only the $250 kobe popped up for me. struck out on the $180 model since it didn't show up. oh well.
dont understand how u guys do it. click it right away for both eastbay and nike still nothing
dudes better jump on that sports pack.. at least get the sensors for the 250+ theyll be paying to resellers.
did the people who struck out on nike get a message saying no longer in cart blah blah. what does that mean?
Struck out on both kds and Kobes pissed but could get the sports pack on Ndc. I'm pass and wait for resellers because I possibly have a kd on lock.
only the $250 kobe popped up for me. struck out on the $180 model since it didn't show up. oh well.
The $180 was TLO while the $250 you could find them once they tweeted the link for the All Star line clothing/gear.

Also, I'm guessing from the pics from NDC link that we're getting a full Shozuku 
the link for the Kobe's never worked for me, said product was unavailable.

had to search Kobe 8 afterwards and didn't realize they made a $250 " + " version for them as well....had to settle :rolleyes
I cliked add to cart right after the 1 second mark... and still i didn;t get one Kobe 8 ASG ... how do you guys do it T_T
grab the sports pack FCK. I have 1 KD on lock and 1 maybe if i get both KD using the other KD to trade for kobe then ill return the sport pack
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