I’m all for the banter but can we get serious for a second? Based on the past 10 drafts you are lucky to find 2 starting caliber QBs. Fields got a raw deal to start but he isn’t the first and won’t be the last to flame out early.
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Finding a QB I’m the draft is ultimately a crap shoot. Also a lot is dependent on the situation they are going to. I feel Bryce Young will be next, but the Panthers are a dumpster fire.

The issue with Fields to me is he has not progressed at all. He is not good at making reads needed to be a QB in the NFL. He has had the opportunity but just isn’t getting there. Maybe he can go somewhere and sit behind a veteran and become a serviceable backup like Brisset or someone of that caliber, but no way should he be a starting QB with what he has shown up to this point.
I think teams should get back to letting certain QBs sit for a year or two before throwing them in the fire. Just cause you're taken in the first round shouldn't necessarily mean being a year 1 starter. Jordan Love sitting should prove that.

The issue is teams are being more reactive instead of proactive now a days.
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