Devin Ebanks modeling the Purple Fades on the bench...

Probably the same pair he's been wearing for the past few weeks

Will he ever get to wear them on the court?...
Regret not trying for bhms. Def grew on me... Won't pay resell price for a pair tho.
yea i'm done trying to argue it anymore. Instead if someone says Kobe N7s i'm gonna think of them like the same as people who say (bred or )black and white space jams....:smh:

What's the beef with bred? It's playoff technically right? But I always see bred...
Beef and bread... *goes to kitchen and makes sandwich*
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So yall mean to tell me that (those of you who actually ball in your basketball shoes) you wouldn't even get these to ball in? Just saying, since some of you said that you don't match when you play ball. These would be the epitome of not matching.

yea i'm done trying to argue it anymore. Instead if someone says Kobe N7s i'm gonna think of them like the same as people who say (bred or )black and white space jams....:smh:

What's the beef with bred? It's playoff technically right? But I always see bred...
what i meant was they call bred/playoff 11s black/red spacejam and concord 11s black/white spacejam. sorry for the confusion.... lol
So yall mean to tell me that (those of you who actually ball in your basketball shoes) you wouldn't even get these to ball in? Just saying, since some of you said that you don't match when you play ball. These would be the epitome of not matching.
in this pic they dnt look half bad but i still think the original with yellow sole was 10x better
So yall mean to tell me that (those of you who actually ball in your basketball shoes) you wouldn't even get these to ball in? Just saying, since some of you said that you don't match when you play ball. These would be the epitome of not matching.


I would ball in these until they're beat dead because they're so ugly
I don't mind all the unofficial nicknames as long as the majority know what's being referred to. Does anyone call the volts culturals?
I would ball in these until they're beat dead because they're so ugly

LOL. I've seen people ballin in jacked up ***** shoes that aren't even for ball. I'd rather play in some ugly high performance shoes than some good looking average shoes.
I'm planning on wearing my 8's to Coachella this year, have any of you had experience cleaning them? Are they easy to clean with Jason Maark?
NIke is really pulling for Utah to start losing at this point they have to be. It seems has if this super hero elite pack is a cover up for the Lakers not making the playoffs. Because last years theme was the elite shoes were built for the playoffs. This year I have seen nothing about elite shoes and playoffs in the same sentence at all. It may serve NIke and Kobe well for him to wear the shoes at least once, being that Durant and LeBron are locks for the playoffs and the Lakers are on the outside looking in. But being the person that Kobe is, if he wears the elites for that reason that is like him giving up and that is not him.
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