Official Nike Kyrie IV Thread

Can’t stand this dude T Mark. Who is he? Seriously.

Pass the salt.
Tmark is a good friend of Kyries family so onviously hes gonna get that pair lol, as for tge rest of us who aint got it like that if you are a real FAN you get any pair you can whether is a gr or semi limited I see soooo many “new” Kyrie fans that only pick up the limited stuff and that equals hypebeast to the fullest. The way I see it live inside your means if you want grs get grs dont over spend for something just to flex lol but I guess thats what ig is a pissing contest lol
People weren’t into the Kyrie line HEAVY the latter end of the 2 and 3. I picked up my dreams 1s for like $60
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