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Usually I use a wet wipe of a decent thickness, not the cheap ones. If it needs more than that, yes, a toothbrush with a mild unscented dish detergent and water. Sometimes the old fashioned ways stay around for a reason. Not trying to sound rude, but in reality the yeezys are just like any other pair of nike shoes, at least in terms of cleaning them.
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I can always come in here for a good laugh. From fakes to asking simple questions that you can find any where.
If you can't afford the real thing what's the point in fronting by buying a fake pair?

I have plenty of actual expensive shoes but the yeezy retailed for 245 so I don't consider it fronting if I really like the design of the shoe but don't wanna pay 2 grand for $245 worth of quality
I have plenty of actual expensive shoes but the yeezy retailed for 245 so I don't consider it fronting if I really like the design of the shoe but don't wanna pay 2 grand for $245 worth of quality

Fine. So you're another that will settle for fakes...

The difference between you and and others is, some of us have integrity and would rather just not have a shoe (or one in it's likeness) than settle for a fake (cuz when you settle for a fake you still don't have the actual shoe)... I don't care how high the resell is. No excuse to buy fakes IMO.

Shouldn't have "Da God" in your name... :stoneface:
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lets put an end to this now. no yeezys + the money saved that you wouldve spent on fakes > fake yeezys. can you people learn to manage money or something? start a fund, add extra money to it until youve got legit yeezy money. people are too quick to settle for trash. 
Simple Green and a toothbrush works well for me.

*Worn my solars over 50 times*
*Platinums sill DS*
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Has everything to do with integrity. You're admitting you're the type of person to wear something trying to pass it off as real when you know it's fake (that's the weird part to me, even if you fool others, you can't fool yourself. Deep down you know it's fake. If you can ride with that then that's you, but I can't, I'd feel fake for doing it, even if nobody knew but me). That's a fake person trait IMO. It's more along the "artistic values" side of the word, I'd say...

Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
Date: 14th century
1 : firm to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility

Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.

It's in line with my consistent values and principles that I would not buy or wear fake shoes and clothes. You guys are saying that is in line with your own values and principles to buy and wear fake stuff (rationalize it all you want, that's the bottom line you can't escape). Simple as that. If you have integrity you'd either put your foot down cuz you don't agree with the resell value and not buy them and spend the money on something else, or you love them enough to suck it up and save until you can buy the real thing.
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Shouldn't have "Da God" in your name...
Now your telling him what his name should be? While I despise counterfeit products and would never purchase or condone them, he call call himself what ever he pleases. If your offended for religious reasons then you should stop being so egotistical that your beliefs are more valid then anyone else's, and your god is the one and only god. I think Kanye has committed more blasphemous acts, including a song called "I am a god" and calling himself Yeezus. If your implying this joker is just a moron, then carry on.
Has everything to do with integrity. You're admitting you're the type of person to wear something trying to pass it off as real when you know it's fake (that's the weird part to me, even if you fool others, you can't fool yourself. Deep down you know it's fake. If you can ride with that then that's you, but I can't, I'd feel fake for doing it, even if nobody knew but me). That's a fake person trait IMO. It's more along the "artistic values" side of the word, I'd say...

Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
Date: 14th century
1 : firm to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility

Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.

It's in line with my consistent values and principles that I would not buy or wear fake shoes and clothes. You guys are saying that is not in line with your own values and principles. Simple as that. If you have integrity you'd either put your foot down cuz you don't agree with the resell value and not buy them and spend the money on something else, or you love them enough to suck it up and save until you can buy the real thing.
I do agree with this 100%, integrity is about your word, but its also a mechanical term, if an object, such as a wagon wheel, is lacking structural integrity, such as missing spokes, it is not going to react the same as the object with full integrity. If the shoes are not being product by Nike, using Nike authorized materials, technology, and factories, the shoes are lacking integrity. So even not using the term in the common moral sense, it still is an issue of integrity. 
Fine. So you're another that will settle for fakes...

The difference between you and and others is, some of us have integrity and would rather just not have a shoe (or one in it's likeness) than settle for a fake (cuz when you settle for a fake you still don't have the actual shoe)... I don't care how high the resell is. No excuse to buy fakes IMO.

Shouldn't have "Da God" in your name...
Rethink your life. Questioning peoples integrity and character based on a shoe? 

My dude hits the nail right on the head with this video.

Rethink your life. Questioning peoples integrity and character based on a shoe? 

My dude hits the nail right on the head with this video.
I have to admit that I personally don't agree with you often, but I certainly agree with the first comment you made above. Judging a persons integrity based on their attire is as elitist/ thick headed as a person can get.
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thing is people dropping close to 300$ if not more on fake yeezys man...thats more than what the real ones retailed for, how you gonna judge someone dropping 1k for the real deal and you drop more than retail value for a replica, at that point is not about the love for the game, but more, "crap i aint dropping that bread, but ill drop these 300$ on a look alike and stunt" just make a stashbox and little by little save and wait to catch a deal on a real pair..
I'm not judging a person's total character and personality over their attire, they may actually be a great person. It's about their "artistic values" I guess. What you wear is a reflection of your style and taste. If you're so thirsty to look a certain way you'd settle for fake stuff cuz you can't afford the real thing, then that is fake. Just be real with yourself and be cool with the fact you can't afford it. Don't belittle yourself to fakes. Even if you say you'd admit it if someone asked you or gave you props, you're still wearing the fake version to fool people into thinking it's real, just the people who won't ask you. I don't care what you say, if not you wouldn't buy a replica of it.

If I didn't have the money to buy the real thing, I'd rather have some authentic sketchers on my feet than fake yeezys for the same price. That's just my artistic values and integrity.

Some herbs on this thread or a herb cosigning fakes on a YouTube video isn't gonna change my mind.
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thing is people dropping close to 300$ if not more on fake yeezys man...thats more than what the real ones retailed for, how you gonna judge someone dropping 1k for the real deal and you drop more than retail value for a replica, at that point is not about the love for the game, but more, "crap i aint dropping that bread, but ill drop these 300$ on a look alike and stunt" just make a stashbox and little by little save and wait to catch a deal on a real pair..

Exactly my dude.

You can't claim you love the sneaker if you buy, wear, and settle for fakes. 9.9 times out of 10 those people are just trying to "stunt"... I'm certainly not trying to stunt, hardly anyone around here knows when I'm wearing "heat", and now anyone willing to spend $300 can buy a replica that normal people couldn't tell apart from my authentics anyways. It's about my personal love for the sneakers and my artistic integrity. Not what other people think.
If you claim to have artistic integrity and you're buying and wearing fakes and claim you don't care what people think, that's hilarious. If you didn't you wouldn't buy a look a like of an expensive sneaker, you would buy something real and uphold that artistic integrity. If you say it's not to impress others but for yourself, that's also hilarious, cuz you know it's fake. Lol. Chances are you do care what others think, you are trying to stunt with a cool looking, expensive sneaker, but you're willing to overlook those of us who know they're fake, cuz the other 19 out of 20 people you are fooling made up for it and made you feel good. Lol.

I really can't believe we're even having this conversation on NT these days. It's sad. :smh:
That video is Turrible. Dude is a clown. Couldn't get past the first two minutes.

Exaclty... Clowns cosigning clowns cosigning fakes... Dude prolly reminds him of himself... Lol. Didn't even watch it cuz of his beyond corny cliche sneaker shirt and trying to look cool putting Jordan's up on his couch behind him. :lol:
If you claim to have artistic integrity and you're buying and wearing fakes and claim you don't care what people think, that's hilarious. If you didn't you wouldn't buy a look a like of an expensive sneaker, you would buy something real and uphold that artistic integrity. If you say it's not to impress others but for yourself, that's also hilarious, cuz you know it's fake. Lol. Chances are you do care what others think, you are trying to stunt with a cool looking, expensive sneaker, but you're willing to overlook those of us who know they're fake, cuz the other 19 out of 20 people you are fooling made up for it and made you feel good. Lol.

I really can't believe we're even having this conversation on NT these days. It's sad. :smh:


for example, I have a downstairs living room, guest room, and storage room that the wifey allowed me to make my 'dojo' (in a dirk diggler voice), rays boom boom room, my man cave, etc...

anyway, I have autographed music, sports, and comic memorabilia displayed all over the place. signed jerseys, game worn stuff, shoes, artwork, concert tickets, first issue comics, etc. I could EASILY put up a pic of a fake autograph in the display (for the stunt factor) but why ruin the integrity of the entire set up with one fugazzi item? why ruin the entire collection of stuff I have collected since I was a little kid to have a signed item that is "cool" or "the hot item" (example: yeezy 2s)?

cliffs: when you knowingly buy fools gold you are only fooling yourself

for example, I have a downstairs living room, guest room, and storage room that the wifey allowed me to make my 'dojo' (in a dirk diggler voice), rays boom boom room, my man cave, etc...

anyway, I have autographed music, sports, and comic memorabilia displayed all over the place. signed jerseys, game worn stuff, shoes, artwork, concert tickets, first issue comics, etc. I could EASILY put up a pic of a fake autograph in the display (for the stunt factor) but why ruin the integrity of the entire set up with one fugazzi item? why ruin the entire collection of stuff I have collected since I was a little kid to have a signed item that is "cool" or "the hot item" (example: yeezy 2s)?

cliffs: when you knowingly buy fools gold you are only fooling yourself
Unless you legitimately want a pyrite specimen for your rock collection.
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