Why do these dorks even go on TV and do that? “I know something but I can’t say!” Is about the dumbest angle people take with stuff

Biggie did I got a story to tell almost 30 years ago and starks still gets asked about that shh

If you going allude to some shh, at least give some idea.. ain’t gotta call names
Finally got my trophy for the fantasy league I'm in :nthat:

I can’t believe the Giants official page posted this but I love it. Our third string backup getting national commercials and speaking for the Giants at the Stadium Series is insanity. I can’t think of a QB more disrespected (rightfully so) than Daniel Jones.

Raiders made sense until they hired the bum *** OC. Makes zero sense now.
If this is true, zero clue how this man is still employed

Doesn’t call the offense, the offense is vanilla and predictable AND cant correct/adjust simple shh within the offense on game days like adjusting to blitzes.. and apparently can’t control his emotions

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I wish the league would buy them from him and just put them in the HOF for him

I guess the fairest thing to do woild be putting a right of first refusal clause when giving out this stuff, that way these guys actually get market value

But just a shame it comes to this.. wonder what the nfl pension plan is like
Did they ever say what he blew most of his money on? Dude was on top of the world then that stuff with his kid happened and it seemed he slipped more and more into obscurity. Wild because he just played in 2021
Did they ever say what he blew most of his money on? Dude was on top of the world then that stuff with his kid happened and it seemed he slipped more and more into obscurity. Wild because he just played in 2021

Child support for numerous kids (5 to 7) and the biggest one he trusted the wrong people who either stole money from him or got him to invest in money pits.
I ain’t gone hold you. Adrian never seemed that “bright” really.

Dudes be hiring financial advisors and money managers and get conned.

Dudes should take a few classes at a local community college or university to learn about finances, if they’re skeptical or weary instead of hiring someone. This happens all to often
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Whooping his child really sent his career and earning potential down the drain. He may still have gone broke because he wasn't smart with his money but he lost a grip of money when all that went down.
Whooping his child really sent his career and earning potential down the drain. He may still have gone broke because he wasn't smart with his money but he lost a grip of money when all that went down.
Hell nah.

Dude earned 100 mil as a RB.

Played 10+ years.

Don’t know why he don’t get one of those TV gigs for an easy six figures.

He could do it for college or the NFL.
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