OFFICIAL: Nike Flight One Holiday 2012 (New Holiday 2012 colors on the way)

Originally Posted by three6mafia

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

LOL @ these even having hype, kids are going crazy and don't even know who Penny is and why they are buying the shoes


got through, to have the lady tell me they were sold out. my heart was crushed

Wait, I thought these were Jordans. Penny?
Originally Posted by kvizzlefoshizzle

how did it take a minute to sell out of both colors. it takes longer than a minute to check out.
People must got a faster way, loading the site without the graphics/flash or something
Originally Posted by rowdyonez

Originally Posted by kvizzlefoshizzle

how did it take a minute to sell out of both colors. it takes longer than a minute to check out.
People must got a faster way, loading the site without the graphics/flash or something

I was slow and was checked out via PayPal by 12:00:45 so it's more than doable under a minute.
god this %$+*$#% sucks, I really wanted these.

and yes I'm gonna cry about it, these are sexy shoes that I will not be touching. I will not pay reseller prices. Man, I'm really salty of everyone who bought these tonight.

Hypebeasts, %@%% off, %@%% you.

If I see any pairs of these in the B/S forum for anything more than $50 over retail, I will lowball the @*%$ out of the seller repeatedly
Originally Posted by jeff3424

Originally Posted by matothett

Originally Posted by Lou39

Should have small talked the !++% out of that rep until it hit 12
he knew what was up.  i talked to hime a minute but he was quick to get off the phone.
same happened to me, she asked if I was calling for "the launch" at midnight, and I was honest, said "yeah, BUT I'm also ordering some other stuff, so by the time I'm through with that it'll be after midnight and I'll add the flight ones" then she hung up on me. No respect for a gold member I guess lol
This has happened to me for the last 3 major releases, sucks too. Then you have to call back just to get a busy tone. smdh
Originally Posted by cashm0neyand1

Originally Posted by TheprinceofDE

Got through after 40 min on hold sold out.

Hey Eastbay rep if you see this in the morning your company sucks

Might as well throw away the gift card I have because it apparently will never get used

Thanks a bunch
Eastbay does suck. I will not renew that stupid Gold/Platinum membership. Its a waste of money. No benefit. You cant get limited shoes off them anyway

I used to cop midnight releases off Eastbay online all the time, but the past few months they've pretty much been phone only (even though the shoes will hit the site, everything will say out of stock even right at midnight). It's a shame
Still can't believe I'm receiving a pair from eastbay. First time in a while I'm successful.
Originally Posted by Fully Calibrated

Why are you guys acting like these were an online exclusive release only. Last time I heard they were scheduled to release at Nike Sportswear stores and HOHs...?

I don't live near either of them and if I did drive 2 hours to hoh, I'm sure those clowns in the tents will just buy all of these up anyway after they hear how fast they sold online.
I dont even know why im mad its obvious these are way too limited and you gotta be lucky enough to hit place order first.
Why did they make the Orlandos limited? It baffles me when they had no good business reason to. That's a colorway that in no way should have been limited.
I just wanted the Orlandos because that's what I got when they first came out. My nostalgic dreams has been crushed. Better have them at Footlocker tomorrow!
yo my paypal link on nike didn't even show up until step 2. its usually right there on the right side box....
Wow. To think a few years ago Penny 2's sat for months on end.

I just wanted the Orlando colorway. No spots near me getting them. After having to get a different size in red Foams (returned them so someone could get them for retail), no Cement 4's, and striking out on these, I'm pretty much fed up with shoes now.
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