Totally forgot about Vrabel being on the Browns coaching staff this season...

That's a mean sleeper team if I've ever seen :lol:
Or 2 back to back AFC Title games? And multiple regular season matchups :lol:

So yall beat them once in the playoffs 4 years ago and act like it’s a “rivalry”??

Just like I said…

Miss me with the regular season games…the raiders beat them twice last year, is that a “ rivalry” too?
What has burrow done since year one??

Why do they get all this credit for **** they did their rookie year??

burrow can’t even stay healthy enough to challenge Kc…
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I stand by my point.. media made rivalry..

Media wants somebody to be on pat level so bad they elevate guys that aren’t even close..Ie burrow and josh Allen..

And yes.. it bothers ima call it out 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
So you’re saying it can only be a rivalry if it happens in the playoffs? Because that’s not how it works.
So you’re saying it can only be a rivalry if it happens in the playoffs? Because that’s not how it works.

I didn’t make up rings culture bro…

But my bad..I came in a lil hot this morning..

I don’t got a problem with burrow or Allen it’s the media narratives I push back against..

Like last week Dan orlysky said josh Allen is 15 seconds away from a bowl..

I was like…what?! How?!?

Whatever tho.. my bad..I ain’t mean to be an as hole.
I don't know if Chiefs/Bengals is a rivalry. 3 rings to 0. Clippers beat the Lakers like 10 straight times in the regular season but the Lakers got a chip the last 4 years and the Clippers are still the Clippers. Is that a rival?
Rivalry isn’t ring culture though. Rivalries been around long before ppl been comparing ring counts.

But, pertaining to burrow and Allen, those aren’t historical rivalries..

They started because burrow is the only one to beat mahomes..1 time, 4 years ago…

And Allen plays him close..

So the media crown them as Pat peers, when they his sons…
Rivalry isn’t ring culture though. Rivalries been around long before ppl been comparing ring counts.

9ers/Cowboys was a rivalry cuz of rings.

I can't say Mahomes has a rival, he's by far more successful and better than everybody else. I think people wanted Burrow and Allen to be Mahomes rival but he killed all that.
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