disagree with the owner, even if you love the product itself and appreciate the work that went into it (by a fellow American citizen, mind you). I understand why you would do it, but I do disagree with you respectfully if you do.

Anyway, I'm freaking done with election talk and #NBTRUMPgate. I caved and copped those 1500NOs for $167. Eyeing the TN, BK and CK on Black Friday and still waiting for this eBay seller to ship my London Cabs.

PEACE, y'all and have a good rest of the week! 
NB being conservative shouldn't be a surprise. Also getting rid of a brand because of their stance in  politics is IMO pretty dumb as most brands support and exploit far worse things than NB endorsing Trump.
Its really surprising that people are so blinded by Trump hate (while he has yet to actually do anything as President, positive or negative, that has affected anyone) yet these same people have tons of things in their homes from companies like Apple, where their main Chinese manufacturer has very young workers living like slaves and many committing suicide.  Also, the car in your driveway? Was probably made in Mexico at the cost of American jobs, because you don't need to pay the same wages or pay for healthcare to Mexican employees.  Trump has said awful things, but the Clinton/Bush dynasties have DONE awful things. Lets unite as a country, lets hear what the other side has to say, rather then blindly ignoring them and calling them names and lets hope for a successful Trump presidency as I don't want to cut off my nose to spite my face.  Trump is actually a sign that our system works, we were never set up to have career politicians, cronyism/nepotism. If Trump messes up badly, we move him out in 4 years.  We have three executive and separate branches of government that have survived many things, I don't think 4 years of Trump is going to undo 240+ years of this great country.
Sole Collec who?

No wonder.

Y'all need to stop supporting that culture vulture publication
The market will be erratic going forward. Also, it took a huge jump because the good ole boys are investing in private prisons.. Last comment... F*** Giuliani!​

Money being invested in the US sector, not just private prisons lol

The hypociracy in this thread is real, don't wear any nikes because child slave labor at pennies an hour is much much worse than NB supporting a president.
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Man I'm going to sound like the old guys I hate right now. Social media is terrible man. NB is getting roasted by people over a Trade policy that the liberal candidates(Bernie Sanders) agree with them(NB) on. What?! Talk about misinformed haters man. Trump will be the new president. They have zero choice but to work with the government elected by the people. As does Facebook, Apple, Google etc. How about they look into all the brands that work foreign governments that aren't even pretending to be Democracies. People read the quote you can't just roast somebody for mentioning the president-elect of the US. They have no choice as a business to find some common ground.
Man I'm going to sound like the old guys I hate right now. Social media is terrible man. NB is getting roasted by people over a Trade policy that the liberal candidates(Bernie Sanders) agree with them(NB) on. What?! Talk about misinformed haters man. Trump will be the new president. They have zero choice but to work with the government elected by the people. As does Facebook, Apple, Google etc. How about they look into all the brands that work foreign governments that aren't even pretending to be Democracies. People read the quote you can't just roast somebody for mentioning the president-elect of the US. They have no choice as a business to find some common ground.
It would be a lot different if they were just against the TPP and did not endorse a polarizing candidate.  Would not have had any blow back. Each candidate was against it anyway. 
I haven't bought a pair of new balances in over a decade but been browsing this thread and been wanting to get new pairs. I definitely won't be getting any now.
Not even gonna lie, I always thought New Balance were kinda, uhhmm "old people" shoes. Lol. No offense. All this made me take a look online and there's some decent loooking models on their website.
It would be a lot different if they were just against the TPP and did not endorse a polarizing candidate.  Would not have had any blow back. Each candidate was against it anyway. 

Did they endorse him for president before Tuesday? If they did my fault. I saw a statement about the president elect.
By basically stating Trump's stance on TPP is the 'right direction', some of you read this as an actual endorsement of everything he stands for?  hmmmm....

As a company with MIUSA interests, of course they'd be against TPP.  Read beyond the subject line.

By saying DONT SUPPORT NEW BALANCE you want cut off the jobs of a company that pridefully employs people in the US? OK.  Trump was not my candidate but like it or not, all we can do is hope he does right with the power he's been elected to have, at least for the next 4 years.
 ..........If Trump messes up badly, we move him out in 4 years.  We have three executive and separate branches of government that have survived many things, I don't think 4 years of Trump is going to undo 240+ years of this great country.
republicans runs both chambers, the executive and the balance will tip slightly to the right with scalia's replacement. 

blank check for trump. 
................It's the same reaction that liberals and liberal media had towards Chick-Fil-A when it came out the owner was a conservative Christian who held to a traditional view of marriage. All of a sudden, Chick-Fil-A ..................
i'll agree with this sentiment.  i have no problem ordering #1 chicken club at chic-a-filet, wearing my  997GR, then walk right over to hobby lobby. with my daughter. 
I just think it's interesting that people hate this company for this now, but they will buy Mike's who has children making their shoes.....

To stay on topic, if you have size 11 don't just throw them out.....I've been wanting to try New Balance hahaha

Came in here to say this.[emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji]
My current mood right now..​


I still have love for NB y'all. I actually bought a pair of 998 BESP last night. I will be participating in #OCF tomorrow, I hope to see other post for OCF. :nthat:
There has been some posts on here that I have repped. It's refreshing to hear some people that, although may not see exactly eye to eye, can still have a rational conversation. We may disagree, but I can respect someone else's opinion as long as they can respect mine.

Exit: To stay on topic, how are these shoes comfort wise?
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republicans runs both chambers, the executive and the balance will tip slightly to the right with scalia's replacement. 

blank check for trump. 

i'll agree with this sentiment.  i have no problem ordering #1 chicken club at chic-a-filet, wearing my  997GR, then walk right over to hobby lobby. with my daughter. 
I met Scalia a few times (not a humblebrag, we went to the same high school, he was our commencement speaker many moons ago and he was an active alumni) and I can assure you that whoever Trump appoints will not be nearly as conservative as Scalia.

Also, many of Trump's proprosals (which for any politician are typically worth less than the paper they are written on) go directly against Republican/Washington orthodoxy.  Things like a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress, a 5 year ban on Congress/Washington officials becoming lobbyists (will never happen unfortunately), no foreign lobby money in US elections. He also wants more charter schools, I think we should get rid of the entire federal Board of Education, infrastructure spending (our roads/bridges are a disaster), ending offshoring etc.  

Anyway, there are obviously things to dislike about Trump, but that is the case for any politician. I just don't understand when I see grown people crying because we went through a process we go through every four years.  Anyway, no more politics from me on this board and apologies that I have written as much as I have on it. 
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