Official New York Giants 2013 Off-Season thread: (2014 schedule on page 87)

Giants recievers are outrageous, Eli is good but they make him look great.

Dude put the ball in the best possible spots to make those big plays in the Bennett had two dropped touchdown passes as well.

Tryon is a 5th stringer CB, he would not start anywhere if it were not for the injuries back there, guy is FOOD. Trash in every facet of the game.
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Dude put the ball in the best possible spots to make those big plays in the Bennett had two dropped touchdown passes as well.
Tryon is a 5th stringer CB, he would not start anywhere if it were not for the injuries back there, guy is FOOD. Trash in every facet of the game.

Son Nicks was wide open every release , its not like he was zipping it thru small windows out there...Nicks really owned whoever lined up in front of him today. Even the Cruz TD was wide open down the field because Ronde got caught looking , again kinda hard to mess those throws up.

Even Bradshaw said the pass to Bennet was underthrown but he adjusted, does that count as the best possible spot too ?

Eli is good but he's bi polar at times, of course since he won the game all by himself his 3 pics will be glossed over but thats part of what he does.
He wasn't bi polar last season though.

Those wide open releases were in the 4th quarter, Eli had to zip it through small windows that entire 3rd quarter which got Tampa's defense tired and kept the drives going.

The pass to Bennett was put in a jump ball spot, he was not passed the CB so he threw it away from the CB so he could jump up, use his height, and grab it.

Eli calls those adjustment plays where he picks apart a blitz for a big play, but the WR make him look better?

This is still one of the younger offenses in the league. Eli commands the offense. This is the same team that lead the league in drops the past few seasons....even had a lot of drops Game 1.

Its not how you start its how you finish, Tampa's defense played very well all preseason, last week, and first half vs the GMEN....they get paid too.
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This is what I want to %$#@* see, intimate em', hit em hard and get those open field tackles. :pimp:
I'm a little worried at the short turn around.

This defense is so suspect right now. I want to see the D-Line show out. We need to get pressure on Cam if there was a time for the D-Line to wake up it's now.

Tuck and Osi need to wake up and give JPP some help. Lets get pressure on Cam and force him to make mistakes. Fewell needs to stop throwing 8 in the box and making the blitz so obvious.

Hoping for the best.
GMEN have not gotten pressure with 4 so far, same issue to start the season...every year.

Blitzing is needed but can't be so predictable with them, need to do a better job disguising. He also needs to assist the backup CB's and not leave them stranded 1 on 1, safety help over the top vs Steve Smith and go from there.

Defense forced a ton of 3 and outs that entire second half, Tryon is my major concern he should never guard taller WR he has no clue.
Wonder if Wilson and Brown will step up with the early turnaround in Carolina.

Cam, please give the G-Men their second loss.
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