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what was your asking price?

i was gonna let them go for 1500$ but

btw the way i see if you really love the shoe, fakes wont cut it, ive seen plenty of fakes and i can pretty much tell they are fake, i think once youve actually owned the real pair you can sort of spot a fake even a good one, so im sorry if you love the kicks you wont go for fakes just not the same...
btw speaking of quality, i say this with confidence, the quality of the 2's >>>>> 1's ive worn these a good amount and theyve held up sooooo well!

i posted the info and then realized i shouldn't, i was told in confidence, and we never discussed whether that should be public knowledge or not...

and yeah, what steezy said... if you really love the shoes, not just want them, just mad thirsty off the hype, you won't settle for fakes... just not the same... simple as that really.

after years of your authentic's staying nice, and fakes falling apart in months, if not weeks, you'll appreciate and be glad about the money spent on the real thing.

cannot cosign the 2's being better quality than the 1's tho... 2's are dope, better than most of nike's efforts, but that's just simply NOT the case... :lol:
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great, so because some bozo gets good fakes made, a bunch of thirsty people cop, and b4 ya know it this whole thread gets flooded with fake talk...
so no, you're wrong, this is NOT the place to discuss fakes like that.
im not saying come in here and show off your fakes or ask where to buy but to exclude all talk is idiotic. how the hell would people know about top grade fakes if we dont discuss it here.

Not trying to kill your vibes, but if someone hasn't got chances on getting a pair of platinums or solars, there are less chances of getting red ones. Why? Because if you have been lucky / have a connect you already know how to move on a chance for them. Just my opinion tho.
good point but myself included can only hope to win a pair or a chance at retail. i had a chance to cop platinums in my size for $1100 which is a deal now but couldnt justify the price then. and i would still put nets
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Wow. Just wait until someone asks if they are real...cant imagine that sinking feeling. You will regret it. You would be what 200-300 closer to the real thingd...smh:smh:
Im sure your that guy walking around hoping to see guys in yeezys to ask them that question

Nope. I just imagine a friend asking and that feel.

Thanks for trying to bring me down. Hopefully I'll report back tomorrow with my REAL solars. I've spent a long time saving.

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I don't mind if someone rocks fakes but if they do I don't understand why they try to pass it as authentic. If people feel embarrassed walking around with fakes on their feet then maybe they shouldn't buy them
Why does anyone in this thread or the entire forum for that matter care what others wear? Don't you all get tired of reading the same stuff over and over? It has nothing to do with you. I personally could care less if someone wears shoes that are authentic or fake. If they choose to wear real Christian Louboutin's that would make Liberace swoon or a 1 dollar pair of flip flops. WHO CARES...

If I would ever be in the presence of someone who called out another guys shoes as fake, I would politely tell that idiot to go get laid and get a life. However, these new fakes or any convincing replica worth mentioning of any shoe (not only yeezys) should be compared, discussed, etc so we as a group who share a common interest can gain knowledge and not potentially get scammed.
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Should good fakes be discussed for comparison purposes in here, to help people avoid fakes? Yes, probably (but you got people in here buying and rocking fakes proudly, cosigning them)...

The reason people care in here is cuz NT, this forum and community, has always been about love enough for sneakers to NOT buy nor condone fakes...

If you don't get that concept, then you prolly don't belong on NT, period.
Should good fakes be discussed for comparison purposes in here, to help people avoid fakes? Yes, probably (but you got people in here buying and rocking fakes proudly, cosigning them)...

The reason people care in here is cuz NT, this forum and community, has always been about love enough for sneakers to NOT buy nor condone fakes...

If you don't get that concept, then you prolly don't belong on NT, period.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Btw, when I've been in the presence of a stranger wearing fakes, I've never said anything. I don't care that much. Not that I'm scared, I'm a big guy, I def ain't scared, but I don't care what the next man does that much...

But on a forum that's supposed to be dedicated to discussion of authentic shoes, and we got fake people in here buying, rocking, and cosigning fakes... Yeah, expect a backlash...

Take that bull somewhere else y'all...
okay i understand that there are only like 5 people in this thread with yeezys the rest are broke fuc boi's who think fakes are cool or waiting on info for red octobers so they can sell them but whatever HOW DO I CLEAN GLITD BOTTOMS AND GET THE CREASING OUT I KNOW THERES A WAY TO DO IT PASS THE INFO ON PLEASE ONLY PEOPLE WITH REAL YEEZYS REPLY

some ppl just sound childish tryin to put down other ppl, because they dont have an authentic pair.... we get it , u were able to get an authentic pair

and ppl plz stop talkin bout sure there is a replica forum somewhere plz go share ur thoughts and ideas there...
okay i understand that there are only like 5 people in this thread with yeezys the rest are broke fuc boi's who think fakes are cool or waiting on info for red octobers so they can sell them but whatever HOW DO I CLEAN GLITD BOTTOMS AND GET THE CREASING OUT I KNOW THERES A WAY TO DO IT PASS THE INFO ON PLEASE ONLY PEOPLE WITH REAL YEEZYS REPLY

maybe the real reason i dont own a pair is because of idiots and how they represent what this shoe stands for
dosen't any one here clean their yeezys or do you just put them in a glass case while you touch your self to yeezus how do you clean the soles guys come on
maybe the real reason i dont own a pair is because of idiots and how they represent what this shoe stands for
says the guy with photoshopped jordans nike anit hiring you to make color ways for a reason now sell your chicago 10s so you can pay your internet bill and keep looking at pictures of air mags
Should good fakes be discussed for comparison purposes in here, to help people avoid fakes? Yes, probably (but you got people in here buying and rocking fakes proudly, cosigning them)...

The reason people care in here is cuz NT, this forum and community, has always been about love enough for sneakers to NOT buy nor condone fakes...

If you don't get that concept, then you prolly don't belong on NT, period.
Sure, I get that and can respect it. It just so happens that this particular nike shoe is so over hyped that it led to a plethora of various replicas. All I mean is we should do away with comments of buying, condoning, etc which leads to the "backlash" and just keep the discussion strictly at comparing the best replicas out there to educate/protect the members on here. I'm actually surprised that a pair of these yeezybay reps has not been publicly put forth on NT of all places for this purpose.
Shoot I saw 50 notifications from like the past hour for this thread and I thought they announced the winners or something... carry on
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says the guy with photoshopped jordans nike anit hiring you to make color ways for a reason now sell your chicago 10s so you can pay your internet bill and keep looking at pictures of air mags
i have no idea what your talking about im prety sure even i would have to apply to even be considered for ajob most places and i dont own chicago 10s so what are you talking about you've been a memeber for 50 minutes literally and i can tell you wont be here long
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