Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

This game is absolutely ridiculous. I can't remember watching a sporting event this intense in a while.
NO MAS!! I have to finish my $$%$%%% paper
If I'm in the nosebleeds, best believe I'm heading down there to those empty seats.

I wouldn't leave though, If I spent 5 hours at a Hockey game, you better believe I'm going to see the ending

SMH powerplay
That Dallas ice is already bad, it's just getting worse and worse as the time goes on

OOOH finally a penalty! This is it for Dallas.
Damn man, the Sharks went all out that game
Great game by BOTH teams, it's a shame someone had to lose

Marty and Nabby, amazing efforts

The Sharks out-played the Stars IMO, but we just couldn't get it in there

Oh well, at least Wilson will be gone
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