OFFICIAL NFL THREAD 2024-25: Week II Vol: “That’s my Michelle”

So you guys really think a grown 56 y/o man would voluntarily risk his multi-million dollar job with ESPN/The Mouse just to convince some anonymous conspiracy folks online?

I was on the fence until I saw him doing a male enhancement pill ad and until Ocho Cinco commented, “Unc I’m glad it was Michelle and not Michael”.

I think he talked it over with some attorneys and they advised him that it was safe to proceed with the PR stunt/ cash grab.

Shannon was also desperate to beat the allegations. It obviously was at the top of his list of priorities given the back n forth he and Ocho had in the aftermath.

ESPN gave him a pass. The Attorneys gave sound advice it seems.
since when did Tony Gonzalez start dressing like Charles Woodson?

He just moved into the neighborhood and is literally the nicest guy on the planet.

come here.gif
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