OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

you guys really like this ?
Wow... I never really thought about that. 
 I have some thinking to do about my purchase.
ndc oversold lol i ordered a pair on monday 9.5 with ELITE code and it just got cancelled today
Looks legit. The pen stroke looks like it was done through muscle memory rather than someone making a fufu replica of the signature. If he really got it with tinkers signature... Lucky guy. Hope any of my pairs coming in have one.

Making me hate that I missed the release that much more...
Mna so NDC is a maybe? if they do get them what time should they be live? Its been awhile since i've wanted a shoe. I usually just see something I like in store so I feel like its a new process for me. :lol:

I really like these zero's though. My style.
Man... The hype built real fast overnight. Curious to see the line when I go into work tmrw morning.
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