OFFICIAL NFL Playoff THREAD 2023- 2024 Vol: Win or Go Home.

oh, a kicker that can make a 40+ yard FG look routine? must be nice

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I know I get it, but the HC has to be a leader of men (Dan Campbell), to get them to a Super Bowl. Even if they're not the tactician.

That's hard to do if not a HC -- unless you have a Brett Favre-type in 2009 with the Vikes, that was leading the Vikes, when fake-*** Brad Childress, the HC, sucked.

Who was it on the Eagles last year? There was a person. But Sirianni got a lot of credit regardless. Now we want him gone.
2 positive plays to the middle of the field to smitty.. an area we rarely attack

also I’ve never seen a team stop that TD play and you’d think we‘d run that on 3rd and 2 instead of running 4 verts
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