All former college athletes need some retroactive form of reparations as well.

So many dudes suspended, railroaded, or criticized throughout their amateur years for accepting money. It’s time! Former players should sue the NCAA

Anyone follow this Ricky guy on Twitter?

Throughout the whole free agency, he’s been reporting stuff almost spot on. He’s definitely linked. Some speculated David Mulugheta‘s agency is leaking him info.

Anyone follow this Ricky guy on Twitter?

Throughout the whole free agency, he’s been reporting stuff almost spot on. He’s definitely linked. Some speculated David Mulugheta‘s agency is leaking him info.

Kinda sounds like he might have a decent source


He dropped some newer draft speculation earlier

Honestly, I want the patriots to pick JJ, just so I can watch the fanbase be miserable for a while.
after giving the wilson trade time to simmer, i like the move. late round pick swap, 2.5 mill for a former #2 pick. going to a team with an offensive minded coach. gives denver some flex so they dont mortgage the future on a qb they are not sold on. very low risk, potential reward if they can coach wilson into being serviceable. let it roll.
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