Official Nike Air Ship | Solo Releases ‘22/‘23


on the way
so how much you pay for each one?
I can't believe how limited these were. I feel even if they made them a general wide release they still would sell out but at least more people would have a chance of getting them.
so these are never dropping on nike huh. must be less than 10,000 pairs
Did surgery hurt? I tore mine in October but didn't need surgery.

Still recovering too.

Surgery was 30 minutes. I took a pain meds for the 1st 4 days after, but I probably would have been ok not taking them. It's been more painful trying to get around, (bathroom, bathing, getting up off couch, bed etc.).
It's going to be rough for a little bit.

I was just able to take off my walking boot a few weeks back.

Lowkey learning how to walk all over again.
Honestly, it'll probably be a while. Ruptured my Achilles 3 weeks ago, I'm 12 days out of surgery. Not walking with two shoes for a while.
send em my Achilles still good :lol:

speedy recovery to you though
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