Based on what? Fans have died from these stadium fights. I'll never forget the fan that was murdered during a fight between Dodgers fans and Giants fans.

The whole NFL is complicit/culpable thing. This isn't an NFL problem, our country and society have a culture of violence problem.

I'd be more understanding if there was any evidence or indication that fighting is bigger problem at NFL games than it is at bars, or night clubs, or anywhere else American men gather in mass while intoxicated, but in my experience that really isn't the case.

Reality is there are something like 20,000,000 gate receipts every NFL season. there are going to be fights at games and they're going to be filmed and posted on the internet.

Yes, every weekend. That's the society we live in.

Doesn't mean preventive measures shouldn't be taken but it's obvious to me why banning alcohol sales at games 1) wouldn't have any affect on violence and 2) would mostly just punish the people who are capable of functioning in society, inebriated or sober, which is the vast majority of attendees.

I'm all for lifetime stadium bans and in general I'm in favor of zero-tolerance for violent behavior, but the whole big, evil NFL narrative doesn't fit here.

What basically amounts to street fighting and ego battles is a societal problem, the NFL is not at fault.
Chargers during Primetime = Shenanigans

Here we go…

Broadcast kept cutting in and out during the anthem, were there boos in the background or something? Sounded weird
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