Hope you guys enjoy your CTK's!

Those who are in NYC and are still desperate for Dunkman's, they're available at City Jeans & VIM on Junction Blvd. in Corona.

City Jeans had them for $169.99 and VIM had them for $160.
I'm still wondering why we don't have a HOH in Atlanta. I want these bad but I refuse to pay Jack price on these.
My $80 pickup

I actually picked up a pair of X-Mas (12s) and returned my Cool Greys to get the 50% off today at FL. No complaints about spending $170 for 2 pairs of my man J3D10 came through with a clutch pick up of CTKs. So 3 pairs today means it was a good day for my VII collection!
edit: Now I just need my boy Manny to come through tonight and it just might turn out to be the best Saturday in a while.
Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan

BRANDON, was there a problem?

Just that pic of you laid out on the bed in a thread full of guys... was a lil much. Plus that fit, all that blue. Just my opinion tho, everybody has their own style.
was intended to be gay, I got a little drunk and my lady friend thought it was cool to snap a pic because it looks like im posing to show my shoes.

carry on...

cant wait for my ctk aways on wednesday
Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan

was intended to be gay, I got a little drunk and my lady friend thought it was cool to snap a pic because it looks like im posing to show my shoes.

carry on...

cant wait for my ctk aways on wednesday

ehhh I understand I think. lookin forward to my CTKs too tho... now do I get the jacket or not... I know if i sleep then it'll sell outta my size with the quickness
Does anyone know of HOHLA still has any CTKs left they won't pickup and I don't want to take that 40 mile drive for nothing.(I hope I can ask this without getting banned)
A little late. Shirt might be to loud for some but with black cargo shorts and plus shirt was 20 bucks.
Originally Posted by RetroMan23

i had no luck at hohny. what are the chances they restock?
why you went so late?
I could of copped, but me that went to St.Rays back in the day, I feel some type of way about CTK
Originally Posted by 2t3e1a0m9

A little late. Shirt might be to loud for some but with black cargo shorts and plus shirt was 20 bucks.

homeboy gottig is gna shayyyt himself when he sees this! been asking the same question about a matchn fit for wat seems like foREVER...

Can't wait for my ctks to show up... glad I grabbed the jacket a couple weeks back... 

WTB  Trainer 1s size 12 thru 13 Manny Pacs first colorway, Ladanian PEs, Jimmy Rollins PE, Trainer 1 Oregon PEs WTB LEBRON PEs 12, 12.5 
WTB Nike Maestro red all star colorway any size 11.5 thru 13 any condition besides beat.
Originally Posted by Simply Certified

Originally Posted by RetroMan23

i had no luck at hohny. what are the chances they restock?
why you went so late?
I could of copped, but me that went to St.Rays back in the day, I feel some type of way about CTK
i woke up late 

i went to st rays too, in the bx
Originally Posted by hotbutter

Originally Posted by 2t3e1a0m9

A little late. Shirt might be to loud for some but with black cargo shorts and plus shirt was 20 bucks.

homeboy gottig is gna shayyyt himself when he sees this! been asking the same question about a matchn fit for wat seems like foREVER...

naw im not feeling it that one,
I found some lil stupid +!* Call of duty mw2 shirt that goes right with bad it had to be that whack #%% game. but its all good
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