Official NFL Free Agency Thread....vol. 12:01

Mar 13, 2004
I know we have a NFL offseason thread which started not too long after the SB, but I think that is pretty broad. There are a lot of things that go into theNFL offseason, but I think the first couple of days/weeks of free agency deserve a thread of it's own. Mods, if you feel the need to merge or delete, thenplease do so.

Starting at 12:01 tonight there will be a lot of player movement. I guess we can post rumors and actual signings here. Big names like Samuels, Briggs, Moss,Faneca, etc may (or may not) be on the's going to be an interesting couple of days....
Kind of surprising, but the Cowboys will only tender Marion Barber with at the 1st round level... Everybody figured Jerry would be the 1st/3rd tender on him,in which case he'd most likely draw very little interest around the league... Would Barber draw interest from a team in need of a RB if all it meant waslosing a 1st rounder?

Seems like Jerry is hoping someone will Poison Pill Barber's contract, and then he can shrug is shoulders, act like he tried, and then he's got 3 firstrounders to make a play for McFadden...
I can't see him not making a move on Mcfadden now.

"Word around the league" is that the Jets have already negotiated a deal for free agent Alan Faneca that would guarantee him about $20 million."
Very interested in seeing where 'Zant' goes.....

I wanna see if the dude can play in a different scheme....Like say, if he went to a team like....the Eagles or the Jags (Just for example)

Teams w/ attacking defenses that make the corners play a lot of man-to-man coverage....

NE plays a hell of a lot of Zone....Prolly because of the aging Defense.....and I wonder if GM's take note of this and attribute that to the reason WhyAsante is successful.

If you watch him play....Dude has excellent instincts and jumps a lot of passes for the simple fact that he is responsible for an area rather than a specificperson...

I think he will do fine wherever he goes....But, that is just something that I have been thinking about....
Nowitness or other Cowboys fans...

Have you found that some of your fans have become so attached to Barber that they think he's just flat out a better player than DMac?

Straight up, w/o picks involved?

Because one's I know have that stuck in their head
This running back class is so deep, why would the cowboys just dump Barber? He was dominant in the first half of the giants game.
I hope Miami spends their money wisely and gets some good talent,

no more aging stars or journey men at the end of their careers. get up and coming talent
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Have you found that some of your fans have become so attached to Barber that they think he's just flat out a better player than DMac?

Also, what the hell is goin on with Flozell?
The Cowboys seem like they want Flozell to test the market and gauge his own value before they throw money at him and overspend. They are hoping to seewhat someone else is willing to pay, and then decide how feasible it is on their end. Word is Flozell really doesn't want to go anywhere, he's been aCowboy his whole career, and wants to end it that way. So he'd likely give them a chance to match whatever offer he gets... The Boys have spoken volumesabout Pat McQuistan over the last few years, and they drafted Doug Free last year to eventually take over that position, so I think they are to the point nowwhere they may just go ahead and see what they have in these young guys, rather than overspend on another year or two of Flozell... He's been good, butlord knows he kills so many drives with stupid penalties...

As far as Barber... Yeah, I think people might be a little too attached... I like Marion Barber a lot, but at the same time, people need to berealistic. People act like Barber has toted the load and proven he can handle 250-300 carries now and be an every down back... I get the feeling with Barber,that he just may not be able to handle that type workload. When the Cowboys tried to take his workload up a notch this year, his production stalled. I'mnot saying he cannot or will not be able to carry the load, but he certainly hasn't proven it...

That said, I don't know that I'd for sure trade him for McFadden... If it's Barber and one pick, like Schefter reported a few days ago, I thinkI'd do it... When you get into Barber, both first rounders, and then some, it's just not worth it...

At this point, I think I'd rather keep Barber and our picks, take a CB and RB in the first round, and fill holes from there. I wouldn't be completelyopposed to a McFadden trade, but at what cost?
Originally Posted by WILLINC

I hope Miami spends their money wisely and gets some good talent,

no more aging stars or journey men at the end of their careers. get up and coming talent

Co - sign.

I'd actually be more interested in moving the #1 if it was for 3 first round picks, instead of 2 picks and Barber. I dunno, I'd just rather have pickswhere we can pick and choose the positions we need to fill, rather then taking a guy at a spot that we quasi have handled already.
Lions signed Dwight Smith who should be good back in the Tampa 2. They are also looking at LJ Shelton which would be good because we need a RT but that stillleaves Backus at LT. That is the WORST LT in the L. Should be an OG but their coaching staff is ******ed. Lots of talk about Shaun Rogers getting shipped outvery soon. MIA has jumped in and they are in with DEN to land the fat piece of crap. Jonathan Vilma was also in Dteroit this week for a physical. I hope hechecks out because we need a MIKE to come right in and play. Nobody is on PWillies level in this draft. The Lions also need help at CB but will more thanlikely go that route in the 1st round with Talib, Jenkins or McKelvin.
Jonathan Stewart Rashard Mendenhall Felix Jones Ray Rice Chris Johnson Can you really go wrong with any of these guys?
I forgot where I read it, but I saw somewhere that if the Cowboys can't trade up for McFadden, they would keep their pick in the 20's and take aserious look at the dude from East Carolina. I don't know how much merit that has...

as far as the skins, I think they are targeting DJ Hackett....they FINALLY cut Brandon Lloyd the other day, but we need some size in our WR corps....
Lions signed Dwight Smith who should be good back in the Tampa 2.
Have you seen Dwight Smith play the last few yrs

The team that picks Chris Johnson before round 2 will be very sorry.

dude didnt dominate at ECU in conference USA
this yrs "Chris Henry"
Dwight Smith > Kenoy Kennedy. I know it isn't anything to get too excited about but anything to push KK off our team is appreciated. Our secondary needspeople that actually know how to play in the Tampa 2 and Rod thinks Dwight can make a difference, so I will take him.
As a Cowboys fans I'm skeptical about putting all our eggs in one basket in trying to get McFadden.

Maybe offer Barber and one of our 1st rounders to move up in order to get him, but not both; or keep the picks and get someone like Medenhall or Jones.

A more pressing need is improving our secondary.
Maybe make a play forAsante.
Just saw that Mark Brunell's contract has been voided...that, plus all the restructuring we have done has now put the Skins 3.4mil under the cap....

Vinny C. said that the skins aren't going to be big spenders in this year's FA market....
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Lions signed Dwight Smith who should be good back in the Tampa 2.
Have you seen Dwight Smith play the last few yrs

The team that picks Chris Johnson before round 2 will be very sorry.

dude didnt dominate at ECU in conference USA
this yrs "Chris Henry"

I think it depends what they expect of him. If they want him to be a everydown back or something they are fooling themselves. But if you want thefastest utility man in the NFL and that is what your expectations are and you dont have any glaring needs I can see someone taking him at the end of round one.He definetly has to go to the right situation IMO.

And on Marion Barber. No way anyone gives a first rounder for him unless it is a man crush. This running back class is way way way to deep I feel sorry for anyfree agent running back thinkin they are gonna cash in.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Jonathan Vilma was also in Dteroit this week for a physical.
For Rogers?


Dwayne Robertson is on the block too and Broncos are said to be showing interest.

If Vilma for Rogers happens, Gholston has to be our guy at 6. Looks like you were right Allen.
It's going to be an exciting free agency for me. Apparently the Eagles are interested in moving up to take Chris Long. How that would happen is beyond me.

But for real, the Eagles are very interested in Samuel, and are talking with the Cardinals about Sheppard for Fitzgerald.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Lions signed Dwight Smith who should be good back in the Tampa 2.
Have you seen Dwight Smith play the last few yrs

The team that picks Chris Johnson before round 2 will be very sorry.

dude didnt dominate at ECU in conference USA
this yrs "Chris Henry"
I think it depends what they expect of him. If they want him to be a everydown back or something they are fooling themselves. But if you want the fastest utility man in the NFL and that is what your expectations are and you dont have any glaring needs I can see someone taking him at the end of round one. He definetly has to go to the right situation IMO.

so ur okay with the ******** picking someone who didnt kill in Conference USA and didnt dominate his own position and has flip flopped between RB and WRfor 3 yrs? U would be okay with taking him in round 1?
this dude is Lorenzo Booker with a lil more Speed.

U cant take "situational" players in Round 1.

!+$! , at least the Titans didnt waste a 1st ronder on Henry
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