@this dude Dolan not interviewing anyone else for the job. Dude is an absolute idiot.
check this out, i hope most of this is true, especially the last one

- Isiah *will not* be returning as head coach for next season, although he will finish out the year in that capacity

- Dolan has agreed to give Walsh FULL AUTONOMY and is taking a a backseat from being involved in the decision-making process for basketball related issues. Walsh will be rewriting the infamous media policy

- Mark Jackson will be given strong consideration for the head coaching job

- Thomas is expected to be reassigned to a front office position based on scouting will be assisting in our lottery pick selection this June

- Billy King will be given strong consideration for the GM position (day-to-day administrative duties currently occupied by Glen Grunwald)

- Walsh is expected to adopt a philosophy of TEARING IT DOWN AND REBUILDING. He is expected to trade Zach Randolph and others in an attempt to get under the cap by 2010 in an effort to pursue Lebron James
- Thomas is expected to be reassigned to a front office position based on scouting will be assisting in our lottery pick selection this June
- Walsh is expected to adopt a philosophy of TEARING IT DOWN AND REBUILDING. He is expected to trade Zach Randolph and others in an attempt to get under the cap by 2010 in an effort to pursue Lebron James
- Billy King will be given strong consideration for the GM position (day-to-day administrative duties currently occupied by Glen Grunwald)
i don't know about this one...
Donnie Walsh press conference on now,.....from what i'm getting from the press

on Isiah: Thinks he's a great basketball mind, won't judge from afar. Will sit down and talk in comingdays, then go from there. Thinks he has skills to help this franchise. Can't wait to get Franchise to get back to being an elite team in the nba

In 3 years, they have a chance to have flexibility in the CAP. Has to make this present team as competitive as they can make it. Can't make long term deals to protect cap in 3 years.Will do 24/7 days to do that.

"There's no magic wand, it's going to take alot of hardwork"...." New York needs to be flexible in the free agent market" exactwords from Donnie Walsh at the press conference
For those that hate the Knicks media policy like me, D. Walsha said that him and Jim Dolan are gonna compromise on that.
nice to hear he seems to understand the importance of freeing up cap space

that was a hilarious pacers clip too if anyone caught it
Originally Posted by KingJay718

For those that hate the Knicks media policy like me, D. Walsha said that him and Jim Dolan are gonna compromise on that.

What's the current media policy?
@ stephen a smith saying he would fire everyone including the knicks city kids

everytime he was asked about the cap, he kept mentioning 2 to 3 years from now...I'm beginning to think he definitely is going to go after Lebron James
Originally Posted by NYK orange and blue

check this out, i hope most of this is true, especially the last one

- Isiah *will not* be returning as head coach for next season, although he will finish out the year in that capacity

- Dolan has agreed to give Walsh FULL AUTONOMY and is taking a a backseat from being involved in the decision-making process for basketball related issues. Walsh will be rewriting the infamous media policy

- Mark Jackson will be given strong consideration for the head coaching job

- Thomas is expected to be reassigned to a front office position based on scouting will be assisting in our lottery pick selection this June

- Billy King will be given strong consideration for the GM position (day-to-day administrative duties currently occupied by Glen Grunwald)

- Walsh is expected to adopt a philosophy of TEARING IT DOWN AND REBUILDING. He is expected to trade Zach Randolph and others in an attempt to get under the cap by 2010 in an effort to pursue Lebron James

If this is all true i will feel like the Knicks are back on track. i dont really want King though. What did he do in Philly that was so good? Draft AI? icould have taken AI. He had maybe the best plaer in the league at some points a man who took his team to the finals by himself but never put anyone around him.I would rather H20, he got a good bball mind and he grew up around bball his dad was a coach. Or Greg Anthony.

Lebron and Rose (along with Lee) = at least 4 championships

I agree 100% Walsh should have interviewed others like Westbut im liking walsh right now. especially how he is tight with Mark Jackson, he will rebuild and clear cap and pursue Lebron, and how he will change the mediapolicy. i could not ask for any more right now. but than again talki is cheap... it wil be a crazy summer in NY
The team, ownership, and fans are all gonna have to commit to rebuilding in order for this to work out though!!!

It seems like it would be simple since we have been sucking so much lately anyway, that expectations shouldn't be kept high, but this is NY. The key willbe to get rid of bad character/high salary/low effort guys, of which we have WAAAAAAY to many. But i can't see management admitting we need to rebuild, andcommitting to allow it to happen. Sucking while rebuilding is acceptable, sucking while setting yourself up for continued failure is not acceptable. Thejailblazers are one pretty good example.

Let's hope tho! Walsh seems like he knows thats what needs to happen.
for those that missed it and wants to see the whole press conference:

Donnie Walsh Press Conference 04/02/08

Running time 37 Minutes.






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Originally Posted by jumpfreak23

Originally Posted by KingJay718

For those that hate the Knicks media policy like me, D. Walsha said that him and Jim Dolan are gonna compromise on that.

What's the current media policy?

The current media policy is basically that you cant interview a player without a Knicks PR rep standing next to you. Most likely that rep is on his or herBlackberry typing away but they are really listening to everything you are asking or saying. In other words the players do not really have a voice. They areclearly prepped before they talk to the media.....its absolutely ridiculous in the locker room. Isiahs press conferences were three minutes. I know nextseason all of that will change.
Walsh said today that the team will be "more accessible."
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