Bhm are my fav 8 by far
Probably because they're one of the more expensive pairs of 8s as far as resell/market value >D

:lol: ok. I've been digging bhm since day one.

My girl came home from taking finals and had on her area72s. Look better in gs sizes
Yea they are. He sent me more pics and it has the Kobe VIII on the box. Thought i was getting a good deal too |I
I doubt it'll happen, but I really hope the black EXT's restock Saturday. Didn't like them at first and now I really want a pair lol.
VB will be a general release, we have got 18 pairs of them.

They look pretty awesome in person, but being done with shoes...will have to pass.

im still faded X_X (decided to slap a filter on em... if yoh havent seen them yet u needa step your game up son!! lol)

Like the pics guy..

But..To all the folks who keep saying they want a laker CW, why does the fades and the sulphurs not do it for u?

And if color is the main reason, BAM!! U got the Easters, purple, gold/yellow w/e..Teal in front but so what, u got your purple and your gold/yellow..

I just dont see why dudes keep fiendin' for a laker cw when they've already been smacked by a couple.

Been meaning to ask that btw, no hate involved..

These are so beautiful in person! Upset at the pair I received from NDC though. The purple lining above the black midsole on the top pair is so uneven and it bothers me so I'll be returning these. Hopefully they are still available around Socal.

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These are so beautiful in person! Upset at the pair I received from NDC though. The purple lining above the black midsole on the top pair is so uneven and it bothers me so I'll be returning these. Hopefully they are still available around Socal.
That's how my Penny V Cloaks were, the lining on the toe was double the size on one compared to the other.
Ummm cause we're Lakers fan?
Btw this isn't twitter.
Why hash tag? :smh:

Sir, thank u for your reply.

Your opinion is as important as anyone elses in this thread.

BUT..Pump ya brakes bruh..

I wasnt asking to be a jackasz, so Id appreciate if u didnt hit me with a jackasz kind of reply..Thanks man, youre the best.

2ndly, since when has it been a problem to hashtag sumthin my guy?

U in a testy mood? Plz direct it somewhere else if so..Thanks man, youre the best..

Keeping it moving tho, since aim already basically done with the 8, Im just patiently waiting on the 9..Hoping for a mid. I know most likely not tho..

Kobeoverbron, this is where u come in with photos :tongue:
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These are so beautiful in person! Upset at the pair I received from NDC though. The purple lining above the black midsole on the top pair is so uneven and it bothers me so I'll be returning these. Hopefully they are still available around Socal.

socal is kobe town XD GL though :smile:
Sorry ill if you were offended. I just don't get why people use hash tags outside of twitter/IG/etc. didn't mean to push any buttons. I partially blame Charlie Sheen for it.
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