camby would be perfect with our system right now and he always wanted to come back to ny and play, make it happen
Originally Posted by Woodside718

q rich hustles all the time especially when he rebounds. his defense has been good lately but he needs get his shooting form back. everytime he shoots its like you know its a miss, i think he just hasn't found his form yet. other than that he is that dude def gets my vote along with jamal being the real leaders for this team. AI2 we bout to take this you already know

i think his shooting has more to do with the fact that he's been playing most of the season with an injured elbow
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Woodside718

q rich hustles all the time especially when he rebounds. his defense has been good lately but he needs get his shooting form back. everytime he shoots its like you know its a miss, i think he just hasn't found his form yet. other than that he is that dude def gets my vote along with jamal being the real leaders for this team. AI2 we bout to take this you already know

i think his shooting has more to do with the fact that he's been playing most of the season with an injured elbow

yea the injury has hurt him but im saying his offensive rhythm
It seems like every role player, or any player for thaty matter, gets his career high against the Knicks. Reggie Evans has that chance at 9 points early.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

^seriously....reminds me of the one time my cousin dropped 45 on me with darvin ham in nba live

Yo I burst out laughing at work when I read that!

But seriouslywe do make role players look like Superstars at times.
Curry is a BUM
Q is a MAN
Crawford is valuable
Nate has been underused to say the least
Lee is 'omnipresent'

Iight yo, i gotta give a little bit of a premeditated rant here and a quicker one...

What the $%+# is up with Isiah. David Lee is BY FAR the most complete big man on our team. We do SOOOOOO much better with him in the game. hHe works harderthan any of these bums, he playd D, crashes the boards and is VERY nice offensively now. Throw a big man on him and he blows by with his quickness andathletisism throw a small guy on him and he will power him down. He is so good and im watching him right now after Curry and co. just stunk up the %+!#%*# ct,and Lee is erasing a 12 point deficit. I'm asking myself will Isiah EVER learn? Will he put Curry back in in the 4th. Even if he doesnt will he learn EVERand not start Curry? The answer is NO. Isiah needs to go, because it is just wrong what we are doing to Lee. He is our hardest worker and best all around bigman. In no way should he not be getting mad minutes and starting. With this guys work ethic, he can soon be a premier player.

And also im lovin Crawford. Like i always say this guy can score at will and is held back soley by our Curry strategy. He is still 26 and i thnik that he isloaded with potential. I honestly think that he can be a premier 2 guard for years to come i we work our offense around him. he has unlimited skill set. AndPLEASE play ma boi Nate more. No way does he deserve to be in the doghouse. He works hard, plays hard, and is straight up nice. I think that if it isnt Stephhe should be our next option at the point and should start if Steph is out.

Speakin of Steph, he get hurt or something???

Lets close this one out and keep Curry laughing on the bench. I think were both better off.
^He is being rested because of what he has been through the last few days. The Knicks need to sweep this home and home series and get their act together. Thisis ridiculous...we make a run and tie it up and then lose the lead.
In response to my previous post we did exactly what i knew wed do

We put the fat %%@* connection back in, Lee out. And look at that back down by 10!!!!

Isiah must be the dumbest coach of all time. I think anyone with half a brain would realize we are better w/o Curry. Its hi %%$%#++ ego. %%$%#++ pathetic. FireIsiah ASAP, for ANYONE esle. i dont even give a %%@*. PUT LEE IN!!!!!!
i'm not going to front, but crawford can't guard anybody.

his offense is nice though. he's keeping us in this game.
I am disgusted the Knicks are acting like they dont want to win this game or take this team seriously. This is the problem with this team...they do not beatthe teams they should!!
damn, Crawford got all the points in the 4th, SMH.

edit: ok, Lee broke that with less than 2 min. to go.
isiah is an idiot to not play david lee more instead of curry. even malik is a better presence on the defensive end then curry.
Isiah did it. He put the bums back in and they blew the game back up to10, and once they put Lee back in they were fighting from behind AGAIN and they just couldnt do it again.

The fact that Curry still has a job still ponders me. If Marburys got beef on Zeke and still gets the occasional benching, Curry must know about the time Zekekilled someone. Zeke is THE WORST coach in the NBA. Its like a joke, he @%!#*%* blew this game for us and most of our losses this season. I never like to putso much blame on the coach, but right now this *%*! all Zeke's fault casue ANYONE should realize we are better without Curry andf he sucks, but he stillinsistson him as a franchise player. I honestly think that Isiah is holding us back 20 wins, whic should never be the case for a coach. I mean sometimes acoach can hold a team back a little and make a poor mistakes but Zeke is impacting each game WAYY too much to still have a job. People act like, why do wealways fight and than let up?" But its simple. The same reason for our inconsistency as a team, Crawford's scoring inconsistency, lack of energy inthe 1st quaters of games, and all of our other problems. Its once again cause of Curry. When hes out we fight and come back in games, than Zeke for some reasonputs him back in and thats when we let up. We are still the talented team that fights without him. But in order to be good we need to be withoput him.

On Z Bo's notes. As i mentioned numerous times he can work for us with an anti-Curry center. One who runs the floor and is athletic, plays D, rebounds, anddoes not need the ball to be effective. This is because of his uncanny offensive abilities. In my opinion he is up there offensivelywith the best big men inthe league such as Duncan and KG in terms of overall offensive skills. He can take you off the dribble, power you, or even shoot outside,. But he NEEDS topass. Zach, you were not on today. Crawford was lights out. STOP HOGGING THE BALL!! If you dont have the shot or you're not on, pass the @%!#*%* ball WOW!!

As i mentioned in my previous post, Crawford can score on anyone. He can drive, shoot, dribble, etc. He has a SICK offensive game. And hes only 26. Right nowhe is one of the best offensive weappons in the NBA in my opinion and his lowerish scoring average and inconsistency is only due to Curry. With another coachthat utilizes him like we have in the past 2 wins he can be one of the best 2 guards in the league in my opinion. He is also a leader out there and has GREATvision. he has tremeendous skill and superstar potential. We need to utilize him and Steph when hes in along with Randolph and NOT Cuury!!

Also to state again my previous post, the David lee situation is disgraceful. He is our hardest worker and our most complete big man. Its like we punish himfor working his$@%@ off during games, and during practices improving his overall game. Dude is a nice offensive player now, taking big men to the hoop usinghis athletism/agility an smaller guys through his power. With his work ethic he can be a premier big man. He also plays help D, and has great touch with hisleft or right around the basket, and has once again worked his$@%@ off on improving his range. He can hit the occasional midranger, but most impressive is hisfreethrow work. Class A example of his hard work. Shot 57% as a rookie and was never good in college, and right now he is arguably our best FT shooter afterCrawford and is shoting around 85% or so. START THE MAN ASAP!!! HOLY *%*!

Same *%*! as usual pretty much. Something needs to be done, but as usual he wont.

EDIT: lso forgot to mention, but Nate deserves more minutes IMO. Dotn know why he is in the dog house. This guy has worked EXTREMELY hard to improve his game.He went to summer league and dominated and was our best player in the preseason. He has become a smarter player and a gr8 shooter. He deserves his minutes.Along with his great offensive game right now, he also works his@#$! off wheneve hes in, and although he is not great fundamentaly on D, his hard work makeshim a pest. He also grabs boards when Currry cant.

Which also reminds me there are guards outrebounding these bums down low like its nothing. although Z bo is normally a tough rebounder, he was TERRIBLE tonightall around

I was disgusted, everytime i look i see guards going for these balls while Curry sits and watches and hopes the ball falls in his lap. We mish at well getCurry a couch down low and some popcorn. all this guy does is sit and watch. He sits and watches defenders BLOW by him and sits and watcch his guards work forhim. I mean the guards work hard but they can only do so much going against 7 footers and their big men just watch him.
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