Media gotta stop putting the great white hypes(Allen and Herbert specifically) on Mahomes level. He's in a league of his own. A tier below Mahomes is Burrow and then after that it's whoever. I've been consistent in saying Allen is good but overrated, he plays way too much hero ball. When it works it's great but when it doesn't then you have games like tonight. Herbert is good but has been crowned by the media and has done absolutely nothing in the league to have himself mentioned with MVPs like Lamar/Mahomes or guys who led their teams to Superbowls like Burrow.
Schefter just brought up Wentz, and Matt Ryan in terms of if they wanted to reach out for a different quarterback…
Zach Ranger Tiger Power Zach Ranger Tiger Power TIGGGGA POWER NOOOOOWWWW. Very proud of this LDS 🤴🏼. No stopping him now.
If Allen plays like he did today for the rest of the season and the Bills don't do squat this season, they really have to think about moving on from him.
I hope he's lucky and it's just a strain or pull or somethin way less severe. 🙏

(Why X-rays always done right away, but MRI's the next day? Why can't they MRI tonight?) I've always wondered that.
X-rays are straightforward; only bone.

I believe all the soft tissue stuff especially with the swelling doesn’t give you the best view if you do it immediately.
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Jets winning that is impressive. Makes the Rodgers loss suck even more.

They gotta get someone in there. Can’t waste a year of that defense and offensive fire power.
I hope he's lucky and it's just a strain or pull or somethin way less severe. 🙏

(Why X-rays always done right away, but MRI's the next day? Why can't they MRI tonight?) I've always wondered that.
Teams have their own x-rays they can do but they don't have their own MRIs and since it's not a medical emergency there's really nothing to gain doing it that immediate anyways
That person who predicted the Achilles tear.


They’re still too cheap to make it grass at MetLife.
Teams have their own x-rays they can do but they don't have their own MRIs and since it's not a medical emergency there's really nothing to gain doing it that immediate anyways

Hmmmmm. I guess that makes sense emergency wise, good point. But I'd figure clarity wise they'd want that sooner. But if you have to wait for swelling or whatever I get it.
rog calling brady right now and threatening him to sign with jetes to keep the script going or he releases those “burned” tapes :nerd:
That person who predicted the Achilles tear.


They’re still too cheap to make it grass at MetLife.

wasnt the grass. looked liked rodgers planted his leg to push off to get away as the defender landed on his back legs.
I gotta be honest, if I am the Jets I think I might actually rather have Wentz, or a Brissett than watch that again
wasnt the grass. looked liked rodgers planted his leg to push off to get away as the defender landed on his back legs.

Even if it’s not the reason it’s still a joke that MetLife isn’t grass.

The Jets/Giants try to squeeze every god damn dime out of you when they make plenty of money.

How many players have to tell you they don’t like playing on that ****?
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