just for transparency, on the jjjjound website drop.
i ran for everyone that asked me.
i spent $37 on proxies.
used 2 different high powered pc's and ran each person 2x (once on each pc)
23 tasks on each, 46 in total
1 person sent me money to purchase extra proxies to increase his chances.
he got 8 tasks, 4 tasks on each pc.
took 3-4 seconds from picking up product to getting in queue.
1st checkout was 12:06
literally 11 seconds later task 1 (size 10) got through queue and size was oos (waiting for restock)
i did everything correct, was fast and still ended up going 3/46.
not sure what more i could of done.
the newbalance website drop was 10x worse, dont even want to get into the details.
had high hopes honestly, i guess this is the state of sneakers now.
the good news is that we still have another pair of 993's incoming.