my dude THEGR8been saying this since day 1 that curry is our problem and tonight showed we dont need him
. the team's defense is way betterwith zach and lee starting and the backcourt had a great game as well. crawford did a really good job of orchestrating the offense tonight and zbo was zbo.i'd rather see this starting lineup than our usual starting lineup. yep its really time to trade curry while he has some value for any defensive mindedcenter. if the refs don't call that inconsistent palming violation on crawford then no one is seeing his hesitation move, dude was driving to the lane andpulling up with the ease. good effort tonight we need to keep this effort for the next 2 games vs philly because those are very winnable games. please let ushave a 3 game winning streak at least.
Yeah Woodside I did not agree with GR8 at first but I am definitely a believer now...if the Bobcats feel Oakafor wont re-sign I know we can get a deal done forhim.
This game means %+%#.

It told me something that I already knew. The Knicks are talented without Curry. I am convinced that if Zeke hasnt learned already he will never learn so ialready know that we will go in to Phily on Friday and we will have the same bad offense and same bad defense with Curry. This is because of Isiah's%!%@@$* ego. He is not ******ed, he knows we are better without Eddy. Only a %!%@@$* moron can not realize that (unless Isiah really is ******ed). But he hasthat ****ng ego, that same ego which is the reason we have a 7'2 bum on our team and not a nice rookie young SG with a killer outside shot. That is thesame ego that Isiah cannot admit it was a mistake to get Curry for all those picks and try and make him our vocale point. So isiah will NOT learn he will NEVERlearn, no matter how good we are without him.

And thats what pisses me off, there is soooooo much %!%@@$* talent on this team that is just being shut down by Curry and Isiah. Back in the day with LarryBrown and Wilkens i was the leader of the "rebuild the Knick" movement. But the reason that i am not all for that, is cause im a guy that calls it asi see it, and i know unlike these bums who dont watch the Knicks and are hypnotized by the media, i know that these Knicks are sooo goddamn talented. Talentedenough to contend for the East. That is why im not for dumping everyone like i was because this team has the tools, that if properly put together they are agreat basketball team.

The common misconception of the Knicks is precisely what i just said, the whole thing about, "sure the Knicks have talent and are great on paper, but toobad theres only 1 ball, or they cant play team bball, or they have no chemistry." A guy like me are most of yalls who watch the Knicks closely know thatthis bull %+%# isnt true. That was the fact for the past 2 years and last year. But around December of last year, this team started to come together and bond.The lockeroom wasnt divided, and the players did and really still do play hard for their coach. They have VERY underated chemistry not like people think andcan play well as a team. I would describe the Knicks unit in a metaphor, not as all the right tools (as in talented players) but the tools are completely puttogether the wrong way, but all the tools put together the right way, except that a TINY poece like the batteries or the whole thing holding it together doesnot work. But a battery can be easily changed just as this Knicks team can be. They have the talent, they have the chemistry, they just eed that onle littlechange which is the coaching style and because of Isiah's either mental state or ego that will have to be adressed else where.

I say it over and over again if we dont have Curry and add the extra rebounding, defense, and ball movement, this team is talented enough to beat if not hangwith nearly anyone, because they are cretainly tough enugh- Curry to do so as well. I say that OVER AND OVER again all the time, and this game did nothing butprove me right...

Crawford is

This is another thing i know as well. This guy can uncannily score on anybody. He has the quickness, the moves, and most importantly the soft touch. This guyhas a great touch from anywhere around the basket. This is why he can change his shots so nicely because his best ability is his feel for the basketball andabilitly to make all his shots with that soft touch. My favrite move of his is when he splits the D and gets space from his man and drives in, and before thehelp D approaches he does that cute little floatr and drops that %+%# in. He can do that %+%# all day and has great touch from beyond the arc. Some argue thathe can never be our guy because of his inconsistency. Another thing that i respond to as bull %+%#. I feel Crawford can score on anybody at any given time, andhis inconsistency is just llike the Knicks inconsistency as a whole unit. It is credited to our offensive strategy of dumping the balll to fat %+%# 1 and 2which takes away his oppurtunities. He is only 26 and as i said in the beginning of the yyear and still say now Crawford is good enough to be a 20+ ppg kind ofguy and an all star. i think he is one of the best scorers in the NBA. He is also a leader out there and has GREAT vision and makes some nice assists, whichcan be seen in his 7 assists. Also the dude is sraight CLUTCH. When he hit that 3 right in VC's face... BOOM MOTHA+**@$*!
This is why i think ouroffense should be ran with him as our #1 backcourt scorer and ran through him and Marbury in the backcourt. Marbury CAN play that leader pg role and he can getit to Crawfrd to do his thing while still having Randolph as our #1 we just cant have Curry in our plans.

This brings me to point #2. Randolph is another TREMENDOUS offensive player. He may be the most complete offensive big man in the NBA only behind guys like KGand Duncan but believe it or not he is in that class in terms of offensive ability he just is not even 10 classes below them in defensive ability and they areWAYYY more unselfish than he is. Randolph as well as Crawford played a very nice ball game. He once again showed that he has a complete offensive game in whichhe can shoot from outside, take it in strong, and post up. He is also a VERY good rebounder because he is a very tough and competitive player and works VERYhard. This is what seperates him from Curry although they are both offensive black holes and dont play D. This is because although Z Bo rarely passes we canstill run that spread out offense with him in because of his versatility. He can be uptop, down low or in the middle and can score from anywhere. He is WAYYmore talented than Curry offensively, but he also works VERY hard and is a great competetor which Curry is not and he works hard and is a great rebounder.Randolph can work with the Knicks he is talented enough and works hard enough. His only weaknesses are his defense and his lack of passing and his lack ofability to run the floor. So how do you get around that? By getting another big man who CAN defend and who CAN be effective when not scoring and who CAN runthe floor and is athletic!!!! It's %!%@@$* simple we have to get the guy who is not like Randolph the guy who can do what Randolph cannot to make up forhis weaknesses and also not intervene with Randolph's strenghts. Basically like i have said MANY times WE NEED THE ANTI CURRY TO PLAY CENTER!! Randolph canwork as long as we got a guy who can make up for his mishaps by not interfering with his offensive skill set and a guy who runs and defends well (an ideal guywould be a Camby or Okafor kinda guy, but any player like that would work and any player other than Curry would be AT LEAST an improvement) Like I siadRandolph can work but we need someone to compliment his style. So why do we have another guy whose weaknesses are the same as Randolph, he dont play D, he dontrun well, nor pass well and like Randolph he NEEDS the ball to be effective which hurts Z Bo as well. I would say that trading for Z bo was a mistake, but wegot him in a STEAL, and he can work with this team cause he gets boards and plays with fire and also has a wide variety of offensive skill.

Also in tonights game, David Lee showed why he should start. He may be undersized but he is the closest thing we got to that "ideal center" i talkedabout above. He contradicts Randolph by hustling and ruunning the floor, his help defense was another thing i noticed that was EXCELLENT especially compared toRandolph and Curry and he doesnt need the ball. Its just sad to me that i know what i speak of will not happen unless Isiah goes and Lee will once again be onthe bench while he continues to give Curry PT.

I'm also starting to love Freddie Jones. He works hard, and he plays excellent D. He is also a nice offensive player. Which also shws we are at our bestwhen we mix our talent players and our offfensive players. Which is why i think that Lee should DEFINITLEY be in for Curry but i also think we should mve Q tothe bench (although i love Q and he should definitley continue to get mins and be our 6th man and his benching ONLY has to do with how well teams do as a unitand not his individual play) and insert another hustler particularrly Jeffries because he has started on a winning team before, he hustles and plays D, and heis a SUPER athlete at 6'11, and can also help out with that size with Randolph's defensive mishaps and our lack of size. so my ideal linup would beSteph, Crawford, Jeffries, Lee, and Randoph. That is a great mixture of contradicting play styles and team work and that team as i have stated many times wouldwin...

Once again, nice win today but it dont mean %+%#. As long as Curry comes back and starts at center this team will go NOWHERE. Isiah wont change %+%# so hestill needs to go ASAP. I wish he didnt need to though. Because the players like him and work hard for him. He just is a bad coach plain and simple. I thinkthe smartest move that he can make while still keeping his job is to step down ONLY as a coacjh and hand it down to Herb Williams. Herb is a VERY loyal guymost loyal in the buisness who has been under many coaches and still hasnt left, but more importantly has picked up great coaching under guys like Brown, andWilkens and knws enough by now. His loyalty should be paid off and like Isiah he is nother guy that I KNOW the players will play hard for and respect. He is asafe choice and than Isiah can still keep his GM job. Because if he keeps coaching he will eventually get fired, cause frankly he is a horrible coach. But thanagain if he still is GM he would still probably be reluctant to do anyhting wiith Curry so tha may not work well either... So pretty much we just gotta let himgo, unless magically he can out his ego aside and do whats best for the team.

Originally Posted by Woodside718

my dude THEGR8been saying this since day 1 that curry is our problem and tonight showed we dont need him
. the team's defense is way better with zach and lee starting and the backcourt had a great game as well. crawford did a really good job of orchestrating the offense tonight and zbo was zbo. i'd rather see this starting lineup than our usual starting lineup. yep its really time to trade curry while he has some value for any defensive minded center. if the refs don't call that inconsistent palming violation on crawford then no one is seeing his hesitation move, dude was driving to the lane and pulling up with the ease. good effort tonight we need to keep this effort for the next 2 games vs philly because those are very winnable games. please let us have a 3 game winning streak at least.

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Yeah Woodside I did not agree with GR8 at first but I am definitely a believer now...if the Bobcats feel Oakafor wont re-sign I know we can get a deal done for him.

Thank you yo. Lik i said above and as yalls mentioned we are WAYY better without him defensively of course and even offensively (which is all hes good for) Nowif only Isiah will stop playing him!! but like i said he wont so until he goes we just have to live with 6 year old girl D and motionless offense.
^^^Any defensive minded center that rebounds. While Emeka is the best of those in the class and he would be the ideal fir. Dalembert definitley works. Althoughhe is no Okafor, he still qualifys for the resume of a ddefensive center/rebounds/doesnt need ball/runs floor well , and honestly ANY ONE at this pint wouldwork better than Eddy, even......... JEROME JAMES
^^Make one for Okafor, but Dalembert DEFINITLEY works...

Just no Curry works for me, but to add a center that can play D like that and fits EXACTLY what we need would be PERFECT

this trade would be a dream for Knicks fans.....although MJ and Larry Bird would have to be smoking something serious to pull of a deal like this
^^^MJ more than Bird would have to be ******ED

But 3 of the 80s grreats making a trade would be funny
Honestly, I been saying this from last year that we needed to trade Curry. Dude has absolutely NO HEART. I remember I was watching a game last year and dudehad some chest fat by the underarm of his jersey. I just had to SMH @ the screen. THIS BIG SLOB OF A MAN IS THE FOCAL POINT OF OUR OFFENSE??!!! You have GOT tobe kidding me. He's like a fat kid running laps. He needs to be in the new season of Shaq's Big Challenge because he's too damn fat to be in theNBA. And I told myself this summer, I'd appreciate it if in the offseason Curry lost 20-30 pounds and got slim and prepared to work. Season started andwhat do I see? Looks like the %$%%*@+###!+ put on MORE weight. He looks like a butch lesbian with Lil' Wayne Crayola tattoos. Is this guy serious? Man,this guy has to GO. ANYWHERE. I'd take Earl Boykins and play him @ center rather than keep Curry. At least Earl plays like he actally likes basketball.Don't even get me started on Curry on the defensive end. Its like he's on the other teams payroll. You're a 7 footer yet you're getting 2rebounds?! Wtf?! J Kidd averages MORE than you?! Jesus Lord we need to ship this cat.

Another disappointment I feel is Q-Rich. This%!%$+! needs to go too. Seriously, I love him as a player but he's not rocking with me. Homie, you'reaveraging 5 ppg?! And you're in the starting lineup? Eff outta here. He was doing his thing in PHX and we got him, I'm thinking its a good thing.WRONG. WRONG. This dudes as effective as taking a laxative on thanksgiving. Nothing but %%#$. *sigh* these Knicks are hurting me internally. Hell, if we tradedCurry for Brezec straight up, I'd be happy as +%$+.
whats this about kidd lying about his migraine that sat him out? i knew a migraine isn't going to stop jkidd
Bobcats/Pacers/Knicks trade is funny, I just had to make a reply.

Larry Bird would have to trade away one of the main contributors of the team (maybe even the main contributer) and the team's best player in Dunleavy (jk,at least a decent contributor) to get 2 bum centers.

Michael Jordan would have to send out probably one the best defensive minded players at the 4 spot and bum center for a player at the spot they're alreadyloaded at.

Isiah Thomas would just send out a bum center.

MJ + Bird would've got hosed.
Originally Posted by jimmy digital

Honestly, I been saying this from last year that we needed to trade Curry. Dude has absolutely NO HEART.
That was poor word choice!

LOL @ dude posting all those trades. I dont think getting Okafor from the Bobcats is unrealistic at all. It all depends on whether or not they feel Okaforwill sign and how desperate they are to get value for him if he does not want to return. However as I stated before the Knicks would probably have to take onone of Charlottes bad contracts.
Wow, I could only imagine Okafor here in NYC, I would buy his jersey from Day 1 (as I do with all U-Conn players).

Doesn't he still have back issues? Big concern for someone as young as he is.
brandon roy and oden for curry

but seriously how does QRich average more boards than Curry....

q rich hustles all the time especially when he rebounds. his defense has been good lately but he needs get his shooting form back. everytime he shoots its likeyou know its a miss, i think he just hasn't found his form yet. other than that he is that dude def gets my vote along with jamal being the real leadersfor this team. AI2 we bout to take this you already know
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