Official New Balance Thread *sizing info for different models on first page*

I'm sure failure will be the outcome, but I'll give it a go on the Tassie's tomorrow. I love the 998 silhouette :smokin
I'm still waiting to hear if we're getting the 1500GWS and 1500TWS. I sure hope so. That Grey pair is cops for sure.
3 people a month? Sorry if this sounds elitist? What happened in here?
Anymore and the group will get out of hand in a quickness.  It's already really difficult to stay on top of things over there.  The 3 a month amount was voted on.  there are exceptions to the rules....
But what is there to keep track of besides member names?  Look at Team AMFAM.  Those dudes have a GRIP of members and they're going on 7 years strong.  Granted, getting approved there can take time, but there isn't a cap on how many people can apply.  In short, they aren't trying to be exclusive.  3 people a month out of the thousands that post on NT?  That's crazy.  
This thread was so much better when it was barely 100 pages and it would only increase by 5 posts a day, displaying release info, future releases, pictures, etc.

Now I leave for a week and there's 50+ pages... lol I guess NB is gaining popularity here on NT. Not hating, do your thing guys... by the time any link or info is posted here, the shoes will be gone anyways.
It's still fairly quiet here compared to a ton of other threads. It's always just a very hyped up release that causes increases in traffic and posts here and other threads.

If any of you don't want to be a part of team NB, that's your prerogative. This thread is still very much the meat and potatoes of the new balance love on niketalk, don't get it twisted. We created the "team" to feel more like a community to keep resellers out. Releases like tassies and fingercroxx caused a lot of issues and now we see pairs going for $200-300 above retail all over the place. Granted, resellers will resell no matter the circumstances. Sorry if you feel excluded or that "thangs done changed". Times change, people are more thirsty for information, and you never know who is a reseller and who is not on here. Take a look at the Roshe thread. My god.
In creating a community via Team NB, you're really excluding a lot of people with the way it has been implemented.  I personally have no desire to be part of any team, so no, I don't feel excluded.  But why cap applications at 3 a month?  To limit resellers?  That doesn't even make any sense.  You think resellers give a **** about a team?  
  You dudes act like you're privy to info that nobody else on the internets is.  Like you said, times have changed--this is 2013 and nothing is a secret anymore in this age of Twitter, IG and FB.  Will you have randoms come into a thread right before a hyped release and try to glean info?  Sure.  But those dudes get no love regardless.  But trying to limit info pertaining to random restocks, coupon codes, etc?  You're fighting a futile battle, IMO.        

Btw, I have no issue with the team concept--just the feigned exclusivity of it.  Set your requirements, screen applicants accordingly and let all who desire to be a part of the team apply whenever they want.  If it's really about the shoes, the number of members shouldn't matter as long as they contribute, word to Team AF1 (who doesn't even have an application process, but is on their 6th Volume).    
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I only started getting 1500s last year. Started with NiceKicks grey/red pair and thought they were awesome.  Then I got the 2 Crooked Tongues (Made In England) collabs and I thought they were great, I instantly realized why everyone was complaining about the shape of the NiceKicks.  Then I got the Hanon CHF and I was convinced that the Crooked tongues shape was not a proper representation of a good 1500 shape either.  The Hanons are absolutely perfect. It seems like NB is back on track with made in England 1500s since the Hanons.

I never truly understood why dudes would complain so much about shape until i had a few different 1500 in front of me.  Even the difference between the CT and Hanon was a shocker considering they are both made in England.

Even the sizing was all off and they all fit similar and comfy

Nicekicks = sz 11

CT = sz 11.5 (my usual nb USA size)

Hanon = sz 12 (my true size for everything else)

Not sure if i answered your question, but i figured i`d share.
you did thank you, I'm confussed with your sizing but I will go tts 10.5 when I search for those hanon 1500s, I heard gripes about the nice kicks model, but I now know why the hanon 1500

is so coveted
Yeah man, those Hanon's fit absolutely true to size (my legit size of 13, not my NB tts which would be 12.5 typically- depending on the model). My 12's fit so damn snug
oh man, such a disadvantage for big footers, especially for how much you probably paid, I'm sure you can resell but better get your size locked down first if you ever consider it
Good looking out @CRH1979 - pointed me in the right direction last month and his advice led to me finally being able to cop a pair of Salmon Soles in my size for a fairly reasonable price.  Finally can cross that off my signature...
This thread was so much better when it was barely 100 pages and it would only increase by 5 posts a day, displaying release info, future releases, pictures, etc.

Now I leave for a week and there's 50+ pages... lol I guess NB is gaining popularity here on NT. Not hating, do your thing guys... by the time any link or info is posted here, the shoes will be gone anyways.
It's still fairly quiet here compared to a ton of other threads. It's always just a very hyped up release that causes increases in traffic and posts here and other threads.

If any of you don't want to be a part of team NB, that's your prerogative. This thread is still very much the meat and potatoes of the new balance love on niketalk, don't get it twisted. We created the "team" to feel more like a community to keep resellers out. Releases like tassies and fingercroxx caused a lot of issues and now we see pairs going for $200-300 above retail all over the place. Granted, resellers will resell no matter the circumstances. Sorry if you feel excluded or that "thangs done changed". Times change, people are more thirsty for information, and you never know who is a reseller and who is not on here. Take a look at the Roshe thread. My god.
In creating a community via Team NB, you're really excluding a lot of people with the way it has been implemented.  I personally have no desire to be part of any team, so no, I don't feel excluded.  But why cap applications at 3 a month?  To limit resellers?  That doesn't even make any sense.  You think resellers give a **** about a team?  
  You dudes act like you're privy to info that nobody else on the internets is.  Like you said, times have changed--this is 2013 and nothing is a secret anymore in this age of Twitter, IG and FB.  Will you have randoms come into a thread right before a hyped release and try to glean info?  Sure.  But those dudes get no love regardless.  But trying to limit info pertaining to random restocks, coupon codes, etc?  You're fighting a futile battle, IMO.        

Btw, I have no issue with the team concept--just the feigned exclusivity of it.  Set your requirements, screen applicants accordingly and let all who desire to be a part of the team apply whenever they want.  If it's really about the shoes, the number of members shouldn't matter as long as they contribute, word to Team AF1 (who doesn't even have an application process, but is on their 6th Volume).    

Moving on...

Anyone else got info on these that niketalk13 posted? That price is just 
 with the conversion and s/h.

The New Balance 670 Made in the UK Pack: available at Afew ( 140 euros
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I came to this thread because I have been quietly accumulating NB since around 98 and welcome that opportunity to share that interest with others. I have stayed with it as its atmosphere was so much more welcoming than the other threads in here. Upto about two weeks ago that is when all this Team NB debate started and people started getting told off for Avatar use etc. I don't mind if you have an exclusive team or not I think the most important thing is that by doing it the thread does not loose what's so good about it- mature, helpful and considerate and above all respectful to all constructive contributors. A team with restricted membership will always seem elitist wether that's its intention or not in any field. Have the team of course as is your right but try not to let it alienate genuine contributors with a passion for the subject as a result.
I came to this thread because I have been quietly accumulating NB since around 98 and welcome that opportunity to share that interest with others. I have stayed with it as its atmosphere was so much more welcoming than the other threads in here. Upto about two weeks ago that is when all this Team NB debate started and people started getting told off for Avatar use etc. I don't mind if you have an exclusive team or not I think the most important thing is that by doing it the thread does not loose what's so good about it- mature, helpful and considerate and above all respectful to all constructive contributors. A team with restricted membership will always seem elitist wether that's its intention or not in any field. Have the team of course as is your right but try not to let it alienate genuine contributors with a passion for the subject as a result.
No one is trying to alienate anyone. Just because we put a cap on the # of members, doesn't mean our intentions are to alienate; in fact, we're attempting to do the exact opposite. If you want to call us out on that, point the fingers at Team AM, Jordan, Roshe, and all the other "teams" on here, as well. We're not the first to do it, and we won't be the last.

No one is trying to get nasty or stir up the bad vibes in here. Others have done that on their own by boasting about how long they've been in the forums, or how long they've worn NBs, or the fact that they hate the sheer idea of this team. My intentions when I brought this team idea to the attention of GTFan, Stunna, and others, was not to alienate, disregard other members, or make others feel like they're missing out on something. It's nothing like that, actually.

We all rock our new balances just like the rest of you. Take it how you want to, but I know that every single one of the members contributes well, loves this subculture of sneakers, and does not wish to turn this thread into a battlezone.

Now please drop this subject and get back to the kicks.
And back to the kicks. Size Carnaby Street has had a q of campers outside it since early hours of this morning for the Tazzies. There is a photo on there IG feed. And what's sad about it is the two guys at the front are well known JB resellers in the UK who usually list at 3x retail. Foam and Yeezy madness come to NB which is exactly why I don't want anything to do with this release. I don't even think the Tazzies are that nice. It's collaboration hypebeast gone mad. Stick "x insert pretentious brand name here", in the name of a release add Sneaker blog hype and everyone falls over themselves to cop. If these were a NB GR they would be sitting.
No surprise there. I love this shoe, just not for the prices it's currently fetching, and will fetch down the road.
no hype in texas. lol. im wearing my tassies at the mall right now around a sea of jordan breds, and no one gives my nb a second look. thats the good part of here. bad part is they are on the dl here and theres no where mortar to cop
My favourite part of this picture is the lady with the stroller passing by looking confused at the mini campsite that has sprung up outside a high street store in below zero temperatures. Right there sums up what the outside world thinks about what sneaker culture has become. Bemusement
no hype in texas. lol. im wearing my tassies at the mall right now around a sea of jordan breds, and no one gives my nb a second look. thats the good part of here. bad part is they are on the dl here and theres no where mortar to cop
same in Denver - all Jordan everywhere... there's one spot that gets New Balances here (nothing really exclusive) and to show you how little hype NB's have in Denver, they still have a good amount of pairs of the grey/teal ML999GT from about a year ago and the black/red M999BR's from 2011 sitting on the shelves.
Whoever is looking for the 670 should check out They have both colorways (and a fair amount of sizes) for $150 shipped both ways. If you register as a student, you get 10% off every purchase you make, and they're currently offering free 2-day shipping for purchases above $140.
Whoever is looking for the 670 should check out They have both colorways (and a fair amount of sizes) for $150 shipped both ways. If you register as a student, you get 10% off every purchase you make, and they're currently offering free 2-day shipping for purchases above $140.
Clutch: here is the pair you are looking for phinsfan:

show love to Gry60 for the good find
If these were a NB GR they would be sitting.
Respectfully disagree. I think people are turned off by the high Aussie retail and exclusion of NA, but they'd sell well as a GR, as many other GRs do, not sit. Would they fetch crazy resale as a GR, nope. Maybe that's what you meant?

Recent uk 670s have fallen victim to bad shapes too lol. Although glasgowrob posted his "fix" if you don't mind hacking it up. I posted about it before but no one here acknowledged it at all lol. Would be interested in seeing a tutorial if anyone attempts it. Would love to try it out on other pairs, like mojitos.
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personally i look at cw before whether not clan. i prefer them all to be gr, so copping would be eaiser. i could care less about release numbers, since chances are, ill be the only one wearing down here anyway
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