Official New York Knicks Season Thread

Iight Knicks fans after watching today's game, i realized why i hate Eddy Curry so much. All offseason i was thinking about why i didnt like him and maybe he is a young, reliable, good center that can work for this team like Isiah says. But Eddy Curry cant in fact he is the exact opposite of what this team needs at starting center...

I am not saying that Curry is a bad player, because he is not, he has clear offensive talent, but really that is about it. So Curry is not a bad guy to have on your team, but the problem is that EVERY single play the Knicks just bring it down and lob it to Eddy. I am sorry Zeke, but look at the stats. Randolph is a better player than Eddy. He can take it outside, he can play post, he is a better rebounder, he hustles more, and he is a little more athletic. Curry on the other hand looks like he has gained weight and once he gets the ball on offense he screws up all of our flow. He either throws it up or something, or turns it over. But even after that he attributes 0 of anything else. I do not think i saw him run once this game, whenever a ball was loose near him, he'd wait for someone else to grab it. He had 4 boards in 33 mins. 4 @#%$ boards, or you kidding me for a starting center who played 33 mins?! Is this really the guy Zeke wants to build around, and that people claim is the best c enter we've had since Pat? In all honesty, i'd rather have Nazr Mohammed on this team over Curry....

This is because we do not need a guy we dump the ball to every time and does nothing else to start for us. I would much rather the guy who wont score but who puts effort and has us be a legitimate post defense team. It's not like we would be losing any post game because we would still have Randolph who is a beats and averaged 23 and 10 last year. When Curry is in the game, Randolph's production declines but it is far worse than that. As evident in the Tel-Aviv and 76ers game, Marbury, Crawford, and Randolph all worked very well together and played a complete game of basketball. A game where Marbury would bring it up, and we would have Z-Bo taking it inside, but also able to hit the midrange J, and Crawford was doing his thing scoring wise, while David lee was doing all the little things. If we want to win games that is how we will need to play. Not a game where we bring it up dump it to fat @#%$ and than boom, play over. No i will reiterate, i am not saying Curry is a bad player, it is just that he does not mesh with our style of play. I think this team is good enough to win 50 and i will not back down from that statement. But they need to play a complete game led by the threesome of Marbury, Crawford, and Randolph each with a majority of skills that work well with each other. This is the kid of play that will give Steph his breakout season i preach about to lead a team, and Crawford to step up as that 20 a game guy, because he will get the ball on the perimeter rather than having it with Eddy all the time, but instead of making the 19 point -4 rebound guy our #1, it should be the 23+ 10 guy who has a wider variety of skills.

The Knicks NEED to get rid of Curry if they want to win, because he does not mesh in with the style in which we will win by. Zeke needs to pull some strings and not make the same mistake that we made with Frye. Where last season at this time he was our "untradable franchise player" and now hes in Portland. We should do with Curry what we shoulda done with Frye, trade him while his value is high, because we are a better team without him. I dont care how many points he scores, we are better without him. Marbury, Crawford, Z-Bo, and Le can run this te am as a team, because all their styles are different and mesh well with each other. Curry does not mesh with them, because he only has 1 skill which is scoring in the post, and we WILL NOT be in for our breakout season if every time onoffense we dump it into Curry, which holds the other players back, and than we play no post D, how will that team be a contender?

Like i said we gotta trade Curry, possibly in a deal to get Artest or some star-TYPE (not Kobe) that will mesh well with those 4 players and than get a defensive stopper big man that will not perform that well on offense to play center for us. This is good for 2 reasons. To make a trade for lets just say Artest for now, we get a guy who beautifully fits in with what we should get, Marbury will run the team at the point, Crawford will take over scoring in the backcourt, we would than have Artest who would be our defensive stopper+scoring threat, Z Bo would be our #1 option, and than we could give up some offense for a defensive center who does not score much, because we would already have a complete scoring game, and a defensive center would allow a complete defensive game as well. This will also be good for reason #2 which is that it will allow the Knicks to clear alot of their depth (which they need to do) and still get value, because they can deffinitely land a guy like Artest and a defensive big man because of our talented young guys who won see much time/get cut+Curry.

Once again this all starts with trading Curry, he does not fit in with our style of play, and with Z Bo now we need to give him up for defense because that will complete us. Yes i know what you will say, Curry has got talent and im not denying that, it is just that he will hold back our other talent and we can get talent in other areas (defense) that we need more in return for him.

you make valid points...except that eddy is an "isiah kina guy" just like fred jones...eddy is not going anywhere so arguing him leaving is a moot point. curry is staying til his contract is up end of discussion. and to his credit...he did have 2 blocks today and i know that you have been ragging on his defense which does suck so hopefully he's made some strides...2 blocks has gotta be a career high for him
<br>email me: [email protected]<br>or aim: y0fallback
Some points about Eddy are valid, but he's a more athletic Player than Randolph IMO. And if he played in Portland he would have averaged as many points if not more than Randolph. You're right about the Mid-range and defense though. Eddy is still probably the best offensive Center in the East (and yes that includes washed up Shaq and a still offensively developing D-Howard).

I think the Knicks CAN with with Eddy, some adjustments just need to be made as with any team...

I want to see how Eddy plays this season...if he struggles then we should trade now. And get him off of our payroll.
Team New York​
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
i was planning on going this saturday to hofstra, but got tricked into the fall foliage/pumpking picking thing with my lady friend so that should be a complete day devoted to that. great

i like collins. he played well near the end of last season and did pretty well. he just needs some minutes. i also agree we need to trade curry. i said this last year and almost got tarred and feathered by my own knicks team members. i say do it while he's young and not a complete bust cause as of now he's headed down that road, slowly, but he is.
The GR8 I feel some of your points but I think you need to give Curry a bit more time throughout the pre-season and the season. I need a bit more time before I pass judgement on Curry. He is not even in game shape yet. No need to trade for Artest....he will be here next season via free agency.
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
Some points about Eddy are valid, but he's a more athletic Player than Randolph IMO. And if he played in Portland he would have averaged as many points if not more than Randolph.

Can someone explain why Fred Jones is gonna make the team?

If he's only here to guard the 2, why can't they use collins, qrich, or jefferies? Is he really THAT much better at guarding SGs being only 6' tall? He's gonna be guarding ppl a half a foot taller than him? Even Marbury prolly defends 2 guards better, and i think Collin's defense is pretty solid and he's like 6'6 or something, why take minutes from him? I really dont wanna see the Knicks lose Nichols and see him become another Glen Rice a few years later...
^Fred Jones is here because its all about Isiah having "one of his guys" in the locker room. IMO thats corny....I want the most talented roster that gives us the best chance to win. Right now I do not feel that Fred Jones really impacts our roster.

The GR8 you know and I know that Isiah won't trade Curry for the same reason he wont cut Jerome James. And that is that he will not want to admit he made a mistake regarding those two acquisitions. Te better hope is hoping Curry develops some intensity....the man is still young and I don't see why he cant become a better rebounder. Its not impossible.
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
BTW in case anyone wanted a Jerome James update he and Isiah have both confirmed that he will need surgery on his left knee.
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
roll.gif @ Jerome James....

I hope he doesn't lose his explosiveness when he comes back from
^^^ :rofl:

what a @#%$ bum

in other news :lol:
at Steve Franics playing only 6 mins off the bench in their preseason game last night. And coach Rick Adelman calling him out on his *****ing and turnovers. I knew that they would realize that their "prized offseason aquisition" was washed up trash sooner or later. I didnt know it would be this soon though. :lol:

Can someone explain why Fred Jones is gonna make the team?

If he's only here to guard the 2, why can't they use collins, qrich, or jefferies? Is he really THAT much better at guarding SGs being only 6' tall? He's gonna be guarding ppl a half a foot taller than him? Even Marbury prolly defends 2 guards better, and i think Collin's defense is pretty solid and he's like 6'6 or something, why take minutes from him? I really dont wanna see the Knicks lose Nichols and see him become another Glen Rice a few years later...
If Yuh Nuh Like We, Tek Weh Yuh Self!
Word is that his surgery may be season ending according to a source of mine who works at MSG. So James may not even be on the active roster this year.

That season ending surgery needs to go down ASAP so Nichols can take that spot.
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
Knicks Cut Allan Houston


The comeback of Allan Houston lasted one week and one game. The Knicks
announced today that they will waive the former All-Star shooting guard.

In a press release handed out at the Knicks' open practice at Hofstra University yesterday, Houston said he decided to end his comeback, feeling it was unfair to the team because he needed more time to get into game shape than they Knicks had to give.

"I think it is better for the team to move on without me," Houston said in the release.

The writing was on the wall when Houston did not dress Thursday night vs. the Nets and Isiah Thomas admitted the chances were slim Houston would make the roster.

Houston joined the Knicks 10 days into training camp after being forced to sit out two years under a medical retirement due to chronic knee problems. In his lone outing in Boston on Wednesday, he played just six minutes and missed the only two shots he attempted. He also looked slow on defense in trying to defend Ray Allen, and the Celtics went on an 8-0 run after Houston checked into the game? :frown:
Team I Heart HarlemToTheBronx
Word up...

Or else we could always just take him out back and put him out of his misery. (actualy our misery, hes rollin in the bills) :lol:
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