Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

checking in

p.s. the bruins prediction is the atlanta prediction
If I edit the original post I will lose the whole thing...

Prediction: Everything broke right for the Bruins during the regular season last year with the exception of Sturm missing a lot of time.There's no doubt the Bruins should be in the hunt in the East, even if everyone doesn't match last season's numbers. Boston, too, will have atarget on its back, clearly the Northeast Division favorite heading into the season. Sometimes that can be a dangerous scenario, but from what we see on theroster and the knowledge of how tight the locker room is, this could be the year Boston at least reaches the Stanley Cup finals.

no worries ATFK...i just really wanted to read the prediction

as far as the bruins and my expectations, we'll go as far as tim thomas and the defense can take us. im not worried about offense, even with kesselleaving. tim thomas played way above his head imo, if he can come close to matching that, we should be fine as far as making the playoffs. from there, wellwe'll have to up our game just like everyone else.
The realistic goal, as realistic as it can get, is for the Kings to just make the playoffs.

That is all for now.
I am pumped, NHL season begins and MLB postseason is about to start. I will be ordering the Center Ice package today or tomorrow.

Btw Philadelphia isn't winning the cup, Let's Go Blackhawks!!
Go Flyers




loving the top 9 and the defense. Emery and JvR looking good. Jones in the ahl

nice work atfk and good sc prediction
not sure what to expect from the sharks this year.
saw them play during the preseason and i wasn't very impressed....
Hopefully heatley picks up the chemistry with jumbo and seto.

I'm ready for hockey
Can not wait for Saturday. Ducks continue where they left off in the Playoffs against the Sharkies.

Hoping for a Ducks-Flyers SCF this year.
Hopefully the champs in this sport will start off better than football. GO PENS!
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Cant say Im shocked you have Parise only getting 34 goals, but Gaborik getting 52?

Well with Lemaire I could see him going down to that range but Gaborik at 52?
He'll give us reasons that will make us believe him though.
Originally Posted by bobby1109

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Well with Lemaire I could see him going down to that range but Gaborik at 52?
He'll give us reasons that will make us believe him though.
If he's healthy for a full 82 thats very reasonable... I can't predict injuries so all of these numbers are assuming everybody ishealthy...

I thought Parise had 40g last season instead of 45g...His numbers will drop a little but I thought I had him higher than 34... I did this whole list a whileago.
Damn... can't believe it's starting for real already.

After last year, I don't know if I'm ready yet or not... such an up and down season, and then an extremely nerve-wracking playoffs and finals. It wasgreat, don't' get me wrong.. but exhausting

I just hope we don't start off so poorly again this year and have to rally down the stretch. No reason Pens should with the talent they have there.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by bobby1109

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Well with Lemaire I could see him going down to that range but Gaborik at 52?
He'll give us reasons that will make us believe him though.
If he's healthy for a full 82 thats very reasonable... I can't predict injuries so all of these numbers are assuming everybody is healthy...

No I get you 52 is just a little high for me I guess. Barring injury I could see him with 45 and 50 somewhere in that range.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

No Vancouver write up? Booooooooooooooooooooooooo

ya whats up with that. no Caps write up either. must've got cut off
Originally Posted by smoke ya later


anyone watch the game on NHL network? Chicago vs. HC Davos? it was weird no commentary

there was commentary in the third period i think. they were talking to the ZSC Lions coach about the game tomorrow
gabs can get 52 but idk if he'll stay healthy, division is tuff.....speaking of division, theatlantic is gonna be nuts this year.

looking at your scorers prediction i dont see hartnell(i think hes gonna get 25-30)
you got gagne twice.

flyers goals prediction
carter 40+
gagne 30-40
hartnell 25-30
richards 25-30
giroux 20-25
briere 20-25
JvR 15-25
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