Official Next-Gen Gaming Thread: Xbox 720 DEVELOPMENT KITS LEAKED !

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

The new systems have to be aleast 600, Didn't think it'd be this soon tho.

soon? the xbox360 came out 7years ago

. Both sony and Microsoft said they wanted to wait 10+years.
They should keep waiting, we are finally seeing the potential of the current gen systems, we won't see potential of the next gen for another few years
Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

The new systems have to be aleast 600, Didn't think it'd be this soon tho.

soon? the xbox360 came out 7years ago

. Both sony and Microsoft said they wanted to wait 10+years.

Just because the new system is out it doesn't mean they won't support the older one for 3+ years

PS2 for example.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

soon? the xbox360 came out 7years ago

. Both sony and Microsoft said they wanted to wait 10+years.

Just because the new system is out it doesn't mean they won't support the older one for 3+ years

PS2 for example.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[h1]Report: No Used Games on Next Xbox[/h1][h2]A bold move...but is Microsoft willing to compromise its consumer base?[/h2][h2] January 25, 2012[/h2]

by Mitch Dyer

Rumor has it the next-generation Xbox may limit exactly what kind of games you're allowed to play. According to sources speaking to Kotaku, the Xbox 360's successor will have some kind of anti-used-game enforcement. There's no explanation of what that means, but speculation surrounding the issue says the console could outright reject used-games altogether.


LA Noire used an online pass this generation. Would you buy an Xbox 3 if you couldn't play its sequel used?

Online passes are a recent staple in staving off used sales. Limiting what used buyers can access is a protective measure for publishers, much to the chagrin of parts of the gaming community. Chris Kohler of Wired argues that the death of used games is inevitable, and passes are the first step toward something exactly like a native anti-used game something integrated into consoles. He notes, of course, that digital is the future of buying games, but in the meantime we may be looking at "an interim period in which the disc as a delivery method is still around but...becomes more like a PC game, which are sold with one-time-use keys that grant one owner a license to play the game on his machine."

For all we know, if this is legitimate, such a theoretical link between a Gamertag and new game would simply negate the need for online pass redemption codes in every game. This alleged feature comes alongside talks that the Xbox 3 will also turn to blu-ray for its primary format.

Until Microsoft officially unveils details about its much-rumored new device, we're relying on speculation with strong rhetoric to figure out the future of gaming. Would a console permanently banning of used-games be a deal-breaker for you?

via Kotaku.


This would be damaging to spots like Game Fly I assume.  Which reminds me I need to return these games and cancel my subscription finally.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Its only a rumor so I'm not believing it til Microsoft says so

No way the current Market or public would let them get away with this. It would send shock waves through the industry, effectively shut down the secondary market for games (Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, and do catastrophic damage to all these chains that sell used (GameStop, Rhino, even Best Buy now).
Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Its only a rumor so I'm not believing it til Microsoft says so

No way the current Market or public would let them get away with this. It would send shock waves through the industry, effectively shut down the secondary market for games (Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, and do catastrophic damage to all these chains that sell used (GameStop, Rhino, even Best Buy now).
You don't think developers want to put re-sellers out of business?
They probably see reselling as bad as piracy because the game developers don't make any money off of used games. But still I think its stupid this I can't even borrow a game from a friend or let a friend borrow mines. Or what if I get a new xbox 720 because my old one broke.. does that mean i can't use my games on my new xbox 720? Smh
Originally Posted by gatorad3

They probably see reselling as bad as piracy because the game developers don't make any money off of used games. But still I think its stupid this I can't even borrow a game from a friend or let a friend borrow mines. Or what if I get a new xbox 720 because my old one broke.. does that mean i can't use my games on my new xbox 720? Smh

Games will be linked to your account. If it was registered it will authenticate on any system so if you go to your friends house all you will need to do is sign into your account to have access just like Steam.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

They probably see reselling as bad as piracy because the game developers don't make any money off of used games. But still I think its stupid this I can't even borrow a game from a friend or let a friend borrow mines. Or what if I get a new xbox 720 because my old one broke.. does that mean i can't use my games on my new xbox 720? Smh

I'm thinking how will that effect stores like Gamestop. It sounds like your not even gonna be able to trade in your 720 games cause another person cant come in and get it used? That don't make sense to me. Oh well. Glad i'm a proud ps3 owner.
I still laugh when I see this thread. OP needs to change the title. PS4 is 100% confirmed alright... not to be shown anytime soon. 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I still laugh when I see this thread. OP needs to change the title. PS4 is 100% confirmed alright... not to be shown anytime soon. 

Got u
No way that no-used games thing will slide.

And the PS controller doesn't need any updating, its fine the way it is.
[h1] [/h1]
[h1]Xbox 720 Chipset "in Production"[/h1][h2]Tech report claims 'Oban' ready; predicts no console launch until 2013[/h2][h2] January 24, 2012[/h2]

by Colin Campbell
The chipset for a next generation Xbox console has been in production since last month, and will go into full production by the end of the year, according to technology news reports.

Tech site Fudzilla states, "Recent speculation that the new main System on a Chip (SoC) for the Next Xbox began production is apparently accurate; the SoC did indeed start production in late December of 2011. Sources tell us that the code name for the chip is Oban, and it is being produced by both IBM and Global Foundries for Microsoft."

The report goes on to claim that, "the power behind the next Xbox will be a PowerPC CPU that is married to an ATI Southern Islands GPU, or modified 7000 series." It adds that the console is unlikely to ship at the end of 2012, with full production gearing in December of this year.

"This first run of these 32nm Oban chips will be destined for developer consoles, so any hope for a holiday console release in 2012 seems unrealistic, according to our sources, but an announcement perhaps before the end of the year might be possible. It would seem Microsoft's strategy of getting it in 2013 is all but assured. We do think that the chips will be in production by the end of the year for consoles destined to be sold in 2013, which seems to agree with what others are saying."

Additionally, tech site SemiAccurate offers similar speculation on a production timeline, as well as analysis of the various rumors flying around.

We've already wrangled up everything we've heard so far in a recent Xbox 720 round-up, and this new information appears to support Michael Pachter's statement that "2012 launch rumors are silly" for Xbox 720.

Spotted by Develop.


I thought it'll be based off the 6000 series ?
[h1]Report: Xbox 720 To Use Touchscreen Controller[/h1][h2]‘An HD screen surrounded by the traditional 360 buttons and sticks.’[/h2]
A new rumor suggests that the next generation Xbox may have a touch-screen controller.

According to a report from Xbox World magazine, the controller will be "an HD screen surrounded by the traditional 360 buttons and sticks." The magazine goes on to state that the controller “could be a remote control when you're watching TV, a browser when you're on the internet, extra buttons and information when you're playing a game or a portable display when you want to take your game with you."

This is, of course, similar to the functionality of the tablet controller Nintendo will use in the Wii U.

The report goes on to say that the console will heavily integrate Kinect. It predicts the new console as “a matte-black media hub with a mission to bring games to life in your living room with augmented reality, directional sound, and a four-player, finger-tracking Kinect.
Wonder if there going to put lead solder in the CPU and GPU for these Next-Gen console's. Joints are about to get even hotter than 360's & PS3's. smh
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by All Ready
Agree on all points. For me to even think about dropping $600 on a PS4 or 720 the games have to look like this from launch day
From the people/main person responsible for this^ video (I'm summarizing):
[h1]Unreal’s Next Engine Will Need a Console At Least Ten Times More Powerful than the Xbox 360[/h1]
Spoiler [+]

The human eye can only perceive 72 frames per second. We've been seeing games at 60 frames per second for some time. And as graphics approach photo-realism with current computing power, some suggest that the days of giant leaps in visual quality are past us, and we'll be seeing smaller refinements going forward.

A "good enough," approximation of visual reality,[Tim] Sweeney said, is 5,000 trillion floating point operations per second, or teraFLOPs. By comparison, the much-noticed "Samaritan" demonstration of Unreal Engine at last year's Game Developers Conference, required just 2.5 teraFLOPs.

By comparison to that, an Xbox 360 can handle 0.25 teraFLOPs. That means "Samaritan," which was the latest demonstration of Unreal Engine 3's capabilities, would require an Xbox 10 times more powerful than it is today. For Unreal 4, who knows what it'll take. But it suggests that the next console generation will be have to be as conspicuously more powerful in its processing capabilities as the 360 and PlayStation 3 are next to their predecessors.


I'd like to see Crytek's version of this summary for their engine, I always thought they were on Epic's heels...
[h1]A Glimpse of Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 Graphics[/h1][h2]Taking a hypothetical look at the next generation.[/h2][h2] March 7, 2012[/h2]

Level 15
by Andrew Goldfarb

A pair of new images have provided a taste of what we might see on next generation consoles.

Magazines Xbox World and PSM3 have teamed up with Mike Smith (lead artist of Dirt developer Codemasters) and video game capture expert Duncan Harris (of Dead End Thrills) to generate screenshots that show what the Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 will be capable of. According to CVG, the images display not only the systems' visual capabilities, but also "what they'll be capable of in terms of scale, lighting, landscapes, AI and procedural generation."


"If you look at the amount of effort that goes into lighting at companies like Pixar, we're quite some way away from being able to leverage that control," said Smith, comparing next-gen consoles to animated films. "Once we have a toolset to do that, art directors can go crazy."

The images are reportedly generated by tech similar to the rumored hardware of the PlayStation 4. Specifically, PS4 is said to be abandoning the Cell processor in favor of AMD chips.


The images are an interesting glimpse into what the future may be, but they're simply wishful thinking for now. While they look great, without seeing them in motion and interacting with a real-time environment, we can't truly know what next generation hardware is capable of.

For now, Sony and Microsoft have not officially commented on their next generation consoles, though the next Xbox is said to be codenamed Durango, and the PlayStation 4 won't be making an appearance this year. For the features IGN readers want the most out of next generation consoles, be sure to check out the results of our next generation gaming poll.

[h1]Report: Next Xbox To Have No Disc Drive[/h1][h2]Has Durango lost its drive?[/h2][h2]UK, March 9, 2012[/h2]
The next Xbox won't contain a physical disc drive, according to a new report.

A source close to British trade magazine MCV claims that Microsoft revealed this information under what it described as "the strictest NDA" they have ever encountered.

While the console will not contain a disc drive, according to the source, the report suggests it will contain "some sort of interchangeable solid-state card storage, although it is not known whether this will be proprietary or a more standard format such as SD."

MCV is also claiming that a 2013 release window for the hardware has been confirmed.

A move to digital-only distribution would be extremely unconventional for Microsoft; if there is any truth to this report, it would be a major blow for traditional retail. Microsoft has yet to officially deny the story.

In response to the report, Microsoft has said, "We are always thinking about what is next for our platform and how to continue to defy the lifecycle convention. Beyond that we do not comment on rumors or speculation."
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke


[h1]Report: Next Xbox To Have No Disc Drive[/h1][h2]Has Durango lost its drive?[/h2][h2]UK, March 9, 2012[/h2]
The next Xbox won't contain a physical disc drive, according to a new report.

A source close to British trade magazine MCV claims that Microsoft revealed this information under what it described as "the strictest NDA" they have ever encountered.

While the console will not contain a disc drive, according to the source, the report suggests it will contain "some sort of interchangeable solid-state card storage, although it is not known whether this will be proprietary or a more standard format such as SD."

MCV is also claiming that a 2013 release window for the hardware has been confirmed.

A move to digital-only distribution would be extremely unconventional for Microsoft; if there is any truth to this report, it would be a major blow for traditional retail. Microsoft has yet to officially deny the story.

In response to the report, Microsoft has said, "We are always thinking about what is next for our platform and how to continue to defy the lifecycle convention. Beyond that we do not comment on rumors or speculation."

if MS decides not to use a drive because sony owns part of the blu-ray tech they must be hardheaded.

the whole SD card wont cut it, someone will just figure a way to exploit it to run a unsigned code IE. wii and psp
[h1]Xbox 720 Development Kit Photos Surface[/h1][h2]Our first look at what developers are using to make next-gen games.[/h2]

by Andrew Goldfarb

JULY 29, 2012

Photos of a next-generation Xbox development kit have emerged online. The images were first spotted on the AssemblerGames forums  when a user named DaE attempted to sell the kit for $10,000. At the time, the pictures were met with heavy skepticism and many assumed they were simply a hoax.

Now, however, Digital Foundry  has spoken to “multiple developers working on next-gen projects” as well as DaE himself and confirmed that the images are indeed a legitimate look at the hardware being used to develop games for Microsoft’s next-generation system.

The development kit is described as "an anonymous-looking black box" that has many parts in common with standard gaming PCs. Its placeholder dashboard contains the name Durango, a word that has long been rumored as Microsoft’s codename for the next Xbox. The dashboard’s two options are D3D11Game1 and NuiView, which Digital Foundry describes as “a simple tool for rendering camera views and data from an attached Kinect peripheral.”

Kinect functionality is a logical inclusion for the dev kit, as upgraded Kinect features have been heavily rumored  and job listings related to the next-gen Kinect  recently surfaced.

DaE reports that the most recent round of development kits were sent out in February, with Intel CPUs and an NVIDA graphics card. He says the kit sports 8GB of RAM (though other sources say 12GB) and has a 64-bit operating system.

We haven’t been able to verify these specs, but when we last heard about the system, sources told IGN it would be six times more powerful than current-gen consoles  and would feature an AMD 6000 series GPU similar to the Radeon HD 6670. That specific processor includes support for DirectX11, a feature specified in most next-gen job listings. DaE also provided Digital Foundry with a screenshot of Microsoft’s Visual Studio coding tool being used for Durango.

Durango coding at work in Microsoft's Visual Studio tool.

Whether or not DaE’s specific claims hold true, it’s no surprise that these development kits are already in the hands of developers, as we heard back in November that Xbox 720 development kits would be ready by Christmas 2011. IGN’s own sources told us that development kits for the next Xbox were continuing to be manufactured  as of May and that developers expect the next generation of consoles to start in 2013.

On top of that, job listings for work on next-generation games have been plentiful recently. We’ve seen postings from Infinity WardId Software  and Crystal Dynamics, as well as Microsoft’s own 343 Industries  and Rare. It isn’t a stretch to imagine that we’ll see plenty more in the coming months.

Microsoft has yet to officially provide details about its next console, but we’ve reached out for comment about the development kit photos. It's worth noting that the development kit seen here is simply an early test model for developers to use and does not reflect what the actual final hardware will look like. For the details we do  know about the system so far, read about what Microsoft’s recent patent filings tell us about the next Xbox.

All images in this article courtesy of Digital Foundry.
This part of a console's life cycle is always intriguing...rumour and counter rumour

Microsoft and Sony dont have to rush their next consoles as the new Nintendo will suck just like the last few have
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