I swear it's interesting to see which QBs yall choose to nitpick and which ones yall give countless passes to.

Nah my boy, we said Kirk is a good QB. He just not worth that money. Both can be true.

I said Jimmy deserves to be a backup, not out of the league. I’ll take either of them under center for the Giants.

Minnesota definitely jumping ahead of NY to draft JJ.
Jimmy can’t throw the ball for **** anymore. He lost out on his job to Aiden O’Connell who threw for 0 years across 3 quarters in a game.

I swear it's interesting to see which QBs yall choose to nitpick and which ones yall give countless passes to.

And he was rightfully put in a backup role where he belongs. Y'all acting like he's being asked to carry a franchise.

Folks also constantly discount the behind-the-scenes impact for some of these guys. "Good QB room guy" can be laughed at all you want, but it's a real thing. With a salary cap, you gotta sacrifice something with these backup Qs and not all of them are guys that will win over a long stretch (hardly any of them). But they can certainly stay with a gameplan and give the team a chance to win a few.

Most thought Flacco was done done...myself included, but look what happened.
I don't want neither one :lol:

Jimmy was trash with that superstar team in SF how you think he'll look with the Giants with no WR, RB, or oline?

***** obviously I don’t want either. I think he gonna look the same but be making 38 mil less. Sign me up over the coach and fun killer we have right now.
I wasn't even referring to Kirk. Even back to Kaep and Cam. People nitpicked the hell out of them but be giving passes to scrubs like Jimmy. It's baffling AF to me :lol:
I wasn't even referring to Kirk. Even back to Kaep and Cam. People nitpicked the hell out of them but be giving passes to scrubs like Jimmy. It's baffling AF to me :lol:

Come on fam, Kaep is not out of the league because of skill. He should have been a starter for years.

Cam deserves a workout. He didn’t look the same after Covid and his arm was damn near dead so I don’t have much faith in him. Play the Tebow and Taysom role I guess.
Come on fam, Kaep is not out of the league because of skill. He should have been a starter for years.

Cam deserves a workout. He didn’t look the same after Covid and his arm was damn near dead so I don’t have much faith in him. Play the Tebow and Taysom role I guess.
Yea we both know that. I'm saying other people were dissecting them when we all knew they still deserved a shot. Them same people will defend Jimmy and other horrible back ups that shouldn't be on a roster.
Yea we both know that. I'm saying other people were dissecting them when we all knew they still deserved a shot. Them same people will defend Jimmy and other horrible back ups that shouldn't be on a roster.

That's because people thought/still think he could've started somewhere, which wasn't the case. As a backup, absolutely deserved another shot and there wouldnt be the same nitpicking. He was terrible towards the end other than a solid showing as a guess what?...a backup, yet people conflated that certain "issue" with him in relation to still being the same flash in the pan starter he had been. No one was bringing on that media circus for a backup, which is what he was at that point.

Kaep is the most extreme comparable too...that situation was a whole other thing that we're well aware of.
Kaep was not terrible. They gutted the roster and the team went to ****. He was still young and body wasn’t damaged. He ran better than most and had a ****in gun.
Kaep was not terrible. They gutted the roster and the team went to ****. He was still young and body wasn’t damaged. He ran better than most and had a ****in gun.

Yes...he was. :lol:

He got benched it got so bad, but people conveniently forget that. The kneeling thing propped him up as a player.

Thread really defending Jimmy G today :smh:

Less to do with Jimmy G than it is the irrational backlash people have for a backup QB.
Yes...he was. :lol:

He got benched it got so bad, but people conveniently forget that. The kneeling thing propped him up as a player.

Less to do with Jimmy G than it is the irrational backlash people have for a backup QB.

I don’t have any problem with teams signing backup QBs, it’s the most important position on the field.

But what exactly has that dude EVER shown to make anyone think he’s a serviceable backup? You could’ve put literally any QB in his position on the 49ers and gotten the same result. He was surrounded by elite talent and didn’t have to do a damn thing and now he’s getting signed to a team with an aging QB and way less talent? Yeah I wouldn’t want my team resting on his shoulders should the starter get hurt
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